She tries way too hard.
I think the funny thing is beyonce probably sees herself as queen of all niggers
if niggers were royalty, that means niggers owned slaves
>nigs and white liberals idolizing a corporate pop star
Imagine the Jew music label executive laughter
>african royalty
>doesn't live in africa
>doesn't govern africans
>doesn't try and improve africa
really makes you think
i've been in a hyperbolic neet chamber for the past 3 years, can someone please explain this meme to me?
would fuck her so hard that the child gets pregnant
>sees flag
Why am I not surprised
Still better then the Atheists
I've never watched more than one episode of game of thrones but my guess is that's the origin of this cancer.
She isn't?
Is she fat or pregnant?
Is she doing this in response to rumors the last time around that she used a surrogate mother, so she could keep doing her career full tilt? Or was that a different famous person?
To be honest, I don't really care about them thinking they WUZ KANGZ if it gets them to stop nigging everything up. If LARPing as Egyptians is what it takes to get them out of prison and into work (hopefully back to Africa), I'm all for it.
brain do fire and wire
Why does Beyoncé dye her hair like that.
She should keep it black and proud.
Like a real nigga you know what I'm sayin.
What's funny is that she's not even black, she's like a 1/4.
Maybe she really is an Egyptian, or as good as one.
This literal fagot
>it's a Niggers taking credit for white culture epsiode
You couldn't be more wrong if you tried, you literal faggot.
Paganism is disgusting filth. If it wasn't for Christendom then Europeans would still be savages like Africans.
she is ugly and masculine, never wrote a song in her life.
Is she pregnant or just fat?
She's clearly using Mithras symbolism at the direction of her NWO handlers.
>If it wasn't for Christendom then Europeans would still be savages like Africans.
Yes, that why Greece was the most advanced country in the world as pagans and fell into obscurity after adopting christianity.
I just want to cut her in half with a zweihander
No shit. You have "negro" on your country's name.
>Tries to be Black Goddess Isis.
>Still culturally appropriating Nordic womens hair.
It's literally meaning 'A lot of Negros'
god damn would bang that mary
Whats even funnier is the same people who worship these trashy noise makers will attack other pregnant women on social media for showing off their bodies.
To think cultures long gone idolized a body shape that suited child bearing now we shame
>not Yoruba
These retards think Africa is a single country the size of Britain or something?
kek "literal faggot" was spot on
4u stupid goys
you do realise like half of africa is christian?
god tier woman 2bh
Africans would consider her to be white
Organism is dependent on your genetics and environment. Of course Niggers with their shot DNA would have shorty religious systems. The Easter bunny and Santana clause are are almost too much for their spiritual capacity.
Christianity is globalist and Semitic and It makes men weak
I see nothing wrong.
Nigger kings sold niggers to Europeans, but they don't tell you that in history month
>goddess of prosperity and order
I think Africans need to pray a bit harder
so fucking arrogant
What is Classical Greece?
Can anyone explain to me why everyone sucks Beyoncés dick? Fucking retarded. Adele bends over backwards to tongue her asshole, everyone always rants about how much of a Godess she is. She's a chubby sow that fucking sucks at singing and churns out regurgitated pop garbage on a regular basis. Tbqh I'd rather listen to nails on chalkboard.
she should stop bleaching her skin and dying her blonde to look more white and maybe we could take her seriously , what a fucking shill
>idolize Nordic pagan because Christianity is supposably a cuck religion while paganism promotes being a warrior
>Nordic pagans were btfo by euro christians
how sad
Your better-off niggers come here and act like they're home while staying in tourist areas and hotels. It's disgusting... They think because they're black they're African.
They wouldn't last a fucking day.
inb4 'muh Vikings' most of the Vikings ended up converting.
Don't they know she is mixed race?
Barely black at all.
>need 1024 years to convince all pagans to christianity
Yes, that's why she's doing it
gay/feminine affection of affirmation
any woman on facebook, probably fat, probably minority in some way but can be white
gay/feminine affectation of female empowerment, usually making a strong public presence or act of dominance
Is anyone else sick of fucking girl power shit? I can't watch a goddam thing without seeing some 130 pound woman beating the shit out of a guy in a straight up physical fight. Like come on, how about a little bit of reality for once.
those negros are mentally deranged or something
and not only that, the abhored their viking past until the renaisance
Jesus Christ Germany...
i wanna impale her with my dick
This is so cringy. Why are niggers so cringe?
Try going outside and looking around onstead of absorbing television programming like the barely sentient sponge that you are.
Yeah the Vikings were proof that powerful individual warriors are no match for mediocre but disciplined troops.
That sound is so fucking annoying. I dumped a bitch on the spot once for saying it unironically
I want to sex this woman
The worst is here they try to push USA women's athletics winning world tournaments as some sort of unmatched achievement in the sports world. Of course conveniently omitting the fact they compete against the only like 5 other countries in the world who devote any resources to women's athletics
>Baby is asian
Apparently noone can explain it
My guess he because SHE A STRONK WOMAN WHO DONT NEED NO MAN which is why she stays with hers after he cheats on her
White girls get to virtue signal that they arent racist if they listen to her too
Also, suck a dick. There's fucking literally 4 feet of snow here and you can't go skiing every day. I don't even have cable, but I watch shit with my wife on nights in and the amount of girl power garbage is overpowering. We've mostly switched to documentaries now.
It literally means black mountain.
The Christianization of Europe was a lot quicker than that. Also,
>Snowniggers never spread their religion because any basic fielded army completely annihilated them.
That's the Virgin Mother of the Incarnate God you're talking about, show some respect you faggots.
Womens sports of any kind make me kek. Stop complaining that we don't watch, why would we watch womens sports where everything is literally slower and weaker. ffs they can't even compete in chess without handicaps. I'm all for complete equality. Do away with all sex divisions and watch no woman ever win a gold medal again. Maybe that would wake some people up. Probably not though.
>cross clearly made of stone
>is splintered off like wood
typical nord retard
The left's literal worship of this woman makes me sick... and also further re-inforces my use of the word "nigger".
>Hate beyonce
>Love pregnancy
>She's pregnant with twins and huge
Damn you, dick, you traitor
Probably something like that. It's pathetic. I could understand if she had real talent, but she's nothing greater than all the other garbage you hear. At least Adele has a legitimately good singing voice. I've only heard one or two Beyoncé songs but they seemed like all the other rubbish to me.
Christianity is a worthy religion for a warrior. Christ never outlawed governments and earthly might, only worshiping them as idols; He and His apostles said they were to be honored by godly men.
>she got to stand and talk in that get up for like 2 full minutes
>They started playing the music 10 seconds after Chance The Rapper said "Glory be to God"
Makes you stink.
>fell into obscurity after adopting christianity.
>byzantine empire
Byzantine scholars travelling to the west was one of the reasons for the renaissance.
honestly she is probably a slave to some high ranking satanic witch who tromps her around like a fucking purse dog in front of all the good little urbanised goyim.
Personally I think she is ugly and untalented.
Cut him some slack, Byzantine influence doesn't get enough credit in most education systems.
I agree with you. She's like the fucking boxed wine of singers.
I like to think she got pregnant from a gangrape, adds more magic to the fap
Why? If she cucked Joseph for God then why should I respect her at all?