red pilled vidya
Red pilled vidya
Other urls found in this thread:
watch dogs 2
mafia 3
Gold is flowing into the treasury sire!
>watch dogs 2
The joke is that he said non redpilled games in a redpilled games thread epic!
The story of the modern warfare trilogy was pretty great, would have worked pretty well as a movie/book.
Too bad not many people care about the campaigns.
You took the red pill
Cant place that there mlord!
>worst COD
Shepherd did nothing wrong
>watch dogs 2
>takes place in san francisco
>protagonist is a beaner
>you can see lgbt flags hanging from fucking everywhere
nice joke
Fo 3+4
Skyrim remastered
I still think AW is the best contemporary COD.
It has the wall, mexicans and Mike Pence. All protagonists are white too. It's also underrated as fuck.
Taking the obvious one out of the table early
True patriot.
Deus Ex
Crysis Warhead
Metal Gear Rising: Revengence
>literally a 5 minute rant about memes
No one has posted Bioshock 1 yet?
>follows the advise of a God who is only using him to get revenge unaware of how he is being used
>ultimately has to help his """enemy""" unfuck the shit """they""" orchestrated in the past.
I wish they would revive this series
Never played it so I can't really vouch for that
The premise was good, and the characters were okay too. Gameplay was pretty mediocre though, and it was short as fuck even for a Call of Duty. Takes like 4 hours to complete.
The fact that Nosgoth was the setting before the legacy of kaine games is pretty neat.
Rambo The Video Game
Battlefield 1
Mass Effect: Andromeda
Uncharted 4
Last of Us 1+2
Watch Dogs 2
Mafia III
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Psi Ops
Pretty cool MKultra/Remote Viewing type stuff
What are you doing on Sup Forums Todd?
it was funny
day of the rake when
checked that sweet full house GET
well I felt it was more speedy than Ghosts, the pacing and just the general flow of some maps with the exo-skeleton made it a pretty cool game (definitely beter than the next one, forgot the name).
Well if you can get a friend to couch co-op with you or you find it on sale or very cheap to rent for a weekend with some friends it's worth a try.
Europa Universalis IV
Crusader Kings II
Agreed I love the total war franchise!
are you serious??? that game was such blasphemous SJW bullshit that I returned it to gamestop 3 hours after I bought it. FUCK WATCHDOGS 2.
The fast pace does look very fun 2bh, played a bit of BO3 and all that stuff was really cool to play with.
Haven't owned any Call of Duty since Ghosts, need to muster up some money first for a next gen console or a decent PC. Got bills to pay
Aw fug I did it again
Flight Simulator 2004.
KEK 1686 and you only conquered small parts of Mexico? Git gud nub
Move aside. Remember this game is from 2000, it was prophetic to say the least.
Last I checked the online community for the PS4 is D E A D. So yeah not worth buying for the online senpai, it's a couch nachos and dew game now, nothing else.
Oh and a decent campaign with Kevin Spacey playing a huge role if you're a fan of the guy.
I've only 136 hours, still learning how to play. It's 1732 now and I've conquered all of Mexico and am currently trying to wrestle control of Argentina from Britain.
>54 million consoles sold
GTA is the most redpilled Vidya.
Ooga Boogas and Spics living in trash ghettos committing crimes.
Whites in posh houses
How is Call of Duty: Ghosts red pilled?
Eh I'm not much of a fan of online gaming anyways, I play almost exclusively single player games.
Kevin Spacey as the villain looks pretty cool, but I won't be able to unsee him as Kevin Spacey. It's like Leo Di Caprio or Tom Hanks. Good actors, but too famous to "be" anyone else.
Mafia 3 was a joke too.
We wuz Italians 'n sheeet
that conversation was the best part of the game
I would say GTA has an even mix of both redpill and bluepill. Just listen to the radio stations for a good half hour. One minute you'll be kekking, the next you'll cringe.
True, but he fits the role well enough, you won't unsee him as Kevin Spacey but it's still cool to have Spacey as the villain.
I grew up playing with bootleg copies for ps1, ps2 and xbox360 anyway so online isn't a deal breaker for me either. Well I hope you enjoy it if you do decide to get it britbro.
I'm talking about the COD:AW online community for the PS4 you fucking spastic.
Metro 2044 and Metro last light are pretty redpilled.
Cheers, mountainlad. Shadilay
bioshock 1 is red pilled as hell
Fallout 1&2, and Fallout: New Vegas are amazing games. Fallout 3 is okay, Fallout 4 is garbage.
The Legend of Zelda is also a great franchise, not redpilled but no political agenda behind either.
mafia 3 is very redpilled I once heard ''nigger'' in it
>implying they're not all the same
also hearts of iron 4
there is no holocaust in it