Post what represents cuckery at its best!

Other urls found in this thread:

Inb4 porn



Europe, excluding Hungary, Russia and a few other cunts






visibly kek'd


Can someone translate?

Something about giving monkeys bananas?


>join the army, they said
>you will defend our fatherland, they said.




Thank you.

I actually feel a bit sick when I see that picture.

that (((nose)))



not america?

they invented cuckolding.

they even made a multi million dollar hollywood movie with the name "the cuckold"


We have Trump
You have Merkel

Look how much effort it's taking her to hide her disgust
speakers ON

Wew. No hope for Sven.

Trump getting btfo by a ALPHA HANDSHAKE

You're supposed to WASH their feet, not KISS THEM!!!!


>lol b-but germany
no one talked about germany you homeless cockgoblin

This has to be fake right, i-its satire right

This arouses my dangles.


Compare it to the German word for cuckold,i guarentee it'll be twice as dark blue for germany than USA was for "cuckold". Your flag is Germany so I assume you are German.


The recoil bruised my shoulder, which can happen if you don't know what you're doing. The brass shell casings disoriented me as they flew past my face. The smell of sulfur and destruction made me sick. The explosions — loud like a bomb — gave me a temporary form of PTSD. For at least an hour after firing the gun just a few times, I was anxious and irritable.

Even in semi-automatic mode, it is very simple to squeeze off two dozen rounds before you even know what has happened. If illegally modified to fully automatic mode, it doesn’t take any imagination to see dozens of bodies falling in front of your barrel.

having that thing around your children...disgusting.



Jesus. 4 males and 1 female, there is going to be a serious struggle for a mate.


This cunt is surely not for real? Do people just throw PTSD around for anything that slightly shocks them nowadays?


>The most blue countries
Well, they finally got enough of conquering and switched into receiving end.

Did they really stick a baton up his arse ?


I've seen muzzie cunts claim the same thing down here. Fucking weak cunts


easily 90% of this country is able to fluently speak in anglospeech. i dont type in "deutsch" i type in "german" when i search for german porn.

look there is even spain on the chart. spain is fucking 25% jobless, yet they type in cuckold like every cuckhold does.

you are well aware that your coutnry has the absolute highest amount of cuckolddegenerates, yet you pretend muh trump will change this fact anyhow.

Hey we have similar "Don't wash feet in bathroom sink" in our lovely multicultural school. Diversity, oh such blessing. Also some place had directions how to poop in the toilet.

There's literally nothing wrong with following a country's customs as a friendly gesture when building diplomatic or business relationships

The reason why it's hilarious and retarded in this case is due to the fact that the promise of the government to engage in "feminist foreign policy" was all virtue signaling empty bullshit and when the chance came to actually make a statement in the name of equality/women's rights nothing was done

Yes, he got a 10+ cm wound in his ass

This is want to know. Maybe as retaliation and a show of force Holland is going to throw a load of Dildos at people in Syria? THEN we will know what happened.

>Too much banter.

I'd rather deal with being called a burger everyday than dealing with people who are over-polite and easily offended at the drop of a hat.

Lmao as hard as she tried you still can see her sneering.

Based on her pose, I'm fairly certain the nigger is banging his daughter too.

Can one of you anons post the copy pasta as to why multiculturalism and diversity are a net negative to society please?

It includes the Robert Putnam studies but also a few others.

Thank you

Stupid argentinian.

>english speaking countries
>searching in english

>not posting this already

>italy 90%
but i honestly wonder why sweden is not on the list

He went for the kiss, but stopped just in time to hide his faggotry.

(((Kuntzman))) explains a lot I suppose.

It's not enough. I want 20+ cm

>>english speaking countries


I see it often enough in cats, but very rarely have I found an image that captures disgust in the expression of a dog, particularly ones that aren't smallbreed. Try to find a disgusted golden retriever, go on, I'll wait. You might find a sad one but I've never seen even a picture of one that has that level of "jesus, what kind of inferior genetic material made you possible" on their face.


yeah, teared on 10cm + hemorrhage

>When you are behind the whole race, but pull ahead at the very end and cross the finish line first.
Yeah, we still won, paki.


Holy shit I didn't know about the other pics!! I love you!

It blows my mind how these cuck liberals endanger their small children like this.

We aren't into cuckoldry, we want what's humane and sadly, (((someone))) has brainwashed us into thinking getting our wives fucked is humane.

Send us some of your wives! Share!! You fucking cold hearted basterd!


Does that take population size into account

this pic still makes me fuckign cringe

Girl on the far left with tits out is CUTE

My fucking country right here. We will be reminded of the 6 ubermillion jews in the year of 3000 i bet.

>Cuckoldry at it's best

it all makes sense now

I wish faggot


not muh religion

Saved as part of my Poland folder. Here, have this

I'll just leave this here..

it's like something out a cuck film, i wouldn't have believed something like this existed at least 10 years ago, it's just surreal

>"Hey ya faggo-"
>Howdy there,President Trump!"
>Trudeau leans in for a kiss
>"The fuck are ya doin'?"
>"O-Oh,sorry Mr.President,I got a little excited"
>"Whatever,Just go to your podium,fucktard"
>"You got it,boss!"
>Trump pretends to act like a good friend while Trudeau smiles retardedly

top cuck so far

The new Germans. I have to agree, this is beautiful.

the only shitskins here are from erasmus


Can't read anything...

This guy's daughter was raped and murdered by black guys. Since she was a strong anti-racist, her father decided to work to set the murderers free and later shook their hands.



>feeding time at the zoo.png