>Smoking weed is degenera-
Smoking weed is degenera-
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>pissing yourself is better than shitting yourself
It is.
Where was this """study""" done, CU Boulder? Most stoners are fucking retarded
>Drug users perform better academically than other drug users.
Fuck off weed shill.
Because only niggers smoke cigs retard
And people who don't smoke at all perform the best. GTFO.
Better than tobacco smokers is still more than a standard deviation worse than average
I remember, that smocking week before your brain is fully developed (before 25) can be harmful. Make you permanent NEET or something.
Fallacy. All. Students smoke pot, thus pot smoking students by necessity have to perform better than the group of nonexistent students.
>tobacco is introduced to euros
>"t-tobacco is good! there isnt any evidence it's bad! It's even BENEFICIAL!
>weed is introduced to euros
>"we-weed isnt bad for you! there isnt any evidence it is!
and history repeats itself...
you must have smoked a LOT before you were 25 then.
How do they perform against people who don't smoke at all?
Silly dumbfucks, context is everything.
No shit, only absolute morons ever smoke tobacco when they know it's addictive, expensive, and dangerous.
weed was introduced to euros thousands of years ago, they just kind of forgot about it (and opium) after the collapse of the western roman empire.
Hearty kek
and what about people that don't smoke at all?
Tabacco was introduced after euros explored SA
They found cannabis seeds in Celtic druids graves
Explain this
I smoked a lot of pot while I was in high school and let me tell you I had pretty shit grades
Searched up the original article. Study claims also that 92% of the tobacco users also smoked weed. What kind of fucking study is this? What could you prove using this data? This is what Leaf tax dollars fund?
Who the hell has the time to do this stupid researches ?
Unsurprisingly, data about students who do neither is not included in the article.
Any and all drug users are degenerate. It's that simple.
Sounds bout right, we generally like throwing our money away via taxes.
kek mocks you
drugs promote chaos and thus propagate his will
>muh medicinal plant, brah
>if it grows from the Earth, it was meant for me
It never ends.
This is what our tax dollars are being wasted on.
>Most stoners are fucking retarded
Only the ones who are stupid to begin with
I feel sorry for you Leaf friend. For what it's worth I'm about to inherit some land in Ontario so I'll be able to throw some money away soon too. At least the fishing is good.
Still less than your pregnant mother smocked crack.
I really hate how bluepilled Sup Forums is on drugs.
this. People who claim weed made them stupid or lazy are just stupid and/or lazy.
>They found cannabis seeds in Celtic druids graves
stoner proto-vikings gave it to the celtics on trade so they could bang some of their women. This is how blonde hair got introduced to the british isles.
>*inhales deep from bong*
So all research is state funded?
Research is never useless. It's the backbone of human development and the guarantee that we will continue to survive
That makes no sense. One has a compound that is beneficial to the brain and the other has a a chemical that is negative for brain health.
What's your point?
Jenkem and Nazi surplus amphetamines are the Sup Forums drugs of choice. Anything else is degenerate.
Do you need narcotics just to get through the day?
Yeah but lazy stupid people tend to smoke more weed and are drawn to weed
It's gotten to a point here in Canada that I can point who will be a pothead in highschool by Gr7
So many people these days have such difficulties finishing their sentences.
really? you need me to explain the joke?
This. I'm a lazy sob to the point where its been responsible for more hardship and unfulfilled potential then all other factors in my life combined.
When I smoke pot this gets magnified by 10. What do I do? I don't smoke pot before I need to do something. problem solved
it really is a shame how many people wont partake in substances that could be really helpful or at the very least enjoyable because "drugs are bad m'kay"
Thats because smoking tobacco is even more retarded. Weedfags will champion this as reporting something it isn't.
More weed shilling from Mainstream Legacy Media. Somehow everything else they print is fake news and shilling, but with this stoners of Sup Forums have no qualms about this. Ok totally legit.
Anyone who toked and then quit cold turkey or lives around habitual users knows that weed legit makes you retarded. This isn't question of "le moderation", which is a fucking retarded placating meme. THC accumulates in fat cells, and prolonged "moderate" use will still noticeably sap your cognition.
Young people are giving up weed in droves all around, because the cat is completely out of the bag that it's literally retard high through and through.
Only dumbass Americans and their European dicksuckers play weed up as be all end all of relaxed lifestyle.
You want enlightment, do a whole bunch of shrooms. Or microdose shrooms with BrainForce from Alex Jones niggers.
weed is literally mickey mouse tier stupid shit
well yeah, pee is sterile, shit isn't.
No I want to know what this has to do with my reply to the mexican
They probably do it because of the the stigma. If they were told weed makes you work hard and concentrate they'd probably never touch it. Instead they can pull the old "I'm not lazy/stupid, I'm just stoned" routine.
faggots in the government arrest kids and ruin their lives over this, but pol is muh degenerate
Drink some more vodka
Piers is that you?
Those who don't smoke either perform far better than those who smoke. Check mate.
>Weed isn't that big of a deal
>Gays are generally nice and fun
ITT: Things you will never agree with Sup Forums on
>Anyone who toked and then quit cold turkey or lives around habitual users knows that weed legit makes you retarded.
Weed makes you an idiot only if you let it. There is a difference between taking a few hits to relax and listen to or play some music or similar; and smoking yourself retarded every day.
Yeah it's probably due to that, still doesn't make my statement any less true
In all seriousness, Weed is pretty degenerate, I've done it in my life 4 times, It's less effective than alcohol and it makes everything smell like shit. That and stoner culture just feels fucking dirty, taking hits from a bong that always looks unlclean.
