I'm a member of the Nationalistic, right-wing party, Sweden Democrats. Currently the leading/second party depending on the poll. AMA about the situation or my opinions
Nationalist Sweden Democrat
"swden democrats" sounds pretty gay and cucky. You sure its nationalistic?
whens the next election ?
SD have become cucks. Get over to Alternativ för Sverige when they goes public.
Sure. Although to survive in Swedish politics you have to be pretty cucky. We are nationalist though. We are the anti-immigration and anti-islam party
USA invented gay pride you should know big gay Al.
You bet i will.
Didnt sweden invent cucking?
Why vote for you when there is SD and soon to be "Alternativ För Sverige"?
Hello fellow SD follower here. I have two questions for you.
1. Whats your opinion on that SD might drop the immigration question, to rule with Moderaterna(M)?
2. Do you think there is a large jewish influence in the party?
Usa again sorry.
They used to be nazis n shiet, but they kicked out everyone with a strong opinion. Nowadays, they are basically social democrats that are edgy sometimes. The only good thing about them is that the libshits hates them.
Mean to say: "Why vote for SD when there soon will come Alternativ För Sverige"?
SD is run by jews. we need to vote more extreme!
SD will not drop the immigration question and if M requires us to, there will most likely be no partnership.
I do not believe there is a large jewish influence. Politically, no. But many higher-ups are pro israel
1. M has a harder stance on immigration than SD nowadays, what SD should have done is to be more hardcore. But they didn't so SD are practically traitors at this point. And Jimmie's talk about SD preventing M to go "too much to the right" sickens me.
2. Probably the most zionist of them all, maybe in competition with KD.
Nice. I will get a membership as soon as possible.
those party logos
We need to meme Gustav into becoming our next Führer.
that flag
Alternativ för Sverige has very unclear motives thus far and have not figured out their party program yet. They simply are not established. I would not recommend them thus far
What that leftist symbol even is?
Some sort of satanic sigil?
>right wing
nice try kike
See pic
Gustav and Erik says very good things on Den Kokta Grodan, so I would recommend them already.
I believe you are referring to the nefarious rose
It's basically civic nationalist; at the moment the only thing that as any momentum.
The Sweden Democrats is the blue flower
ya ok
Do you mean S? I have never figured out what is symbolises.
SD 2018
Can you give me a run-down of how elections in Sweden work? Do you just have to get the most votes, or is there a final round between two candidates like what is going to happen to Marine Le Pen in France?
It's a rose.
and it belongs to the superior swedish party along with F! and MP
Why do all of your parties have flowers as a symbol?
Simple proportional. People vote for parties. Parties get seats in parliament based on the percentage of votes. Parliament votes for a government. 4% cutoff to enter.
t. future oven material
The Swedish system is simply votes and the percentage of votes a party gets represents how many seats in the 'Riksdag' the party gets. Kind of like the senate. Swedish parties form coalition governments to be able to get a majority vote in the 'riksdag'
What do you mean by vote for a government?
Old tradition. Roses have symbolized social democracy since the 1800s. At some point the other parties picked flowers of their own.
hehe look at my special political ivews XDXD XD
fuck off, ur either a nazi or a cuck.
choose wisely.
Technically they vote for a prime minister. The prime minister then picks ministers and the parliament confrims them.
>But many higher-ups are pro israel
Why do they even care about a fucking middle eastern semitic country?
Anyhow, are you even interested in repatriation of the non-european rapefugees?
What is your long term plan on restoring Sweden? How do you want to make Sweden great again?
>What is your long term plan on restoring Sweden?
I don't think SD has one any more.
Is SD somehow an ethnic nationalist party (it will try to actually revert demographic trends and make sweden swedish again) or you are just cucks who will deport the excess and try to "integrate" the somalian apes?
They're cucks who sucks on jewish titties
So is this going to Result in something similar to an American government with a 25% Republican senate and a cucked President, or will they actually have the power to stop immigration?
seriously? That's not even a cover to appear moderate while keep deporting them?
C'mon, scanian vikings, this can't be true...
They want to "integrate" the niggers, which are bound to fail.
>all those flower logos
Jesus Sweden...
Stop posting unreliable YouGov internet surveys which avpixlat uses to inflate popular support for SD. Demoskop and Ipsos recently published their polls for january which are much more accurate and have a much more reliable methodology, and they clearly show that SD are and remain the third largest party.
