Urinating while standing becomes illegal...
Urinating while standing becomes illegal...
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>linking directly and not using archive
Oh shit its real
>feeling defiant one day
>public bathroom
>go inside a stall, no urinoars since the great patriarchal cleansing of 2013
>drop pants take out dick
>let out a glorious stream of piss from a standing position
>cops immediately bust into the bathroom and arrest me
>there was a hidden camera watching me
Jesus fucking Christ, Sweden, go buy some guns from Poland and start a fucking revolution already!
This is no way to live.
"""""""sweden"""""""" has no place on this Earth
the old greentexts are coming alive in Sweden...
Lads, we shouldve probably never taken the privilege checking that far. What's next interracial breeding grounds?
Is this a ruse? how the fuck is this going to be enforced?
Manlet here, I can't take any chances. I'm so close to finally learning.
>What's next interracial breeding grounds?
No, that already came before. Aren't you getting kept posted, burger?
Also archive because OP is a fag.
>Left wing party
fucking goons all of them
Do people not understand how laws are made? A fringe party can't just propose something and it magically becomes true
Fucking real.
Sweden is a terroris state and should b e destroyed.
And also as this user said, 2012 is even in the URL for fucks sake, are burgers functionally illiterate?
You don't have to grasp for straws to find Sweden yes memes, we are fucked enough as it is
>And also as this user said, 2012 is even in the URL for fucks sake
...so this law is already in place now?
How do you even enforce this? By having a police officer grab Sven's cock or something?
For what purpose?
Are they worried about getting piss on the seat? If so, they should make women "hovering" illegal, that shit is what /really/ gets piss all over the seat.
Swedish electricity supplier refuses to work in Malmo as it has gotten too enriched.
>Google English:
Below is a message from the Colleges of electricity to our customers
Due to the prevailing security risk staying in Malmo with violence and shootings will Colleges EL to complete ongoing jobs. After that we do not take us more jobs there unless there is a drastic change. Hope you understand it. We must think about our employees' safety. To those who live and work in Malmö, we can only wish you that there will certainly be staying there again.
Andreas Svensson
Colleges EL
nice thread
But just fact that a party wanted to make this a political issue is hilarious
How would they enforce this, remove urinals and remove the doors and walls in the toilet stalls?
>remove urinals and remove the doors and walls in the toilet stalls
Combine this with gender neutral toilets and we got a winner
Meme magic in aktion
>be me, Sven
>drank a lot of akvavit last night because Jamal's cock always leaves bad aftertaste
>i also hate myself and want to die
>leave my cuckshed, walk to wörk in National Bureau of Cultural Enrichment and Diversity
>hope my boss is in a good mood today
>"S-Salahum Aleikum, Mohammed al-Mohammedson. How may i serve the Glorious Caliphate today?"
>"We got a lot of reports about illegal oppinions and islamophobia lately. Check them and 'deport' the offenders, if necessary. Nomsayin? Inshallah."
>"Besides, you are a disgrace."
>go to mobile cuckshed near the trashcans outside the Bureau and get to work
>oh shit, gotta piss
>can't relieve myself near the trashcans because i don't want to stink up my workplace (even more)
>enter Bureau
>about to enter unisex toilette
>pigmentally enhanced transrace transgender with a pink mohawk stops me harshly
>"Ayo, whiteboi, hol up. Cis scum like you needs to use the white cis scum toilette in the basement, remember?"
>i member
>go to dirty basement
>enter white cis scum toilet
>while i relieve myself and rats scutter over my feet, i think to myself
>oh shit. i didn't sit down to piss
>piss police beats me down and leaves me in my own blood and piss to die
>serves me right for being politically incorrect
>another glorious day in the caliphate
What's wrong with this?
Peeing while standing up is disgusting.
Lmao it's fucking real
Tfw you'll never be this cucked
Spoken like a true swede.
Men were made to pee in a standing position, you idiot.
Do you stand up when you drive your car also?
