I don't their sandniggers flooding into my country
Nuke Sweden pls
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Nice grammer faggot.
You are the one sending all your sandniggers over the bridge to Sweden. They need to cross Denmark in order to get here you retard. Just close the fucking borders or we kill you again
Fight fight fight. One of you will just end up invading Norway anyway and making them your bitch for old times sake.
Swedish cuck trying to defend an already dying country have fun getting raped
fuck off same fag
Does denmark actually exist outside of Sup Forums? I've never been there.
Don't egg them on.
It's not like Italy is doing any better, cuck.
>He doesnt know nuclear fallout would reach meme legoland
>danish education
Make Denmark great again.
i just want you cucks to die
Oh fugg, i completely forgot that denmark is legoland.
At least i don't live with 15 sandniggers
I'll egg them on until Norway Appears. Hun
I think there has been a slight misunderstanding.
LEGO is the greatest invention ever. You can be proud of that.
When are you guys going to stop the boats?
You are literally bringing them to your country and you are sinking very fast.
why are all the Sweden threads getting deleted, some asspained Swedish sjw mod on the rampage or something?
fuck off pastanigger
Me? I don't know our cuckold PM is angelas fuck toy. He'd fuck his country over over for a fiver he's a crack whore
KEK I'm Irish. Colourblind faggot
you're that new here huh..
Fuck off Potatoenigger
Just restrict Government assistance to natives, that way any migrant coming will actually be coming to work/contribute
Take it easy man
nordic union with norway as leader when?
Silly you, you misspelled Denmark
Forgive me
The golden one for president
The mods have some mercy on us after the Camel Park announcement.
Also Sweden has huge internet shilling projects, very hush hush though. Google for the data traffic map thingy. I forgot the whole fucking thing, too much data in my mind just like AJ.
nah. your language is like norwegian with downs syndrome.
norway is central. more potential too.
denmark will allways be low-energy
a swede for president in my glorious union?
I don't want some muslim ruling over me
Says the deformed love child of Sweden and Denmark
I found the solution
I think we should let in more refugees. Sweden has taken enough already. Germany has also done their part. Time for Denmark to do our part and give shelter, food, and love to the needy.
nice b8
Can't you wait till after I visit. I want to see Copenhagen before it becomes full of sandniggers
please dont, i love kobenhavn
your is with krem is the best.
Just do what we did, send them to the most unlivable part of your state. Greenland still has to take refugees, right?
Not bait - Copenhagen will continue to be nice and even more multi-cultural with more refugees. They bring a lot of positive thing with them that we all benefit from.
Either you're retarded. a sandnigger or still baiting
Sweden isn't that bad. No need to nuke them.
We have to build a wall this high around it to contain Sweden and its problems.
Nigga u can't bait me like this
Or maybe I just dont share the same opinion as you do on this matter. Funny huh?
Because it's going swell for all the countries that are taking in sandniggers
Welcome finfag
crypto-sven detected
We are a pretty conservative country (Capital not included) Unlike our neighbors Sweden and Germany we have a healthy amount of nationalism and discontent for our politicians leaders.
It is going well, yes. And if war broke out in Denmark - wouldn't you like to be welcomed somewhere?
I'd rather die desu
>And if war broke out in Denmark - wouldn't you like to be welcomed somewhere?
>leave fatherland
What are you, a rapefugee?
We need more nationalism desu
We just cleaned up Pusher street we don't need more filth on our streets.
>They bring a lot of positive thing with them that we all benefit from.
>Refugees bringing something positive
8D shitposting
Who cares about the grammar? We all know what he said.
Send nukes and bacon! I'm sure one or the other will kill the pest.
So when there are nothing but ruins and people trying to hunt you down and kill you - You dont try to get your family to a safe place?
Take a look at the IDs
we can unionize once skåne under our wing.
Slightly unrelated but does driving a Saab indirectly make me a fag now?
>swedish car
more a cuck
not indirectly.
full on confirmation out-of-the-closet fag.
What kind of a war breaks out like that?
Wasn't they bought by the chinese? I think the chinks now owns both Saab and Volvo
How can we expect thing to get better if we don't stand our ground and try to make it better. Unlike these economical migrants i didn't run when i stood with no job or welfare, i swallowed my pride and did whatever low end jobs i could get (cleaning lady/warehouse worker) for years until i could get a proper job.
It sucked yes, but i firmly believed in the values that our country represent and when these """refugees""" cross all of Europe to get to the welfare states with hopes of a easy life it spits in the face of what makes Scandinavia great.
"Tradition is not the worship of ashes but the preservation of fire" - Gustav Mahler
It's a shame liberals use your country as an example to promote welfare states.
>American education
Oh wait.....
Ring Rick.
Varg then
I agree. Nuke it to shit.
Look up, you're wearing it.
Sandniggers are flowing in to Sweden from Denmark. At least it was the case. The population of Malmö is waking up slowly.
It was the case, we are trying to keep our borders closed aswell as we can which isn't that great because of the cucks at EU
its over dude im so sorry for you
now to 50 years this genes are gonna be lost
We have tighten our border control but Germany keep letting these fucker travel through their country and at that point there isn't much we can do, since the German police refuse to transfer them to other locations.
Source: (No Engr-ish)
We have consider establishing a colony on Greenland tho witch i am all for!
Aye! let em fucking freeze
Sweden yes
This would have rustled my genitalia if it wasn't because those cunts are the biggest fucking tools on planet earth