leftists like walls, after all? leftists like walls, after all?
Really makes you think
I thought leftists hated when government was obstructed for personal gain?
Yet in real life the states with the highest amount of welfare are red ones.
I hope that Oregon or Washington turn red in 2020.
>>nine lives matters
> States with many niggers consume more welfare !
Congratulations Sherlock.
>States with a large portion of blacks are around the top
Wow, really surprising user.
I don't think its the niggers jethro
>please halp trump
Wyoming, ND and Utah are ruby red states.
holy shit,
I had no idea breitbart is so retarded
they won't
they're rich, smart and successful states
Never ever.
Maybe some day.
It is
Of course, they wuz engineers, lawyers n shit.
It's the genetically defective Neandertal who wuz ripping of the Kings and Queens.
None of those states are majority black people. It's still has a white majority.
For reporting the news? Well.. I guess that's retarded for some.
>Do leftists like wall after all
considering they cant even build one that can hold back rain, nah
California is blue pilled as fuck.
That's because red state shave the most nigs. Nigs are usually in the 10-20% range
He literally asked trump to declare a state of emergency due to the storms, it happens all the time in every state
Yet Brietbarts title is >Hur dur California begs trump for help
I don't think anybody was talking about welfare
that is kind of dumb
Large minority of blacks, not majority. Learn reading comprehension.
Gotta love all these jealous middle american fucks who think California is so shit.
If they were majority black there would be nothing left to even call a State
you state it as if you fully understand the cause.
you don't. you may have guessed correctly but that makes you a par or sub-par intellect who guessed correctly, not a smart person.
your brain didn't allow you to see the other glaringly obvious cause: they are red because of how many lazy people there are in their state.
and even that glosses over the myriad of other possible, underlying causes.
i guess what i'm trying to ask is why you didn't fucking read and follow the rules of this board, you fucking faggot? are they really that hard to find, read and understand?
i'm sorry, i just get cross with little children who incorrectly believe they are comparable to an adult and are therefore entitled to join in any conversation.
now gtfo, faggot. you're too stupid to be here.
He was probably referring to the garrison comic.
Mississippi is the blackEST state. Top of the list.
Wyoming is the whitEST state. Bottom of list.
Niggers. Problematic.
California has some of the best natural resources in the country. The problem is the people who live there.
And asked trump for federal funding after he bashed him on his policies. -As for the state of emergency, only the governor can declare that.
Why wasn't California ready for this in the first place?
>pussycat in a pussyhat
I'm sure if It was Obama he would've done the same. Plenty of red states asked him for funds after natural disasters
oregonfag here, I would assume that oregon would turn first. There was only a 5 point different this last election, and other than faggoty portland the whole state is solidly red. If we can get the califags to get the fuck out we will be fine
west coast best coast
Absolutely jealous
lmfao, this is fucking amazing. garison is gone mad!
gonna need an edit of the bicycle nig putting a stick in his own bike wheel, photoshopped a california on his head
fuck trump
plz help me trump?
He's so shit at cartoons. Always needs captions.
California will bend the knee.
Thats not how water works
Do you think brown will ask for funding to fix the Oroville dam? I mean, they were warned 12 years ago.
California and New York are worth more than the rest of the US combined, why are you guys so Jelly.
I'm just saying highest percentage of people on welfare are whites. I went to the shithole that is the south and yeah most of the white people I visited down there were poor as dirt. White trash trailer parks as far as the eye can see and I be damned if none didn't have welfare receivers.
>whitest states at the bottom
RedStateSocialism has been categorically disproven.
1: Military vets predominantly live in Red States.
2: Old people almost all retire to Red States.
3: Blacks predominantly live in Red States.
>the least welfare states are all red
Really activates almonds huh
mississippi fag here
can confirm drowning in niggers
You say that but nobody will listen
California rebukes Trump’s orders but wants $100B in federal infrastructure funds
sanctuary cities = no money you retards.
oh wow so 1/6 of the population DOESN'T consume most of the welfare damn my almonds have truly been activated
i fucking hate how blue/liberal oregon is.
