Is there any rhyme or reason to Trudeau randomly switching to French? Is it required by French law that he speaks French a certain percent of the time? Or is he just trying to impress us with how le sophisticated and urbane he is?
Is there any rhyme or reason to Trudeau randomly switching to French...
Are you mad that the only other language trump knows is retard?
He's French, first of all. Second, Canada has two official (government) languages. He's using both. Why not worry about the content of what he's actually saying?
I have a hard time believing that he's French when the first fucking thing that comes out of his mouth is the worst pronunciation of 'c'est' (probably the most common utterance in the French language) that I have ever heard, which sounds far more like a 'si'.
Trump knows Japanese, stupid leaf. Not wearing his earpiece was not a mistake.
It's some stupid thing because of fucking Quebec. They needed to let Quebec declare independence fuck the frogs
Pretty sure Trudeau IS speaking retard
>my countrymen are actually defending this retard
OH dear fucking god Canadian IP's really do need to be banned.
It's French Canadian, so think the difference from Aussie english and British english.
It's like that.
it is standard practice in prime minister speeches, and when they switch they don't repeat what they said earlier so if you don't know french you will miss out 50% of the speech.
he was trying to throw off trump and be "alpha"
I was raised leaf and spent two years of my childhood in Montreal (anglophone schools are hell on earth there) and c'est doesn't sound like what cuckman was saying in mainland or Quebecois French.
You have only heard pleb french.
QC speaking royal french.
Thats just a Montreal thing to do.
>Why not worry about the content of what he's actually saying?
This is actually the core of my question. The content of what he's saying has no pertinence to Quebec or French Canadian issues. His decision to switch back and forth seems completely arbitrary. So my question is, is he just trying to impress us by seeming cultured and sophisticated? If so, fucking gag me.
His last name is "Trudeau" for fuck's sake lol
It was to show off, as well as show the distinction between him and Trump. Same reason for the infamous 3 way handshake with Obama and Pena. The guy has a massive ego, he's a Trudeau. I kind of like him desu.
So you're one of those idiots that thinks Trump is dumb, and can't rationalize how he keeps beating everyone that challenges him? How's that going?
Hes at least half cuban.
there are 2 official languages, how is that hard to understand? you should worry more about trump learning his first language
>implying english canadians learn french
you're not better at languages than the US faggot.
No you fucking retard. He is appealing to the french speaking population of canada who are an important part of his constituency. French Canadians fought hard to keep their language rights in the face of british domination so they want to see someone abroad who represents them. Just because someone makes you feel intellectually inferior doesn't mean they are trying to impress you lmao.
Media here will report it he doesn't speak French and make it an issue.
It's just like an autistic obsession since thats how things are constantly run in canukistan.
everything done in public has to be done in english and french no exceptions.
and no doubt the french will cause a tantrum if it wasn't done that way.
>French Canadians fought hard to keep their language rights in the face of british domination
this is such a false narrative. Next to no minority group has been allowed so much free reign as the Quebecois
It's changed now but when I was in elementary school, they told us that we'd need to learn French to get into any university, and that you need to know French for any government job, and make all documents in English and French. I dunno if it's like this in America but nearly every single product here has all the writing in English and French.
The Americas don't need 2 languages, let alone 4, you shitweasels.
queb french sounds like geese
- t. frog
>I dunno if it's like this in America but nearly every single product here has all the writing in English and French.
In America it's English and Spanish
If Canadians don't speak French the French people will literally start bombing them.
and in the UK it's English and Arabic
Jesus you don't know much about our history then, eh?
ok I'll bite; lay it to me: how did it really go down?
His French is pathetic, he's not French, he's a Canadian mongrel like all of you, fags.
He's about a quarter Quebecois, he's a fucking Anglo, otherwise. If we assume Pierre was his father.
This guy knows what's up.
>>show how sophisticated zhe is
Kind of like retard Sup Forumsacks unironically using æ??
Could be because we have two official languages, retard.