Why do feminists defend Islam so much, despite it not aligning with feminism at all?
Why do feminists defend Islam so much, despite it not aligning with feminism at all?
both hate western values/morals/civilization
Women are stupid.
Why do humans defend it when it doesn't align with human rights at all?
Because they are capitalistic Jews from Hollywood who just want to sell their Hollywood product all over the world, so they agree with any migrant. Same shit with other American corporations, they just want to expand their market, they know they are safe and can run their business from safe space.
Yeah, I hadn't considered that.
Because feminists are not pro-woman, pro-freedom, or pro-anything, they are anti-daddy and anti-self. They hate themselves and they want to punish themselves by figuratively murdering their fathers through sexual submission to inferior races, thereby cutting off their father's love and material support.
It's because feminism is collective female suicidality.
Because they're craving dominant, hyper violent, patriarchal men. They're begging to be beaten, raped, and subjugated because it means they'll finally get the bullshit-checking that their men are incapable of after decades of female abuse and psychological castration.
Western civilization will burn because women are animals who want to be enslaved, fucked, and beaten daily.
The hardest question is life is which is worse: a black or a muslim? Talk about a rock and a hard place.
Holy fuck this is the most correct post that has ever been written on the subject.
This is the moment I realize I might not be ready for Sup Forums
And both at the same time? Somalia needs ethnic cleansing.
because they are marxists, so they perform their duties as slaves/subjects to the cause which demands they support the other arm of the cause, both of which are in league with satan.
I'd say Muslims are simply more barbaric than the blacks of America, but native Africans are just as bad.
Hard to tell, to be honest.
If that turned your stomach, fight. Sup Forums needs dissenting opinions on this shit sometimes. Don't let this guy scare you away. Here's where you sharpen your claws.
>in league with satan
kek. boogeyman
but what is their endgame?
If they succeed they will end up in a position that won't allow them to follow these cravings.
Remember, you're here forever.
They have no endgame. They can't see that far ahead. Marxists never do.
Endgame is a male notion. They're responding to how things make them feel here and now, along with some vague idea that this will help them achieve happiness later on.
Because they're mindless followers, and the TV tells them to love Muzztards if they're "feminists".
Theres no such thing as a feminist.
Women are largely reactionary, if we stripped them of thier rights tomorrow there wouldn't be large scale civil-unrest. They'd sigh and do their best to cope.
The only reason they're pulling shit this is due to our government treating them as equals.
The harsh reality is women were always like this, and they're more miserable than ever.
All this discussion when this is the only correct answer
Virtue Signaling.
No you don't get it. When it comes to love, women don't think analytically. There is no endgame, only getting filled up with transient satisfaction. Like the other user in this thread said, money and power can't buy excitement. Women are sexually attracted to men who make them feel like they're almost in danger. They want to be at the mercy of a man, and then they feel special on the rare occasions when he treats her well.
I'm tempted to say not all women think this way.... Maybe that was the case 20 years ago, but by now the brainwashing has totally, utterly set in. The generation before our generation was brainwashed, and now we are doomed, save for us unlucky few who know the truth.
Women like to be treated like trash, Muslims give them that.
I'm popping your Not An Argument cherry
Haven't you noticed the more that Western men capitulated to their women and gave them better and better lives, the worse their women treat them?
Haven't you seen them spit the venom of "patriarchal misogynistic oppression" at their men, mostly white men, while begging and voting for the importing of the most patriarchal, misogynist, oppressive culture in the world, and making excuses for them all the while?
Take your medicine, boy. You'll never be the same after this.
Women crave little more than rape. It's a feminist's biggest fantasy.
Fifty Shades of Rape was a best seller.
The majority of women who are raped have an orgasm.
Women are built to be dominated by the strong. They are genetically programmed to admire their rapists.
Bump for truthiness
Because the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
They are willing to make a deal with the devil to destroy traditional standards of living and crus hwestern values.
Cause they like to get fucked raw by a stinky monkey.
Because they consider the white male patriarchy to be the primary enemy and Muslims are also opposed to the white male patriarchy. The enemy of my enemy.
What are you trying to start here?
Because when Islam was a much smaller force in the west, and the world in general, both were seen as weaker forces fighting against a racist patriarchy. Feminists went with the "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" mentality and linked their causes, similar to how feminism aligned itself with other civil rights movements.
Thing is, times change. Islam as a force within the west grew, and rather than integrating (as feminist/liberal thinkers had predicted) it formed enclaves and retained cultural values imported from the Muslim world, including problematic views on women. Now Islam has a fairly loud voice and defiantly refuses to modernise. The Muslim world, now armed with phenomenal financial power following the petrodollar surge, now has come into conflict with Western values, the very western values that Women have fought for over the last century.
Meanwhile, Femenist thinking has not changed, only become more extreme. 3rd wave femenists still see the western "patriarchy" as more of a problem than rising Islam.They will realise the mistake, but only when things really hit the fan.
In the mean time, educate yourself on the details of why Islamic values are so at odds with feminism and learn to put them in a way that the average collage student can understand, and also remember to note that "sadly, these views are held by the majority of Muslims, both world wide and of those living in the west."
As for
>Women want to be raped
is a bad meme from Sup Forums.
The problem with females in charge is not their ideology, but actually their gender. It's the first time in history that females are able to fundamentally influence our Western civilisation. They just don't get that leadership is not their evolutionary function and that they lack necessary traits to lead and defend our societies.
poor babby, he doesn't know he's here forever
virtue signaling. the reason they do most of what they do
You seem to have skipped the last 10 years. Recently a millionaire 6/10 made his round in morning shows, telling "his" story that he will never marry, having already 2 kids with two 8/10ers with "contracts" for taking care about the kids while he carousing the world. The women in the studios went MAD.
More financially well men in the west use their time to character build, having dates and just give a FCUK what the women want. There is always some recently divorced 6/10 who really needs a d, especially in the greenzone around the big cities.
Its the cucks and the uneducated in the 5to7/10 zone that still think in 60ties "rules", and then get burned left and right.
Because they're brainwashed retards. /thread
Because they like alpha men. Nignogs, sandniggers...
They are tired of the beta, feminine, genderfluid, make up wearing, DYEL, passive, cowardly European "men" and crave traditional masculinity.
I'm gay and I don't date white "men" for the same reason. God, there's Asians that are more masculine acting.
almost 10 years, and I still hate all of you.
Been looking for that pic, thanks.
This truly is the Iron Maiden of the internet. I don't want to know what I know, but I can't pretend things aren't the way they are. I feel like I seek these ugly, disgusting truths out of sheer spite.
I'm not talking about the tiny sliver of the population that is millionaires. We're talking about men and women in the West, in aggregate.
Feminism, as F. Roger Devlin says, is just "women failing the challenge of leisure". Men gave them all these labor saving technologies and the first thing women did was scream and bitch about how oppressed they were.
It kills me how, at the first opportunity, women stabbed men in the back. As soon as their lives became easy due to technology which created an abundance economy and birth control, they re-wrote history to make us evil demons and demanded the State be their new provider.
I say "women" and not "feminists" because while most women won't identify as Feminist, they sure don't complain about the Feminist agenda or use their massive political power to do anything about it, or shame other women who destroy their families. Rather, they seem to encourage it.