>muh no fraud
>muh no proof
>this happens
Why is trump such a FUCKING madman?
Muh no fraud
I wonder who she voted for
>no archive
Fuck off and never come back.
for yeb!
Hey you fucking autist, I visited the link and clicked twice for you
>TFW illegally voted for Trump and he still send me to prison
gib link, archive or not.
Wew that was close . Do not deport them back "please".
We already have enough problems as it is.
Just fucking search Mexican votes 8 years cunt
>8 years in prison in Texas
>in Texas
She's also getting certain deportation
>be in country illegally
>steal someone's identity
>vote illegally
I want to see Gorsuch get on the SCOTUS to replace Scalia, then I want the most conservative person Trump can find, preferably Ted Cruz, throw him in there for good measure, then another one when Ginskike finally kicks the bucket, AND THEN start blasting liberals up the ass with things like mandatory voter ID nationwide.
As a bonus, I'd also like to see electoral votes being based on citizenship. Right now, congressional votes and electoral votes are based on generic census data, which is why some spic-infested shit hole like Kommiefornia has 55 electoral votes, and Jew York has 29 as well as all the subhuman walking talking piles of shit they pack the house of representatives with.
>I didnt know it was illegal to vote while being an illegal resident cause the forms were "confusing"
REad the fucking thread I posted it
>she didn't know she wasn't allowed to vote as an illegal alien
if she is that fucking stupid she needs to be removed from our society as well as the rest of her genes and anyone stupid enough to procreate with an obvious mental deficient.
>confused by registration
Reminder that liberals are mentally ill and actually believe the propaganda that no human is illegal.
>not sending their best and brightest
Huh I guess democrats were right the elderly and minorities are too fucking stupid to get IDs.
She was a legal resident and voted republican (didn't vote in this election though). She never voted more than once per election. She had a sixth grade education and didn't know the difference between resident and citizen apparently, and she even voted for for the guy that ended up prosecuting her. She was offered to simply give testimony against illegal voting but county asshole stopped that. 8 years is outrageous. What about intent? What about violent crimes getting far far less?
Hold up, she voted for Paxton
Isn't he republican?
So she willingly fucked herself over either way.
but user, those ones are illegal!
so is this one!
to be fair she might be telling the truth. all it takes is some dem official telling her she can vote because she lived there for long enough or some other bullshit. we all know they would do that
This is terrible but in the long run it only redpills them. A lot of hispanic people vote republican because they're generally conservative, the next 4 years will show them that voting republican is against their own best interests.
we have a lot of problems here in Texas, too
also there's a lot of mexicans
hey i wonder if there's some sort of connection or commonality between us
>only crime was the love for her family
This is what shit tier people like her deserve.
She was a legal resident, though.
Illegals are told one of their best defenses is to play dumb with wide eyed child like innocence.
It's all bullshit.
They know that they're breaking laws every day and they don't care.
>identity theft
>driving without a license
>no insurance
>credit card fraud
>dui (they almost all drink and drive, I know this from being surrounded by them)
>fleeing the scene of accidents
>all sorts of other types of fraud filling out forms to attempt to live like a normal person
Though the blame for this really lies on our politicians and the top 0.1% for allowing/contributing to this 70 year long fiasco.
It's like a third at max. They don't like gays or muslims, but they like big government and social programs
She was also using a fake SS number, which is a federal crime
But this is only a minor offense, but it doesn't ever happen