If children were not indoctrinated into religion, how quickly would the concept of god die out?
If children were not indoctrinated into religion, how quickly would the concept of god die out?
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It wouldn't die out, but organised religion most likely would.
CS Lewis, Fr Matt Johnson, and a host of other famous intellectual Christians (to include the original Christians) came to religion in adulthood.
Reminder that atheism is the fasting shrinking religion world wide because atheists are too degenerate for children. They'll forever be the minority and forever bring down their race
Nice question.
Without an organized religion who can give you consistent answers (real or not, it's not the point here) about the supernatural stuffs, people would be a lot more superstitious and easy to manipulate by petty scammers.
>this is what religious fags actually believe
The concept not but it would become something like card reading and crystal balls.
>supernatural stuffs
The psychatrist.
>without petty scammers people would be a lot more superstitious and easy to manipulate by petty scammers.
Ask Iceland.
it would never die out as we will never have the answers to everything and naturally fear death.
Great, but that's not answer of the question.
Enjoy islam, because they are invading and breeding.
But religious people get atheist children so there's that
Sure it does.
>brought up without religion
>after 30 years i'm now religious by my own choice
So basically it will never die out unless everyone dies. You don't have to be indoctrinated into believing anything except space and round earth.
Fucking evil parents, trying to save their kids souls and not letting 6 year old decide themselves if they believe in God!! BTW atheist here, don't see anything wrong with this desuu
There has never been any group of people, anywhere in the world that did not worship something greater than themselves.
You can get a few natives stranded in an island in the middle of nowhere and they will build fifty foot statues. It is part of what makes us, us.
Way back in history the lonely cavemen died out, while the idiots that buried their dead in elaborate tombs kept on surviving, we are now biologically wired to need a belief system, just like we are biologically wired to be omnivorous.
It wouldn't die out. God has been in people's hearts before religious indoctrination was possible....
Something else would take its place that is 100% more cancerous.
religion is a game of supply and demand. If you stop supplying it, someone else will.
E.g. Christianity is dying in the west, while islam is rising (even without immigration it would be).
Never, die.
What did you mean by this?
My atheist father had 5 kids
His atheist father before him had 6
Reminder religion has no purpose in this day and age other than to feed the sheep what they want to hear
That wasn't the question. And I agree religious education should be allowed
Buddhism goes since 3000 years without a God
>You can get a few natives stranded in an island in the middle of nowhere and they will build fifty foot statues. It is part of what makes us, us.
No. Pre scientific but those days are gone.
>we are now biologically wired to need a belief system, just like we are biologically wired to be omnivorous.
Evolution indoctrination is academic abuse.
Never, because they usually end up enslaved by the state cult religion.
Oh look r/ atheist is here again, what a surprise.
Richard Dawkins is a pedophile and that's why he doesn't want God to be real.
Buddhism definitely qualifies as a belief system. good enough.
The (((Christian))) god would probably die out, but likely not the concept of religion/spirituality as a whole
Atheism is a mental illness and Richard Dawkins has a lot of nerve telling other people how to raise their children when his cunt kids are degenerate drug addicts. Culture-death disease, deserves extinction.
Why do you believe in the sky fairy named Stephen Hawking?
Religion keeps families together. Being a godless heathen living in a single parent household is worse than child abuse.
>Atheism is a mental illness
Amerisharts everyone
>Enjoy islam
He already lives in a 95%+ Muslim country, you fucking retard
They would be going extinct, like all of Europe is.
It already happened.
Atheistic hedonism/nihilism is not compatible with survival.
You are in the "Die stage" of the Mouse Utopia Experiment.
Replace atheism with realism, call religious indoctrination abuse, which it is, it disappears in 75 years
Concept of God wouldn't. believing in some sort of deity isn't the most silly thing. The Abrahamic religions could probably be considered to be practically dead within a generation.
You're probably trolling but... Science just tells you how things work the rest is subjective.
Religion tells you a story of how humans should conduct themselves and if humans get off that path they'll be punished and sometimes even killed.
Has science been used to do bad things? Sure. Has religion been used to do bad things? Sure.
