It's over. Molymeme has finally named The Jew.
>It is necessary that I must die for my people, but my spirit shall rise from the grave and the world will know that I was right.
It's over. Molymeme has finally named The Jew.
>It is necessary that I must die for my people, but my spirit shall rise from the grave and the world will know that I was right.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Caring about what some cult leader has to say
>Not knowing (((Molyneux))) said on podcast he really felt like murdering his mother by smashing her brains in with a baseball bat
>It is necessary that I must die for my people, but my spirit shall rise from the grave and the world will know that I was right.
That's not a real quote btw.
It was real in my mind.
The fire rises, mon frère.
Moly is getting there..
He acknowledges the JQ
He is a race realist.
He's even beginning to acknowledge that this struggle we are involved in isn't going to be won with arguments.
Give him another 2 years and he's be openly advocating for white ethnostates and the physical removal of undesirables.
Holy shit
Steven Manure is the best.
He fully knows now. He cannot go beyond much then the point hes already at. Youtube and the media might get involved to Correct the Record
Im brown. Should I just leave now or is there anything I can do to help here? I don't really know where I would go DESU. I don't know where I belong. I've never had any roots as I've lived in many different countries during my lifetime. The only true allegiance I can feel to a country is America and defending its ideals.
Why do we make shit lords who do little else but rehash the same opinions and ideas ad nauseam famous?
What makes this guys opinion more worthwhile than the hobo on the corner?
Just another fucking echo chamber fags can tune into and pat themselves on the back when they get their much needed vindication.
Hitler's War, millenium edition, pg. 823. Irving's sources are Allied interogations of the foriegn minister, Ribbontrop. From the book:
"[...] For the first time Hitler now admitted to Ribbontrop that the war was lost. He dictated to Ribbontrop four secret negotiation points to put to the British if he got the chance. If the Continent was to survive in a world dominated by Boshevism, then somehow London and Berlin must bury the hatchet.
He instructed Ribbontrop to write secretly to Churchill in this sense. 'You will see,' Hitler predicted. 'My spirit will rise from the grave. One day people will see that I was right.'"
What does Sup Forums think about based Bill Whittle?
Is he redpilled?
>named The Jew
Jews naming Jews. What is this world coming to?
You can stay if you have a triple digit iq and havent comitted a serious crime
Be a last samurai.
When it comes down to it the real issue is culture not race. Unfortunately tribalism is a strong force in humanity and cultures tend to form along racial lines. If you keep your minority populations very low and spread out they pretty much have no choice but to assimilate so it's all good
Fuck white people.
Sup Forums: GASP!!
>When it comes down to it the real issue is culture not race.
Top cuck.
He is just another basic bitch conservative but he isn't nearly as cucked as his fellows
You disagree? Granted there are also average genetic differences in intelligence and other cognitive abilities but again the big issue here is how people interact with each other in a society
A boring regular conservative who is on the side of the neocons. He has some decent parts, he's better than most, but he's definitely cucked.
>Ever talking about the JQ
Only (ethnic) Jew that is decent, he's a staunch Orthodox Christian.
Naming the Jew doesn't make you a Nazi
Bill Whittle is a very nice man. He reminds me of pic related.
If you value yourself less than a white solely based on your skin colour you then should probably "get rid" of some globalist politicians.
>Only (ethnic) Jew that is decent
>David Cole interview with Lana Lokteff on Red Ice (2016)
>David Cole: The Truth Behind The Gates Of Auschwitz (1992)
A kike calling out the jews is just as trust worthy as a nazi pointing out the atrocities commited by nazis during WW2.
you mean people who recognize the immoral actions of others without succumbing to tribalistic instincs
He can sometimes be kinda cringe
>inb4 not an argument
Culture is a creation of race you civic national redditfag. I doubt you're white, you just want to justify your shitskin existence in a white country and can't admit you're a fucking parasite.
that was my favorite part though.
Netflix delet this!
>if you want to know who's really in charge you have to look at who you're not allowed to criticise
what did he mean by this?
Whittle is a good guy and he was the first to explain cultural marxism to me, so I have a natural affinity for him.
That said, he's pretty far into the neocon rabbit hole and there's no way to extract someone from it that late in life.
really stimulates my prefrontal cortex...
Fuck muslims.
Islam: Blow up the twin towers.
>Trying to shame someone for being honest
>Trying to do it on /pol
Stefan Molyneux: the man who fought the Jew.
Oy vey
He's the "Not an argument" guy. You have to go back to plebbit, newfag.