>comes to America
>speaks french
Comes to America
>French Fries
>Made in America
American education everyone
Pretty sure they're called freedom fries, leaf
It's the language of diplomacy.
>enough said
do leaffrogs even like it when he switches to french
He spoke only English to the Queen, like a good cuckboy, learn your place Cuckdeau. LEARN YOUR FUCKING PLACE!
Only the Quebec faggots
wtf I love feminism now
Oh look. A Cucknadian shitposter. So surprising.
Bilingualism was a trick.
French outside of Quebec is fucking bullshit. People only speak it there and maybe a few other shit areas. Yet we have to have bilingual shit every where even out in BC where half the people are Chinamen
Who cares what language that faggot speaks. Nothing he says matters.
Frenchfags please meme French into being the language of the opposition to Donald Trump.
Want to travel the USA but my accent is so thick nobody understand me.
>New Brunswick doesn't exist
As a big Fuck you to that fat red cunt he spoke to
I mentioned it as a few other shit areas
Checked, but NB sucks.
that lasted a week like 15 years ago
Trudeau! Please take the US!
>Trump gets BTFO by Republicans and Democrats
>Trudeau loved by all of Canada
>comes to America
>speaks french
>eventually plays a crucial role in the American Revolutionary War.
Frenchlords buttfucked anglo-german tribes and thus english language was born.
had to look it up and it's true, not even a joke
Get this WHITE SUPREMACIST out of here my country!
i bet you dont even know where theyre from without looking it up
As opposed to Russo-Slavic tribes getting butt fucked by Mongolians?
Yet somehow it didnt affect our language at all. :^)
Lafayette wasn't a fucking leaf tho
Quebecois French is pretty much the WE WUZ of the language
All these salty (you)'s. you make me proud to be a leaf, brother