Why do blacks look like people of the Sahel, and Egypt? I thought they were pure Oooga booga?
Why do black Americans look like egyptians?
white slave masters breed with their slaves and gave some of them the genes so their noses don't look they were smashed in with a shovel
muh dik
American blacks are like 25% white, 10% native, and 10% hispanic. No suprise they look like a group of people who are mixed greek, arab, african.
They was kangs!
>Why do white Americans look like CroMagnid Viking Gods? I thought they were pure low T Anglos?
I know what you're up to fagget, with your race b8. You black ass mother fucker.
>Protip: you wuz not
>black Americans look like egyptians
They are an afro admixture(afro-euro) group. Egyptians are also an afro admixture group(afro-arab), so while they're not directly related. They are sister ethnic groups in a way because of their synergenic similarities.
This guy gets it
These are egyptians
Kek that guy in the back has his pants fully down. Whats the next step dragging your pants behind you by a string?
Fucking retarded desu.
>These are egyptians
Those are egyptian slaves
Maybe he's being ironically nig tier.
They dont, your fucking blind.
You picked the most degenerate pic. You could find.
Pic related is a black american
>Generations of living in northern climates
Doesn't take more than a few generations for facial features to adapt. Second generation turks/muslims have small noses and shit too whereas all their dads and moms look like fucking gremlins
This thread is dumb as fuck but that girl is such a babe that I'm willing to let it slide this time. Don't let it happen again though.
White people hate this shit with a passion
Pic related is an egyptian
those are
They really wuz? Fuck
Black Americans are Hebrew Israelites
No that's a painting
that didn't happen very often, however the eternal Anglo did make their potato nigger slaves breed with actual nigger slaves to create some sort of lazy drunk hybrid super creature
> pure ooga booga
yeah, we wuz kangz and sheeeeit..
they were slaves to kings is what they meant
egyptians enslaved a ton of niggers
just like how niggers got to america, they wuz slaves an sheeit.
More egyptians
Yet another deluded WeWuzKangz thread by Tyrone
>More egyptians
they are descendants of slaves.
just like the niggers in america.
Pictured woman is some kind of Ethiopian they are not quite as Niggy as Bantus
Egyptians are actually very racist, and they hate being called black. Kids would literally run after black people and throw them with rocks. I've seen this happen here all my life.
Massa's dick
No, you just keep posting pictures that confirm your bias.
It looks really, really fucking stupid. Even if you look like that and are that mixed with European and sand people features, it doesn't reflect the reality of the basketball American phenotype. The bone structures aren't even similar.
because the slave owners fickied them
You hardly have 1 100% nigger at all, it's very evident when you meet the real dindus.
No that's stacey dash
Yeah a modern denizen of Egypt. The Egyptian ethnic group from which the land gets its name is a distinct group from both Negros and Arabs.
There is no homogenous group called "black Americans". A lot of people from African have immigrated to the US out of their own free will since the time of slavery. There are all kinds of Africans in America, north, south, east, west, from every part of the continent.
More egyptians
Fucking Cherry picking thread.
Egyptians were never black. There might have been blacks in egypt but they were never the majority nor the ruling class.
Slavery in Ancient Egypt was established in the New Kingdom (1550-1175 BCE), with slaves along with servants and peasants making up 80% of the population
pretty much. the niggers in Egypt were nothing more than slaves
This is true
They don't, really. Their skin tone is closer to that of many Egyptians rather than the blue-black you see in some sub-Saharan regions, but their physiognomy still resembles West Africans more than East or Northeast Africans. They don't have the higher and more prominent cheekbones that Ethiopians have, nor do they exhibit epicanthal folds that some Africans have, like the Khoisan or some Nilotic peoples.
Most African Americans have some degree of European admixture, and to a lesser degree Native American admixture. Egyptians are quite diverse in skin tone and by American racial standards many would pass as white, many would pass as black, and most would pass as Arab. By and large though, groups of African Americans are easily distinguishable from groups of Egyptians.
It's actually ideal, It implies that they subliminally accept that their genes are inferior.
The ethnic group created by hundreds of years of afro-euro admixture in the western hemisphere= black americans.
"Ha Ha Ha! OP has never seen an Egyptian and assumes that skin tone is all that matters to define ethnicity!! That's too Funny Tyrell!"
Black american
i honestly think its exactly that. he's got longjohns under too so it's definitely intentional.
She is actually a little bit based considering she endorsed the middle eastern ban on immigration on fox news.
This guy was bought from an egyptian slave market in 19th century.
