My old roommate was a super ultra giga Chad...

My old roommate was a super ultra giga Chad. He is a good dude and we are friends but watching how women interacted with him redpilled the fuck out of me about the entire gender.

>I have to jump through half a dozen fiery hoops and pray the planets are aligned favorably just to get a 6/10 to acknowledge my existence
>must put forth 100% of the effort to have any chance of a successful date or letting laid
>even if I pass every goddamn skill check she puts up, she still keeps looking for a better man and will drop me the instant she can do better
>but my old Chad roommate didn't have to do anything at all to have 9/10s fighting for him
>he rejected women 10x hotter than I would ever have a chance with because he would rather spend the night drinking or playing video games
>this only made them want him more

Watching this process play out a few dozen times was enough to make me despise half the humans on Earth.

I knew another chad in college, just watching him gave me an insight into another life that I wish I never knew
>blonde with blue eyes
>played tight end for the football team

when he walked by girls would literally stop talking to each other to just stare at him with their mouths open, he wouldn't even notice. This happened literally everywhere he went without fail. Whenever I saw him walking anywhere girls would literally just stand and watch him.

He always had this look on his face like he just finished fucking a girl.

girls laughed at absolutely EVERYTHING he said, he didn't even have to make a joke and they'd laugh.

He had a 8/10 gf and regularly cheated on her with other girls, she knew about it and let it happen because she was afraid she'd never get anyone better than him

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Stop spying on me you beta male and posting about it

I'm struggling to see the point here user?

If it is that women are vapid, then I'm sorry it took this for you to realise it.

This is how ugly girls feel about hot girls.

sucks dunnit. Don't despair though there's always chubby girls with low confidence and high blood alcohol content

I get all the hot nerdy girls cause im buff sociopath who studies population genetics


nah man this is obvious to everyone

This post makes me sick, it's like reading unconscious submission

And did you learn anything from either of these Chads, other than how disappointing the average woman is?

Maybe you should hit the gym and get some productive hobbies that aren't anime or vidya instead of waiting for a 10/10 bimbo with no personality to fall into your lap.

yeah....why don't you grow to 6'7" and quit whining ya baby....your fate is totally in your hands


that's freakishly tall. I wouldn't want to be over 6 feet tall, myself.

Women have no concept of measurement and unless you are a literal dwarf just say you are 5'11"

I'm 5'8" and get away with saying it all the time.

They just want to hear 6' as one more thing to cross off their list.

Also a hitler youth haircut and decent stubble doesn't hurt if you've got shitty skin like me.



this is true, their concept of measurement is horrible and if you state your measurements in a matter-of-fact way it's enough for them to gossip to their friends and feel like they're being honest about it.

I'm 5'11 and I tell girls I'm 6'1 and they've never questioned me on it or doubted it.

My dicks like 6.25" and I've told girls it's 7" and they never questioned it.

Whoa it's almost like human beings are drawn to the most genetically appealing others in order to guarantee the highest rate of success for their offspring.

Are you me? My measurements as well.

link to vid?

so just 8 inch lifts, then...

This post is bullshit OP
>"Tight end in football team"
NewFags need to fuck off to Sup Forums

>girls will never gasp after me

Turn Christian, go to Church socials. Have solid choice of non-degenerate women. Will have to marry her, but then have life-long access to minge.

>Only 6'7" people have sex
>Being this self destructive

Yeah, why even save my money, there's someone out there with like a billion dollars. What's the point?

They will if you pull out your dick at them.

>then user woke up

Cultivate a pungent BO