Maybe we should use the good parts of both so everyone can benefit living a happy life on this damn rock.
I don't think it's that difficult.
Not a mental illness, it is just bad for you in the same way that being a vegetarian is bad for you.
We were not meant to be vegetarian or atheists, and if we don't eat properly or feed our belief needs our bodies pay for it. For vegetarians it is health issues, for atheists mental issues.
To be clear, you have to be pretty dumb to blindly follow an organized religion, and you definitely can be an atheist (or a vegetarian) and be perfectly ok, you just have to understand your body and give it what it is missing out on by not being omnivorous/religious
It would survive on, hell it would actually improve the situation for everyone since an adult would be able to immediately interpret the deeper meaning of the religious teaching, making the whole experience far more enjoyable rather than shoving it down the throat of some kid who is sure ain't going to understand the actual meaning behind the teaching until years later.
Fuck, you're talking of it as if it wasn't adult who first made up religions, retards ITT
I don't know about god but people would still construct beliefs systems.
Even someone who describes himself as rational has to use beliefs at some point as he has neither the time nor the capacity to know everything by experience
>Not a mental illness, it is just bad for you in the same way that being a vegetarian is bad for you.
>We were not meant to be vegetarian or atheists, and if we don't eat properly or feed our belief needs our bodies pay for it. For vegetarians it is health issues, for atheists mental issues
Get the fuck back.
I eat meat daily, but how is being vegetarian bad for you?
You labelled exceptions to the rule, though. Not the actual rule.
Explain Eastern Europe, France and Britain.
The opposite would happen, likely. Where do you think the idea of God came from? It came from us, all over the planet. There has never existed an atheistic culture. All that would happen would be that the slate would be wiped clean, and religions would be organically created again, likely just much more esoteric in nature.
It is not easy to get all the nutrients you need if you decide to go vegetarian. You have to really know what you are doing and go out of your way to supplement your diet.
If you go vegetarian and don't know what you are doing you could get malnutrition related complications
Yeah because our knowledge of the universe is exactly the same as when religion first started
Also, Kek is a case study in exactly how religions have been created over the generations. Literally, the autists here cast lots and interpret them. Coincidences pile up and pile up, and if this wasn't such a heady political place, but instead a resource starved desert, people would actually believe that shit easily. I'm sure there's an idiot or two on here that actually do, too.
You need a complete set of animo acids. Without meat it's extremely difficult.
It wouldn't die out it would simply be replaced by something else to fill the spiritual hole in peoples lives. This usually takes the form of new age hippie nonsense mixed with an extra large dose of Marxism
Explaining how a machine works doesn't tell you anything about who made it, or if it made itself, nigger.
>We don't have more knowledge about the beginning of the universe either
We don't need to have the answers for everything yet. People are confident that we will get them. And there is no room for God left. It's just conservatives conflating it with traditionalism that still pretend to believe in God.
>who made it
Part of me can't wait til the last shreds of Europe's Christian foundation are eroded and Islam or Soviet-style state worship takes its place. After seeing the daily spitting in the face of God by these western European nihilists, I won't feel as bad when suddenly the people are subject to violence and abuse because the concept of "the sanctity of life" isn't compatible with your degenerate scientism and absence of objective morality. You all deserve it.
>there's no room for God left
t. Steven Cucking
Are you feeling EUPHORIC rn, m8?
It must feel so great knowing everything with such certainty.
But plant foods have a complete amino acid composition, and even if they didn't vegetarians wouldn't be at any risk since they drink milk and eat cheese. My half sister has been vegan since she was like 12-13 and she's 34 now and she has had 0 health complications when it comes to her diet.
Yeah, my sister usually supplements B12 and vitamin D
It's not that they don't... it's the amount of effort you have to go through to achieve them is much higher than just eating meat. And people still get it wrong.
It takes about 400 years for us to lose data, or reasonably accessible reference to it historically.
I'd wager that long.
Until the brain can conceptualize infinity, God will never die.
>Until the brain can conceptualize infinity...
We can already?
>If white children were not indoctrinated into white guilt, how quickly would the concept of racism =bad die out?