The toilet seat is there for a reason.
How would they even know?
What if I'm FTM tranny and use a funnel to simulate a dick and feel like a man?
in case you're not trolling, what about "no cooking unless you are standing up" law? Arbitrary laws on minor issues that do no good should be avoided by governments.
top tier swedeposting
a kraut actually had to go to court to be told peeing standing up is "not unusual", idk how they "caught" him in the first place but the same could happen to you except you'll go to jail
I ain't gay or anything, but a free handy is a free handy.
Muhammed always pissed sitting down.
No joke. This is literally the reason this is a thing.
That makes sense.
This is old as fuck.
Still it is completely ridiculous that a political party tried to legalize this, let alone proposed it.
>‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: “Whoever tells you that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to urinate standing up, do not believe him. He only ever used to urinate sitting down.”
>guns from Poland
We just need to start mocking feminists for pretending to be pro women. Right to their face.
ayy lmao
aaaaaaaayy lmao
ayy lmao
>mfw Sweden can't get any more stupid.
>next newspaper atricle shows up
They fucking never disappiont these Swedes.
There really is no limit to how much the left wants to micromanage human behavior.
FOR FUCK SAKE!!!! Send all these swedish cunts to egypt for sexual reeducation.
Good thing muslims have their police no-go zones.
I was about to start to worry for them a bit.
Meanwhile the migrants can do whatever they want and the police won't say or do anything to them, how did Europe ended up like this?
At this point, is there anything more cuck than a fuckin swede? So much submission almost turns me on.
>for men
so women would be allowed to urinate while standing?
Just when you think Sweden can't get any more Cucked...
Here's your mass Atheism at work, cuckboys
Standing up is a white supremacist symbol
>Enforcing a foreign religious custom in a nation not traditionally of that foreign religion through legislation.
>B-b-but we're not replacing the native population with Muslims!
Sven, seriously, when the fuck are you people just going to take a page from the Muslims and start going on stabbing sprees, since you cannot have guns? Jesus Christ, this is just a shit test from your government at this point to see if you're actually going to accept it.
ayy lmao
>June 2012
What are you even doing, Karl?
In how many languages is calling someone a sitting pisser an insult?
I know German can't be the only one.
Bought a warmer for my toilet ring and now I enjoy peeing sitting down.
>Peeing while standing up is disgusting.
>What's wrong with this?
>Justifying a law that would dictate how people piss
Do you need a law telling you what is sufficient levels of prepping for your wife's bull?
Pic related
All right I know my country is cucked but that is just used as an excuse by you to take any bullshit story for granted without fact checking properly
>a few years old
>proposal in a single literally who-tier county by the radical left-wing Vänsterpartiet (only 7% support)
>proposal only meant pissing while standing up in the toilets of the town hall only
>proposal was laughed off and voted down almost unanimously
>some Sup Forumsack digs up the story on it and blows it astronomically out of proportion
Jesus Christ how are we ever supposed to beat the left when we're apparently still on the same mental stage? You just take any story as true just as long as you slap the Sweden label on it don't you? Just like the story of how we suppoesdly banned Christmas decorations. Get a fucking hold of yourselves
Why only for men?
>interracial breeding grounds
We have those already, they are masked as religious youth camps, it's swedish underaged girls that get sent to summer camps to fuck adult migrants as "integration programs".
Not sure that's their intended purpose but it's nevertheless their sad outcome
please tell me this is from sweden's equivalent of the onion
Ayy Lmao
Did you write this essay sitting down?
No, since my rear end was savagely enriched by a melanin-rich individual of Nubian ancestry fleeing violence and persection in Xir's home country
i refuse to believe in what i'm seeing
At lmao!
Lol. Not bad Hanz, almost like you know about these things.
ayy lmao
Thank you pol. I think my life have been saved. Kek.
Correct translation is: "It feels just like Iraq or any other arab country. I really enjoy living in Malmö."
Just a tip for you to spot the wrong in the picture