Instead of trying to improve africa by sending foreign aid...

Instead of trying to improve africa by sending foreign aid, we should send them vials of white men's semen for their women to impregnate themselves with.

>prove me wrong

correct. no counter points. i saved up a liter under my table, they can use the stalagtits as needles

Thats how you get super niggers like we have in the states, not a good idea.

I can't. It worked for the Australian abos.

It's true. Most black people are just missing the "smart" gene that nearly all white people have. If you give them your semen then black people suddenly become tolerable.



She really looks like a monkey.

They would just breed out the white genes in a few generations and go back to being niggers. The only way to make Africans better is to permanently invade them and impregnate them, eventually breeding niggers out of existence, like the Arabs are doing to Europe. But, AIDS, so it wouldn't work and everyone wold be dead in a few generations anyway.

That's also selective breeding, not just mixing

Purge the males too, then

And we end up with a super race of shitposters. No thanks.

beastality is fucking gross

interracial every where now it seems and USA loves BBC lifestyle on the other hand too


Genophage is the only option
Segregate from them, limit their migration, then give them lots of free clean water with hormones that make them infertile, or just pay them money in exchange for chemical castration, they will accept this cus they are retarded nignogs and they would be happy to have a sex life without consequences.But in order for this to work you need to remove globalists first, after this left can just be shut down in debates like ''they are willing to do this and that's their personal choice and it ends poverty''
Contain them in Africa, make business there, make them work and struggle so they finally evolve.The only solution, everything else is a meme, prove me wrong

>wanting your offspring to live in an African shit hole

I'd rather not be born in the first place.

Super niggers are created by nurture not nature. Teach a dindu English and he'll become normal, teach a dindu welfare and he'll be KINGZ N SHIET

It probably has less to do with a white guy being the father and more the fact that a white guy will stay around to be the father, thus leading to well-balanced individuals

rather fuck them instead. i think we should get a few to come over at a time,spend a week fucking them bareback (they are tested beforehand obviously) and then send them back to whatever shithole they came from

You are not wrong. That is how you humanely civilize phenotypes that never got out of the jungle in the first place without wiping them out.

>hormones that make them infertile
Sounds like a much cheaper option. I wonder why some rogue South African Sup Forumsack hasn't already done this

That's a worked fabulous throughout history.

It's funny how white men, through miscegenation have spread the white gene to every corner of the globe, cementing the European genome inseperably from that of every population thet will ever live.

Like it or not, white women are the most selective breed of man, and it is because of white men and you fucks alone that white seed has been spread so haphazardly ICE BLUE eyes, Green eyes, blond hair are etc are becominging common features in even the niggest of nogs

Adult behavior and IQ is heavily genetic, parenting plays a minor role.

>implying that you can't make a nigger into a negro

No we shouldnt we should construct interracial breeding camps where black women will come to get bred by me and other white aryan ubermench volunteers- We call them BLEACH camps. Only hot black choco bitches and true white aryan men like me are allowed into these facilities

Seriously, I don't understand why this is not publicly encouraged. *
Helping African genetics out, would make the continent much more independent of foreign aid,
help their societal advancement and improve their political stability.
A group of people with low average IQ will never be able to archive high cultural development, no matter how much money you give them.

*Actually, I do: it's because of pc.

you're fucking retarded.


no we should kill them

t.retarded nigger

May you elaborate on you convictions?

I'm not opposed to that at all.
Get the highest quality black woman its better than some 200 pound white girl or black single mother with 10 kids who can't afford to feed them.

Perhaps in a hundred years Africa will have a space program.

wrong again - we should send 6 million freemasons to Africa where they can establish their masonic wonderland with their chosen niggerpeople . Auschwitz would be Plan B