I'm agnostic but I support Christianity 100%
I used to think that we needed to get rid of religions because it's mind control. Now I think we need to keep Christianity because it's mind control, and the left has demonstrated that people are too stupid to think for themselves
*tips fedora*
Seriously though
would develop again but we would have to go through sacrifices again
>Implying any religion isn't a petty scam
I think the only religion that isn't used to manipulate anyone is buddhism, but that's because no one gives a fuck about it
Germany is the perfect example, religion is socially not accepted and yet not dead
It depends on the definition of religion tho. My parents were atheists and i saw things making it impossible for me not to believe in something higher, but i do not follow any real religion
The spirituality/belief is never going to completely disappear
People would just find new things to worship and submit to. They already do! They're called ideologies.
In current year, perhaps no one would call things "gods" or "divine" anymore, but they would see things as bigger and more important than them and they would devote their lives to those things just the same. You know, like people do with ideologies. Blindly following their authority figures, antagonizing everyone else, acting all cultish. Biggest cancers of the current political climate would not exist if atheism never became popular.
Most likely if Children will be not indoctrinated into religion, there will be more actual religious people - since indoctrination in childhood is best way to create atheist or even satanist.
Children that grow up in religious families, attend religious schools consider a religion a ritual routine forced on them - like Piano lessons for example and drop it as soon they are emancipated.
On other hand adult people conciously finding their way to religion out of curioucity or conviction likely to actually be religios not in the name only.
No... we can't.
We can understand the concept of infinity. But we can't actually conceptualize infinity itself. It extends beyond the "food, shelter, sex" wiring of our brains.
>no purpose other than to feed the sheep what they want to hear
You'd have to be a moron not to recognize how enormous a purpose that is
Did you even look at the map I posted?
Eastern Europe is dying too.
>Europe needs many more babies to avert a population disaster
INSEE estimated that 11.8 million foreign-born immigrants and ... lived in France representing 19% of the country's population
Mohammedan gibsmedats are the only ones reproducing at all in Europe.
Humanity would reinvent it very quickly. Maybe a single generation.
Meanwhile, on Sup Forums, the daily calls for renewed Crusades continues.
>Buddhism goes since 3000 years without a God
Thats only what retarded westerner who read a brochure on Zen buddhism would tell. Where its practiced, its as rigid in worship and rituals as Islam and Christianity - and it includes polytheism of whater pantheons of local gods and an insane amount of superstitusion traditions. As opposed to westerners imagination, actual buddhism is not relaxed meditation about emptiness when you feel like it - but a rigid system of worship and rituals, with plenty or worshiped saint- and god- like figures and god based cosmology.
Taoism would be more of a redpill compared to Buddhism.
But neither Christian God nor Allah are against pedophily?
If children were completely censored from any mention of God. Some of them would at least question in adulthood if there is some kind of creator, and then some individual would make a cult following about it, all over again.
>how quickly would the concept of god die out?
It wouldn't. Humans have, for longer than recorded history, attributed things in nature they do not understand or which cannot be examined to supernatural forces such as God or gods. No indoctrination is required; it is part of the human condition.
We're witnessing levels of tipping previously thought impossible
The concept of God will literally never die out.
>There's nothing
My spiritual experiences say otherwise
>invalid proof
Oh? if I wear a labcoat while I claim divinity has been encountered will it tickle your fancy?
>well the bible is bullshit
I agree, so?
>93.9% believe the world was created by the Big Bang
>0.0% believed it was created by God
>Originator of Big Bang Theory was a Catholic Priest
God created the Big Bang so actually 93.9% of them still believe God created the world :^)
It doesn't take much to proove all holy books wrong. If you want to be a deist-of-the-gaps go ahead.
we would all b pagans if we got the jewish shit out
How much money did you donate to Bernie? Did anyone match you?
>God created the Big Bang so actually 93.9% of them still believe God created the world
Logic according to cuckstains
>Originator of Big Bang Theory was a Catholic Priest
Outside of catholic answers and /christian/ hugboxes that doesn't mean you have to be christian to adhere to it.
