Trompkins on full alert.
Trompkins on full alert
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how retarded can people be?
>Shakira law
LOL Americans are retarded.
>shakira law
When $ is involved people will be as dumb as can be. Funny how this stranger from Croatia has such a strong opinions on American politics.
Muricans? Very.
HOly fuck
fuck starbucks
eff you
The one donut to rule them all
You tell me ya silly orange picker
Probably not true but this honestly wouldn't surprise me.
thats LoTR 'the one ring' elf writing
>LOTR elvish
I fucking laughed
>orange picker
kek the joke's on you
thats the elvish writing from Lord of the rings
>Shakira law
What did Autocorrect mean by this?
the whole world cares more about your politics than you guys, if the republicans win good for ex commies if the democrats win good for sandniggers
I believe that's Black Speech.
leafs don't lie
Pretty sure that's not even Arabic.
>Black Speech
So Arabic, then.
Look closer. It's the language of Mordor
>The Black Speech of Mordor
Makes sense.
>Shakira law
Donut hips don't lie!
Hey, if your hips don't lie then why would the rest of you lie
>murrikan "education"
>Amerilard in charge of reading
>Shakira law
Post nasheeds
I don't mean to be (((that guy))), but that text is from Tolkien's LOTR.
Oh my god the terrorists have infiltrated our donuts to have crazy purple knock out gas inside them that makes you go to sleep and wake up a terrorist OH SHIT
>people cant read tengwar
jesus, probably fucking american cucks
i know both tengwar,arabic + 4 other languages.
>one ring donut to rule them all and in the stomach bind them
Okay Peter, whatever you say.
that's part of the joke, dummy :)
looks like donuts are back on the menu, boys!
>Shakira Law
>shakira law
that is when the hips don't lie, right?
>murrikan protectorate
>complaining about murrikans
Show a little more respect, Schlomo.
Is not that the one ring?
> Shakira Law
>Shakira Law
this is all a huge unfunny meme. Sage
While you're shitposting, here's some real cancer
its just that its normal for them to know a single language .
i think there's some sapir whorf hypothesis shit going on when people only know one language that their thinking and worldview is constricted by it .
being able to appreciate more then one culture in its own native language with all the subtleties of it changes how you see poeple, nations and cultures and makes you appriciate your own culture and language more.
Yes I saw a movie about this where an American learns a foreign language and she can see the future because how she perceived the world changed
>Shakira Law
I'm down with that.
that shit's retarded senpai.
i mean i love chiang books and all but a language that allows a biologically normal human to perceive the future is a retarded idea.
at least the filmography was great and it was an denniskino
I saw a maymay on here yesterday.
It described how a linguist studying native african languages realized non-written languages have a limited amount of spoken words, limited by how many they can remember. I think it said the Zulu dictionary is only like 250 pages.
Africans did not know why white man had a dictionary, as they know ALL of the words in their non written language.
The germans who have one word for feeling embarrassed for yourself, and another for feeling embarrassed/sorry for another person.
Or the zulu who have no word for or concept of maintenance, the closest translation means to watch over your field of crops.
All these non-written languages are not worth continuing, including Maori in NZ.
You're pretty smug for a henchman. Be careful not to bite the hand that feeds you. That said,
why would I want to know 6 gorillion languages?
I can drive for days and days at 60 or 70 miles per hour and English works everywhere I go. So which is the more efficient culture?
I was just pissed it was a bait-and-switch to American audiences where it made the film out to be an alien invasion movie. I was going in expecting an action movie about death, not a thinking man's movie about death process
Also I hate movies about time because there will always be glaring plot holes and inconsistencies in them
One donut to rule them all.
what would happen if you ate the one donut to rule them all?
nice onion ring
youll get fatter
there's plenty of features of other languages that are great.
hebrew for a consistent neat structure for all its verbs.
german for just mashing together words for new ones.
french for being too dumb to invent efficient words for some numbers.
personally i'd support the introduction of an artificial international language made by like a committee of linguists that is demonstrably more efficient , meaning-dense and easy to learn then current day languages (fucking good luck with russian grammar senpai might as well KYS).
but yea just using what's already popular is more practical.maybe im biased because my main language was sort of a revived semi-artificial language.
>Islamic donuts
I don't even
The power would consume you from within
>Shakira law
arrival didnt have any plot holes\inconsistencies as far as i can tell other then the 'lmao alien symbols make you see all time dude'
>watching any trailers\any media related to any film before its released.
dont do it,find some good reviewer that doesn't spoil things that has the same taste and use him for recommendations .
It was like the 3rd movie I saw last year and I only saw it because a normie friend dragged me to it and paid for my ticket telling me "dude ayyy invastion"
I usually don't watch movies in general, especially in theaters
It kind of is actually. Black Speech and all.
This is true, my hips don't lie.
lately I've been thinking the adopted western islamic religion is nothing like the middle eastern islamic religion it goes against everything original islam stands for what if the adopted western version is to one day replace the middle eastern one am I onto something here
Maybe because you play the executive police officer in the entire world so we would like to know who will bring us freedom next.
>lately I've been thinking the adopted western islamic religion is nothing like the middle eastern islamic religion
>am I onto something here
Taqiyya is an Islamic juridical term whose shifting meaning relates to when a Muslim is allowed, under Sharia law, to lie.
Dumb shart. It only applies to shias, which the vast majority of the Muslims in the west are NOT
The story of that movie is just awful. I don't know why oscars are so pleb to nominate it.
>hurrr a movie made me think! How dare they?
Americans everybody
t. Muhammed Mahhemed bin Dublinistan
She's a midget thought. Poor Pique will have a bunch of manlets for sons.
I'm not mad at the movie for making me think. I found it enjoyable, but the trailers made it out to be an action alien invasion movie
is Simpsons red-pilled?
So nice of you to screencap your countrymen's posts
One ring to rule them all
If starbucks can't get the name of the person who ordered right, what makes you think they will be able to tackle Arabic?
>tip mom
>tip teacher
>tip cheerleaders
too many Tolkien dorks here for that joke to work.
One Donut to rule them all, One Donut to fatten them,
One Donut to bring them all and in motorized scooters bind them
It used to be.
Triggered, special snowflake?
I'd have some fuckin Shakira law over here if you catch my drift