People of the sahal. Not a jungle
>Egyptians were never black. There might have been blacks in egypt but
you're contradicting yourself
slave market, DAS RITE
>Black american
talk about cherry picking
>not knowing the difference between ethnicity and nationality
Why does this hurt white people so much? I'm not saying we're directly related, I'm just saying we look strikingly similar in many circumstances.
Pic is black american.
Because American blacks are the most racist people on the planet. They abhor dark skin blacks, so natural selection says that lighter skinned blacks have more children
>The Rock
Nigga the Rock is more Samoan than anything. The build, the tone, the genes. He looks damn near nothing like his father and is fucking lightyears ahead of where his dad was in his prime physically.
Like you guys do with your leslie jones gorilla black bullshit.
Pic of sahel people. Not jungle bunnies.
AYY LMAO on the bottom left
Egypt is the point that connects Africa to the middle east and the Mediterranean and possibly southern Europe. Lots of mixing probably went on around there.
>Egypt is the point that connects Africa to the middle east and the Mediterranean and possibly southern Europe. Lots of mixing probably went on around there.
Blacks in the US are probably more mixed too than the they are in the heart of the congo or nigeria.
>He looks damn near nothing like his father and is fucking lightyears ahead of where his dad was in his prime physically
I think that's more the years of synthetic GH and other shit of that nature, rather than the genetics.
Dude, that guys is not black. Looks like a mediterranean guy, because egypt was closer to mediterranean sea than sub-sahara.
He look more closer to a latin american than a random Tyrone.
The real question is why does the circumstantial aesthetic similarities bother white people so much? Let them tell it black americans are 100% congolese pygmys, not that there would anything wrong with that, but I just find that the willful ignorance of reality is strange in this case.
tone down the photoshop, dill breath.
>tone down the photoshop
Not shooped though.
>not black
>has nappy hair
Afro-latinos are a thing. A branch of Afro-ameros
Jim jones looks whiter than anwar sadat.
This is what happens when roasties use synthetic GH for years, for instance.
black americans don't understand that they're descended from west africans, not north/east africans. It's literally cultural appropriation. It would be like a russian slav claiming his people ruled Rome.
Restored egyptian pictures also show a distinct difference in skin color between the rulers (light brown akin to modern middle-easterners/greeks) and the coal-black slave caste. The skull and face shape is also distinctively different from the black african genotype.
She is Russian, so you know she is using shit way better than synthetic GH.
that matisyahu in the back? Always knew that hebrew was above the bogs
Sahel people look like sub saharans originally. Difference is some interbreeding with Phoenicians/Egyptians/Arabs/White slaves form the Barbary days.
Look at her forearm on the near side. Notice its profile leading from the elbow. The other forearm doesn't follow the same profile.
What in the hell are you talking about?
I'm not saying they're descendants. I'm saying they share striking aesthetic similarities. Probaby because they are an afro admixture(afro-euro) group. Egyptians are also an afro admixture group(afro-arab), so while they're not directly related. They are sister ethnic groups in a way because of their synergenic similarities.
Pic is black american.
Dude, she is all over the internet.
again, that photo and the second photo don't look fake like the first one you posted, where the elbow was shrunk for hyperbolic effect.
A tell tale sign of anabolic use in roasties would be upper pectoral development. She doesn't appear to have any.
Granted, she's probably on some designer tier shit. But despite the mannish size of her arms and, she's retained feminine qualities and has a figure that looks like a comic book heroine. And this leads me to think its primarily GH. Because aside from the unnatural proportions, she's not really androgynous.
It's strangely not horrific to look at, but I think if I saw it irl I wouldn't be attracted to her.
Yea, that first one is def. shopped.
Their noses look nothing alike. Their hair is entirely different. Their bone structure is nothing alike. The only thing similar (in your eyes) is their skin color but the depictions of egyptians have a more reddish hue than the yellowish-brown of the afro-european admixture.
tl;dr you are blind and projecting and are an idiot
> Looks in your phone.
>"Whos Jenna"
> wakes up in hospital with jaw wired shut
This was my first thought. OP is talking out of his ass.
OK, I'm talking to a retard. Her forearm profile is consistent in pic 2, pic 3, and the video. Pic one is an anomaly, meaning it is most likely a shoop.
This chick is huge
What? According to pol all black americans are blue-black gorrilas. See. Leslie jones. I think she represents blacks on SNL because jews are passive agressive smart asses.
you seem to base your comparison on modern egyptians, who have had several thousands of years of racial interbreeding to reach their current state.
The original egyptians were a distinct genotype that traces its roots to Western Asia. Evidence suggests that they looked a lot like historical persians.