Science is subjective. The thing that ATTEMPTS to explain how thing works is Philosophy as whole. Scientific methods is just one of the directions of Philosophy and it doesnt have a claim to be objective in anything - for simple reason Philosophers didnt even agree yet if world actually exists, if observed reality is "real", and other such "minor" things. Science can be logically proven to be subjective. Though you first need to prove Logic is not a worthless concept.
Religion belongs to Philosophic branch of Metaphisics - looked down in Philosophy, since its non dialectic, and thus worthless. It doesnt try to prove or argue the way of things, it assumes things are beyound possibility of explanation from standpoint of human and instead throws a possible theories which all "could" be real and creates rule sets to follow them.
But speaking for real, for 99% of people philosophic aspect of religion is irrelevant, and all they mean by "religion" is set of rituals to follow- thats what makes up majority of what people refer to as "religions".
The set of rituals/rules making up "religion" dont have to be real or make any sense at all - all that is needed is consense to follow them.
Wrong. Stop.
Show me the science that disproves god
>inb4 he has no idea of science and his only contribution to it is spewing "fascinating" every now and then.
You missed my smiley face you assblasted fag, it was obviously meant to be snark :^)
On a more serious note, the conception of the Big Bang is incredibly monotheistic in nature even going back to the Aristotelian notion of the First Mover
>Proove a negative
Great starter there. We can disprove more than enough scientific claims the holy books make. Non of them have divine origin or divine knowledge. The idea of a soul is pretty much indefendable now.
Mind-brain connection pretty much disproves God. All religicucks can go for is "we only know 99%"
Religion is an innate part of being human. Ironically, when discouraging religion, atheists only indirectly promote superstition:
>The reality is that the New Atheist campaign, by discouraging religion, won't create a new group of intelligent, skeptical, enlightened beings. Far from it: It might actually encourage new levels of mass superstition. And that's not a conclusion to take on faith -- it's what the empirical data tell us.
"What Americans Really Believe," a comprehensive new study released by Baylor University yesterday, shows that traditional Christian religion greatly decreases belief in everything from the efficacy of palm readers to the usefulness of astrology. It also shows that the irreligious and the members of more liberal Protestant denominations, far from being resistant to superstition, tend to be much more likely to believe in the paranormal and in pseudoscience than evangelical Christians.
Just look at all the "spiritual, but not religious" faggots in this thread for proof. Turning from Christianity has just lead to worshipping frogs and numerology, LARPing pagan reconstructionist garbage, and pantheist faggotry.
Unlikely to happen. The soul craves meaning, purpose. "God" fills the void. Otherwise life becomes a pointless exercise in experiencing decay and death, a nihilistic wetdream.
>the soul
>baby's first existential crisis
>take's the easy way out
If you weren't an amerishart you would have 3000 years of philosophical alternatives to jewsus
You are a bit confused about things here. People for all history attributed things they coudnt explain to some abstract definition that beyound the comprehension.
However the actual religions and concepts changed very drasticly over millenia. Monotheistic dualistic religions like Christianity are recent thing, rooted at earliest at Zoroastrianism. The cosmology of different nations and things worshiped are entirely different at times.
There is no universal definition of "God" - entirely differnt concepts are understood and worshiped as such in different cultures and times. For example, the creator of universum doesnt have to be "main god". Gods dont have to be personified beings. Gods can be abstract.
Or taking for example current physics, there is indeed admited possibility of "intellegent design" (or multiverse as alternative version) of our universum, since signs indicate its not "natural" unlike assumed initially, since some constants can not be proven and are just that - random constants. However even if it were true - it would have absolutely nothing with concept of Christian or other God, but for example more aking to Programmer making a program - you can interpolate even now that you`d are for example NPC in video game: game designer exists, but how does that correlate with existing religions given your worship does nothing?
It would reinvented almost immediately.
>We can disprove more than enough scientific claims the holy books make
Such as? Keep in mind that even in the middle ages Genesis was interpreted allegorically.
>The idea of a soul is pretty much indefendable now.
Based on what? Near-death experiences seem to suggest otherwise.
>Mind-brain connection pretty much disproves God
That's quite a leap you're making. Seems like the mind is more immaterial, which suggests a soul.