what does Sup Forums think about National Socialist Black Metal ?
NSBM thread
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Eh, not bad. NS music in general is pretty good.
I find NSBM to be too norsecore often which ruins it
People who listen to music for the lyrics are the worst.
Lyrics are part of NSBM. But what is more important is the use of European classical to evoke the whole goddamn purpose behind the NS.
>edgy teens
music of monkeys. I prefer listening music of niggers
Redpilled music
Why ? lyrics can be a powerful tool, personally i got partially red pilled on nationalism by listening tons of Peste Noire.
The Spade and the Sword against the Usurer, this is literally one of the song that redpilled me the most
Because lyrics are what pretentious twats and metalfags pay attention to. Keep your politics out of music.
Like any genre NSBM has its good and awful bands. 99% of the bands are made up of misguided barely literate untermensch.
That goes for all metal though and I'm saying this as a life long black metaller.
It's musically the most shitty kind of black metal.
>keep your politics out of music
What the fuck are you doing on Sup Forums?
I know what you mean but i don't mind it personally, for example i still enjoy listening to leftists bands like Napalm Death from time to time just for the music.
Lots of shitty bands i'm not gonna deny it but you can find some real gems too.
This board revolves around politics, while political bands and their fans tend to be cancer since it isn't the music they care about but the message.
>implying that a person listening to music must pick either lyrics or the overall song to listen to
Dude, just enjoy both parts
Great shit
Fuck i knew it ! I hesitated between Absurd and Wolfnacht actually
Absurd > all
You're an idiot. Besides techno/dubstep faggots, the reason for listening to music is at least partially because of the lyrics.
Not at all for me, I'd just read a book then.
9 times out of 10, people who care about lyrics are faggots.
You might as well listen to nigger rap.
>Absurd > all
Kek agrees
Black metal is autistic as fuck.
All this talk about lyrics is fucking stupid considering you can barely understand what the retards are screaming.
what does Sup Forums think of national socialist nip metal