Look at the size of Texas' population
> 26 Million
Now look at Wisconsin.
> 5.5 Million
They are neck and neck in SNAP chart
I'm sure he will now
I wonder whats going to happen. Will CA resign to their leftist faggot ways while their state burns or will they give into Trump?
Categorical lie. Separate out the "white" Hispanics and that number drastically improves. Perhaps it was real in your head? The largest percentage is blacks, they have a greater proportion of their population on welfare than any other race.
its percent of the population though. My guess is a lot of illegal aliens on SNAP in Texas.
Whos that?
I'm just saying stop acting like white people don't touch welfare at all. Sure minorities have a higher percentage using them but to what? The hundreds of millions of whites to maybe 40 millions blacks and 20 million other races. Go fuck yourself lad. Whites use more of it end of story.
I grew up in poor white trash communities
At least poor whites don't ravage their neighborhoods with crime like poor or rich blacks do
We just laugh and play in the dirt
They will sue and get BTFO in court
Then >give into Trump
It's funny how libtards think CA won't fall apart without federal funds
If Trump cuts off funds to CA, CA is fucked.
Still degenerate. Poor whites become heroin and meth addicts, they specialize in burglary, lethal car crashes.
Sure, they maybe less violent, but nothing to brag about.
texans are so fucking stupid ROFL
So even Horsey is admitting that's all that's left of the much ballyhooed "blue wall"?
I don't think it's shit, I think it's run by traitors.
it's not inaccurate
speaking to those people is like talking to a wall
>what are meth heads and drug addicts
I grew up poor too. Most of the kids I grew up with in a trailer park turned into drug addicts and receive welfare. No race is immune to it. I might sound like I'm protecting blacks but I'm really not it just get your fucking facts straight or nothing would get fixed. Blaming shit on a certain race for our countries problems wont change dick.
>Sure minorities have a higher percentage using them but to what
Gas yourself. Minorites use welfare at several times the rate of humans, and pay far less per-capita in taxes, even without deducting the payments made to them.
Why do commiefornians think for a second that Oregon and Washington want anything to do with their depravity?
The states that receive the most government money to grow the food for the entire world receive the most money
Really activates the almonds.
I can't wait to see liberal cities starve. It won't even take two weeks once those "red states" to cut off shipping all of the products that keep you city faggots alive and a hundred million niggers and liberals start eating each other.
I hope they secede and I hope the wall is 200 feet high. Commiefornians have no concept of what foresight is, that's why they believed Bernie's ridiculous economics policies and that's why seceding with be the worst thing for them, but the best thing for America.
Besides, just wait 6 months after they secede and they've all dehydrated after having no water and you can kick Mexico (who would immediately invade Commiefornia if they seceded, although I don't think you would be able to tell the difference between an invasion and its current state) out and make it into a Repub State.
Judge james robart
>nine lives matter
I'm dying!
normally that's true for his other cartoons I've seen though in this case there's barely any and it would still work without them (I assume americans are meant to recognize the face as the governor of ca or w/e)
Oregon ain't red (yet)
WTF did horsey mean by this?
Im in Washington, please dont send me away, its shitty ass Seattle's fault.
nice touch with the moon beams
fucking lunatic
nice touch
Perfect response
They just need the CA governor sat on top begging for money to fix the holes but also saying he will never let Trump pass and hates him
>moon beas
>nice touch
I knew I shouldn't have taken my tin foil hat off today
Because using welfare is seen as a sign of failure and shame to asian/white cultures
Whereas in other minorities its viewed as something to rely on.
However the claim rates are going up since everyone is encouraged to use it, this will only end is utter disaster.
Where are the flood waters?
Ol ben made that before the dam started leaking
>he's so white he never even drove through a nigger ghetto
you should really try it some time, it's shocking.
That is why they're so against it. They see the corrosive effects on society firsthand, warn you about it and you just don't listen.
>caliniggers trying to drag based Washington and its weird little brother Oregon into their fagshit
tfw oregon is getting invaded by californians