Get fucked America. Trudeau just asserted dominance over Drumpf. You think our physically strong, young...

Get fucked America. Trudeau just asserted dominance over Drumpf. You think our physically strong, young, and healthy leader is going to let an old orange chetto man yank him in? Get fucked America.

Canada - 1
America - 0

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Nice try Satan

Drumpf BTFO!


nice try america 3-0 now

Trudeau Sits like a cuckboy, How can that ever win

Your PM is too much of a pussy to shake our leaders hand. We're going to keep the Stanley Cup for another 8 years and stop buying your inferior maple syrup.

Don't mind my fail art skills.

haha kek, underrated

dont forget you leafs need us more than we need you.

Trudeau is shaking hands like a fucking woman, not surprised why everyone here says your country is cucked

Stop triggering Americans. Even if we have Maple syrup they have nukes.

Lol Trudeau is such an idiot he can't even recognize a moment to shake hands, I feel bad for you leafs.

trump is telling this cuck that if even one muzzie gets into the US and does something then we are raking the leafs.

enjoy paying your shitty high GST.
Enjoy your weak dollar at your shitty third-rate knock-off stores.
No more trips to the US to throw your boxes and trash all over the parking lots.


Hides his hardon for Trump.

can be delivered by air. just ask nicely.

triggered lmfao

Why are images loading so fucking slow today



>you should see what this thing did to pence, it gave him yuge electrical powers believe me

>Assert dominance
> Trudeau
pick one faggot



>Canada is minus 1

Sounds about right, op.

if you say so.

mostly im just tired of these ice niggers coming across the river and throwing their trash everywhere because they dont want to pay the tax on taking it back across the border.

fuck her before she gets cold

Fuck me, he managed to turn our favorite offspring into the annoying activist daughter who argues for Sharia whilst being a lipstick lesbian.

He's fucking Hayley from American Dad!

Rofl. Get a hold of this guy.

friendship with uk has ended. canada is best friend now.

what did they talk about? I didn't get to watch it

anything to note?

Your days are numbered Leaf, pretty soon these boards will be freed from your shitposting. The day of the rake is coming soon.

What did he mean by that?

1. Trump consider trudeau to be a bitch, so he saw no reason to intimidate, or measure him.

2. Trump changed his handshake method due to criticisms.

2 is unlikely.

Literally first thing I notice was the weak handshake.

that's the spanish in you speaking.

breddy gud

I bet Trudeau lets old men yank him all the time back home in the mosque

This is real? Really?

Both of you come over to our house and hang. We have Playstation and pizza and I know where our dad hides his old porn mags.

This looks like the start to a gay porno and we all know Trudeau won't be riding on top