What does /pol think about Georgia?

What does /pol think about Georgia?

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It's a white trash country.

CNN sucks

Are you sure about that?

It's a shitty nigger filled state

Full of white trash and niggers.

Needs to be gassed ASAP.

U from Georgia?

Economically they are pretty poor, so of course yes.

there is niggers in georgia? srsly?

Yes, there are niggers in the STATE of Georgia, how can you not get the joke, you autist

Deus Vult

მიიჯვი შე ყლეო

So they're basically Slavs with brown eyes (mixed with Arabs). Yeah, no. White-Asian-Negroid mix = Georgian

I saw a documentary about them yesterday. Looked fun desu

Western Georgia is pure in every way. we aren't slavs.

ever heard of term "caucasian race" the country is located in region called Caucasian mountains. you fucking idiot.

No I was pretty spot on

Swedes aren't mixed with Arabs because they are the Arabs now.

Georgians are degenrate monkeys and trash, lol.


Tried to genocide all other christian nations in their own country. Result: failed.

Tried to build a better country by eliminating corruption. Result: failed.

Famous for their vine (not terribly bad), and organised crime.

Verdict: subhumans. Should be eliminated.




if georgians are subhumans then why did a georgian end up leading the soviet union? are russians, dare i say, subsubhumans???

How is this even a question.

>American flag

Oh I see..

should join the 6 nations/10

Pretty much a non-country.

They like lick asses, m8. They licked persian ones, than russian. Now they are licking yours. Good guys.

wow you cherrypickked bunch of photos, russian shills keep posting on internet, Georgia BTFO how can we recover from this?


Hmmm who's more cherry picked random average protesters or fucking roleplayers?
Moreover you seem to be ashamed of your fellow georgians' looks, are you a faggot with no honor?

The only one cherrypicking is you.
Georgians are ugly motherfuckers.

Is it true that Caucasians have a lot of neanderthaler blood?


stay mad mongol rape babies, why would i be ashamed of someone else's looks, I would kill myself if i looked like that but im not ashamed.

Don't know

One tyrant, tens of millions dead by the end of his term, and suddenly we're supposed to think that made your case?

Get good

Everyone not African has Neanderthal blood.

Also, Georgians have nothing to recover from in the first place. You have to prove yourselves first.

Isn't it Russian now?

eat shit nigger and stop making excuses you degenerate fuck. you're disgusting.

Uhh, are you sure these are georgians? Wouldnt tell these ones from Ossetians or Dagestanis.

Huge hooked noses and dark hair errywhere are the stereotypical georgian traits for a good reason.

That said, i have no complaints about Georgian culture and intelligence. And the traits i described dont look too bad when properly maintain. Unfortunately, this is not what i see here in Moscow most of the time.

what do you see in Moscow most of the time?

Stalin outplayed jews. Does it mean that georgians are smarter then jews? Following your logick - yes.

You don't see georgians at all, you lying fuck. There are virtually none of them here. Also stop fucking lying, georgians on the pic that was cherrypicked by the faggot look pretty white.

>elve ish alphabet
>not turkish
could be worse i guess

Admittedly, i dont see them very often as implied. Mostly its the Tajiks, Uzbeks, Azeris, Chechens, Dagestanis and whatever the fuck else.

Wait, it's all the way over there?

It's on my mind.

Yes, they are Georgian. older Georgian usually look darker for some reason.

We can have huge hook noses, but it rare like everywhere. mostly noses vary, Roman noses are more common, they are tilted downward a little but they are not really hooked. what wrong with dark hair? never claimed that we are blondes or anything.

From what I have seen from videos and pictures, Georgians in Russia do look kinda darker. I suspect that many are not fully Georgian.

Look who's talking. Romania isn't really rich is it?

Georgia is some small state that owned their biznes, but eternal ruskie had to mess it up, you are as jewish as brits, cant sit on your ass and enjoy life, always wanting things other people have.

Shut the fuck up already and stop making excuses you shamelass piece of shit.

I can't say anything good about the country, except for the flag.

It's a nice state.

Also for anyone interested in the national clusterfuck of Russia/Former USSR, here's a soviet-era summary of typical faces.


I prefer Colorado

Call it Sakartvelo.

Also, they have the most badass flag in the world. DEUS VULT

if africans are subhumans then why did a kenyan become president of the united states

really makes you think huh

Might as well be Russian. They pretend that their some kind of Byzantine remnants when in fact they are Soviet. I hope to god they aren't let into NATO.

So by your logic, just because Obama was the president, he isn't a subhuman anymore?


Who the fuck is Roma, блять?

yeah like im going to mix and match ancient russian manuscript scribble with your list.

Good peaches. Is Atlanta the capital? Or is it Tallahassee?

Ty, mudak. Romka ebaniy. Roma = gypsies.

Don't you guys have the oldest royal family in the world or something?

Either way, tough luck about Russia and Ossetia.

kys shill

>american education

The hair color is not the problem, its the amount of it that grows on the chest, back, hands, legs, every-fucking-where.
Which, again, goes back to the hygiene thing. When its clean its ok, but the guys selling watermelons at a stall usually arent.

All I know is Stalin came from there so fuck those guys. Also Russia kinda beat them up like a decade ago or something.

Stalin was actually ossetian.

I think they're based, and although they don't belong to the European cluster, they're honorary whites.

>guys selling watermelon
These Azerbaijanis you moron, kys shill.

he was a little bit south of Ossetia. place called Gori. syka blyat idinahui

Yeah and his last name says it all, but im too lazy to share info on that. Dzhuga shvili = Dzuga ev

That's funny Ukraine because that's what people say about you.

anyone who never visited georgia thinks in stereotypes about subhumans etc

anyone who actually been there knows that this is a small but friendly country with nice people. just ask anyone and you got that

Nigger you are the same as all the shit tier countries around the black sea, no one in the world even tries to think of you retards as being different from each other.

you can sum up those countries in 1 word; depressive

literal non-countries need not apply

was lenin a tatar?

I don't think about Georgia.


Fighting a war in the Caucasus is not something America should ever be involved in. If you want to maintain your independence you have to do it yourselves Georgia bro.

Christian country in the Caucasus but opposite Russia. Armenians, Georgians, Russians should be united against the moslems.


bunch of degenerate machos who spawned Stalin

Russian territory.

But must be based af because Stalin is from there

Watermelon salesmen of the old Union. Rightful Russian clay.


>non-country claiming another country is someone else's clay

Good buffer state when playing EU4 as the rooskies


fuck off dad, Ireland (aryan land) is based. You're on the verge of becoming a non-country

Georgia is a pretty fine nation, with a solid educational structure based on root memory. There upper level classes (grade 9-12) tend to be harder then IB or AP, and the standard of work produced tends to a better degree. Although that being said it reflects poorly on the underdeveloped country. Corruption is significant in the economy, government taking control of business and such. This forces a sort of brain drain in the country causing most successful individuals to leave. Although since media instutions today are discussion it more frequently I can only assume there will be an attempt to create a stronger neo-liberal model within the country, and it most likely be westernized in the coming years

I'm Armenian, so generally we don't like each other too much but there is a mutual respect.

We consider you guys to be punk bitches, because as Christians you did not help your fellow Christians, you even worked against them with those filthy pig fucker muslims.

You guys will get your punishment soon though.

Can anyone be a bro and turn the Russian into English in this pic? I can give memes in return. Meme not really related.

Would bang(oh shit village is after me) Marry/10

A foken JEW.