it blows my mind how liberals think. i dont get it guys
It blows my mind how liberals think. i dont get it guys
Other urls found in this thread:
>Matthew Eliot Green
those mad paint skills
Why even bother using MSpaint to edit the name if you're going to be retarded about it.
Matthew Elliot (((Green)))
Why do I care, I'm white. They won't come for me (inb4 kek virgin).
>this person broke the law
>why are they being arrested?
Liberals base their beliefs on emotions rather than facts and they know this.
these people are completely insane. Some people are so brainwashed they unironically believe trump is literally hitler
exactly. why would ''''they'''' come for me or white christians? dont get it
I don't see anything wrong with Matt's argument.
He's right. Everyone who breaks the law will be punished. It doesn't matter what religion you belong to.
I canĀ“t read anymore since Sup Forums. I read holocaust as holohoax.
What are the slices of pepperoni pizza suppose to represent in this image?
Question about faggots that take hormones to turn into females.
What are the long term effects of this? It fucks you for life I assume? Shouldn't this be illegal for anyone under 18?
>first they came for the muslims
>then they came for the mexicans
>soon they will come for you!
but i am the one coming for the muslims and spics
pretty sure i'm not gonna go after myself
>this person broke a pretty significant law and got arrested
They won't come for anyone who follows the law.
Expecting laws to be followed, how fascist!
>green card holders are allowed to vote as long as they identify themselves
Am I getting gas lighted?
Holy shit is this banter?
>What are the long term effects of this?
permanently fucked up hormone system, infertility, and a whole truckload of mental disorders
Pizzagate my man
Don't trust anyone, especially yourself.
jews are trying to taunt us again.
It all sounded normal enough. Typical liberal, thinking laws don't apply if they don't agree with them. And then this:
>the holocaust
... where the fuck did that come from? How are you comparing to a woman lying about her citizenship status to the holocaust?
Tell them they're doing a slippery slope fallacy and watch them recoil.
>invoking the Lolocaust to slander Trump
Who could be behind this post, guys?
Ignorantia juris non excusat
hmmmm i dunno considering it has comet plastered right across it. maybe it represents the sodium potassium gradient across cell membranes
>i dont get it guys
She was a good gurl and dindunuffin.
Don't attempt to reason or use logic with them. They are something like a jew in that if you point out that they are not using logic, they will look as though struck. Their empathy overpowers the logic of simple things like Laws....They will attempt to undermine laws with illogical non-arguements......Voting is a right of all us citizens....if we cave in to a simple thing like this, soon after non-citizens will be able to vote......And they think "muh russians" hacking the election was bad....Wait till mexico overpowers our election.....There would be civil unrest from all sane citizens, but they will be outnumbered.
SO, if they come for your laws first speak up. Preserve your laws at all costs.
>Conservatives are deporting the Mexicans
>Conservatives are deporting Muslims
>Whoops looks like conservatives are deporting themselves
>voter fraud isn't a thing, stop trying to pretend that anyone would actually do that
>now here's a story all about how a resident alien illegally voted in the election and is getting PUNISHED for it!
>soon they will come for you
No, because I was born here
>enforcing law
Who ready to bash in faces for fun?
Kinda dumb law, but ignorance of the law is no excuse.
How many fucking times does this need to be said?
Don't be naive OP wants him harassed this is just some plausible denial non-sense. Nobody can be this incompetent.
Man trying to demanify himself. What the kek
>Someone breaks the law
>Police put them in jail
Fuck having laws and borders and shit!
I mean just think about the holocaust.
>How are you comparing to a woman lying about her citizenship status to the holocaust?
Its nothing near the holocaust.
But they also think a tranny is a real woman.
>people who participated in election fraud get punished.
>this is exactly what happened in holocaust...
Hmm.... could she be /ourgal/ for trying to subtly redpill normies on the JQ?
Yeah man, Holocaust was all about illegal immigration
>first they came for the muslims
Did they?
Are all the muslims gone now?
>muh holocaust
>how liberal think
>liberal think
I found your problem.
Actually white BETAS with guns are the problem in America.
Klebold/Harris, Roof, Rodgers, Loughlin, Holmes, Lanza, list goes on and on. It's white virgin betas doing most of these mass shootings.
After we stop the muslims we need to root you faggots out, take your guns, make you get jobs and girls.
>lying about her citizenship status to the holocaust?
What she did was way worse, voter fraud.
By the way, what happened to the Liberals saying voter fraud is a myth? this fucker probably believes it.
>first they come for x and then y
If white christian patriarchs are the cause, why would they come for me if I'm a white christian.
This doesn't make any sense if you are the group that is supposedly committing the atrocity.
>i dont get it guys
are you kidding me? fucking educate yourself you racist nazi
reminder that his family name was probably (((greenberg))) before they changed it to hide the obvious.
Probably, If they think healthcare is a right, it's not far fetched to say other countries should be allowed to vote and freely move about the country too.
You might be right.
The white man has been pussified for too long.
Have you lifted today, Sup Forums?
Yeah because all the polish jews were secretly illegal immigrants, didn't you know?
I am only half a problem then. I have a job, just need a girl.
They were actually illegal immigrants in their own country, thats why we invaded them.
>X is going after Y
>next X will go after Z
>what will happen when X goes after...X
>lay down your life for the refugees
I'll pass, thank you.
>Have you lifted today, Sup Forums?
Last night, those squats killed me.