I hate it.
it has nothing to do with that.
the joke: a stoner giving out his stoner theories whether you wanted them or not.
i drive better when i'm stoned too. but mainly because most of my driving while young was on weed
Yeah, I mean this isn't rocket science. Don't smoke weed if it doesn't help you work, just like you wouldn't pound 10 shots before learning to fly a helicopter.
Is it even possible to buy weed in Nippon?
>Japan will not die out because of lack of reproduction
The stuff kids smoke today is pretty potent, and it doesn't surprise me that chronic use leads to mental health issues.
A bit of hash now and then is quite pleasant though. All things in moderation and all that.
I'm just gonna give my opinion on weed here on an anime message board:
Weed is a good drug, but it has the potential to hinder your ambitions and lower your overall energy if you use it at the wrong times.
I like to get stoned on the weekends with my friends, it's a good way to unwind after a long work week. Now that I'm an adult (23) working full time as a welder, I find weed to be detrimental to my progress. When I smoke weed, it takes me about 24 hours to feel completely normal again. I feel this is due to the effect it has on hormones.
Weed makes you feel okay with doing nothing, which can either be extremely dangerous or extremely helpful. Snowy day, can't leave the house, nothing to do? Light up a joint and watch a movie.
Just got out of work? haven't exercised? Haven't caught up on the daily news? Haven't worked on your hobby? Better to stay sober and take advantage of the post-work momentum.
Overall just use weed wisely. Abusing any drug is harmful in different ways. If you smoke weed everyday, it's hard to tell if it's affecting your life negatively because you're constantly stoned. Try to keep it to every other day max. Give yourself that 24 hours to step back into a sober mindset and calibrate your perspective.
not since your mother come here
How did the students on cocaine perform?
it grows in the wild in hokkaido
preform better? in what? learning to be liberal?
here come the stoners in denial with their tired "le moderation" meme
keep at it my dudes it's gonna work out just fine when you suddenly develop anhedonia and/or will be unable to make complex descicions because you have THC percolating through your system constantly.
you've never been blasted on cannabis for weeks straight.
you get to a point where you can deal with the high
then your brain fires much more smoothly, it helped with my autism
but now i'm a (((criminal))) and being threatened with a lengthy jail sentence for possessing it
>no way to accurately gauge these
You would need to have a clone of somebody, expose one to weed and then give them the same test, this may just be a factor of smarter people in one group and nothing to do with what they smoked
cannabis seeds aren't illegal yes? just grow it which every nipponese does because asians never trust each other
>weed makes you stupid
>weed makes you lazy
>weed makes you gay
>weed is degenerate
why is it that every single person ive met in person that holds these views has never gotten laid, and gives off the "spends friday jacking / playing games for 10-16 hours" vibe
I think it depends on your brain chemistry and stoner culture is made up bullshit. Only rejects get into it.
I only smoke fags btw
Every single person I've ever known that got in trouble for having pot got caught by being a retard.
>I'll just carry a couple of grams in my glove compartment just in case lmao
>I'll just smoke in my dorm, no one will ever notice if I crack a window
>I'll carry my stash around in my backpack then act surprised that people notice even though I look like I just got done jerking off to a grateful dead album and I reek like ganja.
>I'll just do something I know is against the law and then bitch when I get in trouble for doing it.
I don't care if weed is legal or not, I'll abstain regardless. However, I have no sympathy for the retards who get shit on for being retards.
That is one of the worst written articles ive ever encountered. Can people please refrain from posting dailymail?
Former weed user here. It actually helped me a lot during school and uni to focus my thoughts. Also helped with relaxing after a long work day and all that. Then I had to dive it up for various reasons, and now I'm an unemployed alcoholic living off welfare. Yay!
>i cant into sacred use of cannabis so none of you can either!
You know what would've helped your brain? A low-yield ECT treatment that showed tremendous results in cases of autism and MDD.
But nah, fuck that shit, better get some prescriptions for Jew approved crazy pills made from literal industrial runoff that make you shoot up schools eventually
or better yet (((self-medicate))) with fucking weed of all things, smoking yourself retarded and going to jail for it
good job bro
>Than those who some tobacco
Just don't smoke anything
> How did marijuana get to the United States?
>After this really long "trip" throughout the pre-modern and modern worlds, cannabis finally came to the United States at the beginning of the 20th century. It arrived in the southwest United States from Mexico, with immigrants fleeing that country during the Mexican Revolution of 1910-1911.
I'm no weed historian but pretty sure it was in the states before that. IIRC marijuana was used as a rotation crop by colonists and George Washington supposedly grew in on his plantation. Also weed grows naturally in the US in the wild. There's been a little bit of controversy because the DEA gets federal funding to eradicate "ditch weed;" they get paid to go out and burn the marijuana that grows wild in ditches and on the side of the road. In fact, up until your article I thought the plant originated from the americas.
>one in six teens
>no further details or clues about how the study was setup and carried out given
Im sure non-smokers with their superior intellect can realize what is wrong about this.
Online russian pharmacies are excellent
In Washington, one of few states with legal recreational weed, only 30% of college students smoke it.
This has never happened because someone smoked weed. In fact I'm almost certain it's prescribed to treat it. Are you sure you don't mean heroin?
Who the fuck are you trying to bullshit, you stuipid stoner.
Please don't go around spreading the truth, having a whole stunted generation means less competition on many well paid fields and i'm already reaping the benefits
If you believe moderation isnt a factor on harmful effects of anything, and only things that you can indulge on endlessly are truly safe, there is literally nothing that fits that criteria. Not even water.
Of course degenerates do better.
>smoking marijuana before being fully developed has been proven to cause a noticeable amount of short term memory loss
Gee I don't know, dailymail.
You are Dutch. You should know that the rate of users declines in countries where it's legal
protip: "anhedonia", "loss of ambition" etc can be interpreted in a spiritual sense. do buddhas seem very ambitious to you? or quite detached, aloof...?