So this integration bound to fail is part of the plan, right?
Or the party has truly being cucked to the core?
Where did the hard right-wingers go?
Demoskop and Ipsos are pure communist propaganda and utter garbage.
YouGov and Sentio are the ones that have had the closest polls to SD:s actual support in elections.
More like a situation where niether the democrats nor the republicans will be able to form a government without playing ball with the third party they've branded as nazis, unless they decide to form a government together which would piss of their bases to no end and strengthen the third party even more.
YouGov and Sentio were far more accurate in the past election, but you probably already knew that.
To a bunch of more radical parties that over time has abolished. Alternativ för Sverige is a place where probably a lot of them will go.
I think they know deep down that the somalis need to be deported. But what they say publicly is cucky.
This post really corrected my record
No they have not. Stop fucking lying. YouGov polls have a consistent record of being outliers. They have a much weaker methodology and do not control for the margin of error. SD is not the largest party in Sweden. Both Ipsos and Demoksop has them at third place. Measuring their surge and quantifying exactly where their ceiling was is an entirely different matter.
Sweden's death knells are being rung.
Feminist government.
Social system backed up by whites.
Let more dead weight migrants in than any other country.
You'll be like us now, in 20 years time.
In 20 years time the majority of the population of the UK won't be white.
Oh well, never mind eh?
Every social democratic party in Europe have a red rose as the symbol. Norway too.
Sluta skitposta och betala skatten Mona.
Wtf is alternativ för sverige? will they gas the kikes? I hate that we have built up all this support and now we have to go back to square one REEEEEEEEEEE
Facts are bitch. Pic related.
5 riksdaler har deponerats på ditt konto
id assume they will be close to what the old SDU was
Wherein Sentio and YouGov were the best ones at predicting SD's result. That really corrected my record.
It sounds awful down there.
It should be.
Well that's good to hear. I'll be sure to spread as many Sweden Democrat memes as I can when elections get closer. I'm spreading Marine Le Pen memes around atm. Good luck defeating the globalists.
theres no reason for SD to exist in swedish politics. Theyre quiet now that all political parties follow a restrctive migration policy, theyre just edgy socialdemocrats, mostly politicans who want to lift a salary, they have no politics left at all, atleast it feels like.
Alternativ för sverige är ett skämt, bajsnödiga SDare som startar nytt parti för att de inte får vara med, istället startar de en jävla memeparti som består av massa skojare, likt SD, SD är full av skojare, förutom jimmie då och partistyrelsen.
Ända seriösa partiet nu är moderaterna och KD, synd bara att partiledare är så dåliga...
its called representative democracy, parlimentary representative democracy, you get seats in parliament according to amount of % of votes you get, the majority(1 or more parties) in parliament creates a government, the majority holders vote for their candidate for "president" and that president creates a government with ministers etc.
>restrctive migration policy
>he actually believes this
SD doesnt even wanna deport all the scum that is already there.
They want to close borders and integrate those that are there.
Even Merkel is pro deportation, youre beyond lost.
It's nationalliberal.
Just as they showed that SD would get 9% in the 2014 election :-)
How is the election process in Sweden?
Is it like France and the Netherlands where even if they top the polls they can't get elected?
Same as the Netherlands I think. You can't get cucked out of everthing like ukip was but coming first also doesn't mean much since everyone else can unite against you unless you get 50%
Why are all the party logos gay as fuck?
Daily reminder, the fascist swedes of WWII were still liberal.
Why are they all flowers that's faggy as hell
Why don't you read the thread before shitposting?
praise kek
Please tell me nationalism doesn't really mean shitting on women's rights and freedom of sexuality.
I am very liberal in terms of "own choice". As long as nobody is impacted, you have every freedom. BUT i want these rights only for citiziens. I don't want Islam. I don't want Sharia or other cuckery.
Is it possible to have national liberalism?
>AMA about my opinions
Anyway, in all seriousness, how likely are you to win the election in 2018? I mean obviously you're well in the running at the moment, but can the momentum be sustained? Are the SAP losing support at all?
What is up with SD? How do you figure they've become cucks? What the fuck is this?
faggot op left the thread, hope he is raped by rapefugees
Can Sweden be saved if they get into the government during the next election brehs?