>soon they will come for you
you fucking niggers and commies have been coming for me for the last decade and a half
it's time I fired back with both barrels
enjoy mexico, cunt
>By the way, what happened to the Liberals saying voter fraud is a myth?
they backpedaled
>voter fraud doesnt exist!
>woman convicted and jailed for voter fraud
>OMG that poor woman did nothing wrong! how can you be so cruel!
they essentially changed their position from "voter fraud is a conspiracy theory made up by drumpf because he is a sore loser!" to "voter fraud isn't a bad thing and shouldn't be punished!"
They don't really get it either, user. This basically reads like a plot to a film. (((Hollywood))) brainwashing in action.
>first they came for the terrorists, and I did not help them because I was not a terrorist
>then they came for the pedophiles, and I did not help them because I was not a pedophile
>then they came for the criminals, and I did not help them because I was not a criminal
>then I whined about america on twitter and no one gave a shit because we actually have freedom of speech
It wasn't deportation, it was consensual repatriation. Hitler was simply a concerned and helpful neighbour!
>commit felony
>go to jail
>being deported back to your own country because you're a felon
>the same as the holocaust
whata racist.
I feel the same way about all idealougues. Conservatives, liberals, anarchists.. all a bunch of ignorant , silly Billies
that's how I feel too.
When they come for me, I won't need anyone to speak up-- I have a fucking gun.
Lmao the histrionics, Matty needs to put down the fatty.
We're not putting Muslims or Mexicans into fucking camps. We're preventing travel from 7 countries and sending people who are here illegally back in accordance with the law.
> I won't need anyone to speak up-- I have a fucking gun
Best argument to shit on the Niemoller maymay tbqh
Stay free amerryshits, if you fall, we all do.
They switched tactics
Voter fraud is a thing, but WIDESPREAD voter fraud pffft you have to be a dumb duuurumpf supporter to believe that fairy tale. I genuinely hope the Trump administration shows evidence of it so these people can be impaled on fences.
Lmao why would they come for me? I'm a legal productive citizen and a veteran. I served my country, unlike those who seek to destroy it. My country takes care of me, and I take care of it. Liberals can get fucked.
No girl has come for you
>We're preventing travel
And only for 90days. The kikes wish the lolocaust lasted only that long.
No fucking way this bitch got 8 years for voting as a citizen versus permanent resident.
When some guy called Trump Hitler on Bill "Rivers of Zion" Maher's show he looked fucking shellshocked
Libs dont even realize holocaust belittling is like stabbing a jew in the heart
>Breaks law
>Gets deported
Fucking nazis
I thought when Obama was president that the left said that the US government would never be tyrannical. That was one of their arguments against gun ownership. So I guess gun ownership is ok now?
>Lay down your life and die for the refugees like you were supposed to, goyim! REEEEEE
>i dont get it guys
Many (shils and etc..) are paid to say bullshit.
Imagine your father tell santa claus exist, to make sure you do your homework (and so receive santa claus gifts).
You may ask him, "is santa claus faster than light, how he works". He will need to come with an explanation about this, but then you ask "santa claus is literally 'downloading a car', a hot whell car, and also playstation and etc.., are you ok with me being ok with piracy" and then you ask "my friend said their fathers dont believe at santa claus, how this works. Do their fathers think they stolen the toys they got from santa claus?" and this goes on
He will need to deal with all this mess, having explanations to all the mess he created and need to make sure he doenst contradict himself.
This is why they say bullshit, its hard to explain something you dont really believe at.
>but WIDESPREAD voter fraud pffft
Well it isn't as widespread as Trump argued but still bigly enough to involve roughly 800,000 participants this last election, which amounts to about 6% of the conservative estimate of illegal immigrant population residing in the US.
I have a major problem with this. Taxpayers now have to cover the costs of keeping her in prison for 8 years.
She should just be deported and permanently banned from reentering the country.
Slippery slope fallacy.
How it is legal while other drugs remain illegal boggles the mind. Self-harm of highest degree.
>Be Nazi's
>murder own lawful citizens because of "defects" or religion/ethnicity
>Invade other countries to murder their own jews and minorities/disabled people
this is somehow exactly the same as some guy saying people from countries funding or actively fighting insurgencies can't come here temporarily and deporting people who have illegally entered the country and you feel bad because they have managed to avoid capture for so long because democrats and republicans haven't been enforcing immigration laws because democrats want the children of immigrants as voters and old guard republicans want cheap labor to please their campaign funders
Source please?
Ignoring the fact the holocaust doesn't real, don't the jooz find it belittling when libs compare trump and the law to fucking hitler and nazis/holocaust?
>brazillian get pirated games during Xmas
>soon they will come for you
Who will? We're the ones rounding you criminals and faggots up in the first place.
If you're old enough to understand copyright laws but still believe in santa, there might be something wrong with you tbqh
>don't the jooz find it belittling when libs compare trump and the law to fucking hitler and nazis/holocaust?
You would think so. But once again the neo-jews of the western diaspora are so retarded they think construction markers are fucking swastikas.
What did he mean by this?
>and a whole truckload of mental disorders
But they already have those user, they're a prerequisite
underrated bantz
This is beautiful Brazilbro. It's the Sup Forums version of that "Yes, Elizabeth; there is a Santa Claus" letter from the 1930's. I shall share this every Christmas on Sup Forums moving forward. It will be my new Christmas tradition.
This, wtf.
>By Jess (((Zimmerman)))
Couldn't make this shit up even if you wanted to
He's right to compare this to the holocaust, because just like the holocaust, it's exaggerated bullshit that didn't happen.