ITT: Post people from your country who did nothing wrong
ITT: Post people from your country who did nothing wrong
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I was born near where he was born.
He looks kinda fat
Remus Cernea.
Mackenzie "with jews you lose" King
>Under King's administration, the Canadian government, responding to strong public opinion, especially in Quebec, refused to expand immigration opportunities for Jewish refugees from Europe
The mans achievements has been wiped from the history books lest some curious student finds out what a man is. Now we see the results, Castro's son is Prime Minister and all hope has died
Our most educated PM as well.
A doctorate of Philosophy.
Now we've got a Drama Teacher..
Edward "jocks and jews, bad news" Longshanks
Tsar "Is that reek coming from the Greek?" Kaloyan
>not John A Macdonald
It's like you don't want an aryan Canada
going for maximum edginess here
should've posted Hillary tb h
That would be shill levels.
>implying she did anything wrong
>implying that wanting to bomb m*slims is wrong
>Edward in Wales totally eternally BTFO of sheep people
>Edward in Scotland started a centuries long conquest he couldn't win
I'd say he was wrong.
She's a traitor to this country, she deserves to be publicly hanged and her body hung from the Capitol Building as a warning to everyone else
>implying that wanting to bomb m*slims is wrong
I think it's the pick fights with Russia thing that was the problem
Here you go. There was absolutely nothing wrong with hanging the half-breed injun traitor Riel. What was wrong was not exterminating the rest of them. Other than that the guy was a Saint with a heavy alcohol habbit
>wanting to kill russians is somehow bad
Since Mackenzie King & Macdonald have already been posted I'll post someone who ruined this country.
>a fucking LEAF
good post
Hey Norwegians Where's Breivik?
Spotted the Bulgarian Muslim shitskin
if i was a muslim shitskin i would've been all about modern Russia, my newfag redditfriend
Russia died in 1917, everything after that is a disgusting abomination
>Make America Great, the Prequel
fighting banditen 1943 - '45.
The Prequel part 2.
Forgot pic.
my cracka
Tiocfaidh ár lá
Did nothing wrong and was backstabbed by the Tories. He would have saved Europe from the Great War if allowed to continue his excellence. Also made everything he touched superior to what it was. Also against Irish Home Rule the smart chap.
Getúlio Vargas
Brazilian president and "dictator".
took us out of misery
Fuck off. Soros.
God, how I wish I knew how to make shoops like that
>he ate onions when noone else would
t. underage redditor
This isn't a he didn't do anything right thread.
He dindu nuffin
This is the only correct answer
Jackson was based as fuck but the Indian Removal Act was pretty shitty
Pic related was the hero we needed but not the one we deserved
You take that back you fucking whore dog shit motherfucking pinko cuntbungler shitfuck doodyhead
Joe McCarthy
We need to bring back the unAmerican Activities Panel
Which was itself entirely un-American.
I never understood that meme...
...what's would be the point in fight an imagined enemy using the methods you condemn them for? -- the result is you become them yourself and lose the struggle by default.
fun fact, it wasn't an imagined enemy. It was very real and we could've prevented so many things if (((they))) just let him do his fucking job and get the commies taken care of.
This man triggers the commie scum by the mere fact of his existence
Daniel Shays
by forcibly silencing descent?
not descent, legitimate communist infiltration, actually learn about the history instead of just reciting tired leftist memes