Are Kek and Jesus friends? Have they been orchestrating every happening? Memes are suddenly becoming a reality. Why are Christians blessed with doubles?
Are Kek and Jesus friends? Have they been orchestrating every happening? Memes are suddenly becoming a reality...
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>Sliding into oblivion.
Guess it's right then.
Thoth lives.
Jesus was a sand nigger and a jew. fuck that kike.
>not loving everything because they are God's image.
no wonder you type with hate.
No one is a God except God himself.
Never said Thoth was God, just another Egregore.
Egyptian people idolized him as a God sadly. Explains why they aren't here anymore.
Which is why people here should stop idolizing Kek as their only God.
Because its better to suck jew dick, good goyim good.
I'm on God's side. Jews aren't (((God's chosen people))) when they rejected their own messiah they prophesied for ages because they were taken over with sins such as greed as seen today.
If you look at the history, Christianity is now God's true chosen people.
Aren't we speaking English? England is known to be founded from Christian roots.
Jewish people are just the scattered sin bags they damned themselves to be according to the bible itself.
mudslime found
I dont think so.
It will happen no more
depends on these digits
>Implying that Kek the All-Powerful would let some roasties fool around him without throwing an autistic tantrum so powerful it'd reverberate through the Nine Realms.
Not even a get in this thread you guys are WEAK
Remember that Kek, Thoth etc are deities. There is only one God, and his name is Jesus Christ.
All is Kek.
>Why are Christians blessed with doubles?
>am Christian
>testing your theory
>no dubbbbs may mean hell fire
>no dubbbbs may mean hell fire
See you in purgatory, burger.
>See you in purgatory, burger.
don't you mean burgertory?
praise him
Few things I have noticed.
Kek is associated with repeating patterns, notably numbers.
Trump; inauguration 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old.
Christ, date of death 33 AD, 3 months, 3 days, 3 hours past midday.
Kek is associated with mystery, darkness and dawning. Also jokes, ruses. He defends children from Moloch.
Ancient Israel/Judea.
>Abraham ('h' being the breath of life*, Holy Ghost..)
>God of Abraham does not accept child sacrifice!
>Egyptian captivity/connection fairly soon after Abraham, his grandgrand children are high ranking officials
>After invading Canaan, they are infiltrated and subverted by Baal / Moloch worship time and time again
>valley of Gehenna was a notorious spot for this
>they grow more and more corrupt, divided, invaded by foreigners etc.
>they rebel against the God of Abraham - betrayal culminating in the slaying of Jesus Christ, the son of man
*The other name of Kek is Heh or Hehu. Connection?
Christ was vocal defender of children
>Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
>If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
Compare with pedowood, Catholic pedo rings, pizzagate, blood libel.. Direct opposition.
This is what makes my blood boil when they accuse us of being jews or worshiping them.
Rome and Greece.
>we know they had altars in their cities. One of the altars was used for 'the unknown God' - note that the belief was that gods were bound to the land, and that this altar was not associated with the synagogues that were also present
>early Christians used these altars to teach of God
>opposition from Diana cult (alpha version of islam, Arians are beta)
Ancient Egypt
>magic, Moses and the magi can create serpents (wife of Kek was one)
>frogs are the symbol of resurrection (a key theme in somewhere, I guess)
>the second plague is of frogs
>Egypt was a vault of ancient knowledge
>Christ spends his childhood in Egypt, can defeat Judean scholars by the age of 12 (I'm twelve and what is this?)
>Jews believe that Jesus Christ was an Egyptian magician
>Teaches egregore: "Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.
Jesus Christ
>first thing He does when resurrected; prank his disciples (remember, Kek is a prankster)
>literally everyone accepts Him in some way, except for Jews.
>Pepe is antisemitic hate symbol now, t. ADL (even though Pepe is a mirror...)
>is against usury, jews, double standards, arrogance, indifference
We are dealing with repeating themes here. God is demanding kikes to release His people - that is Europeans, Americans.. Goyim.
Frogs are here. If it goes like in the past, prepare for a generation of struggle.
Kek is a false idol. Christ is the architect behind all happenings.
Jewish connection to Pepe
>creature of the dark
>fecal fixation in jokes
>no work but always has money
>violent urges, but often incapable of fulfilling them
>notorious for killing Wojack, who understands - Pepe just carries on
We're also dealing with Pepe vs Wojack here.
Kek is the hood of the thief in the night. That's how I see it.
Checked triplets confirm veracity
Doubles show how sure you are in your statements.
Acknowledge this.
How does Spurdo play into this?
End times speak of a great Northern kingdom represented by a bear.
Russians are more Finns than Slavs.. But don't tell them that.
Kek and Jesus are one in the same.
Gondola is the brothers we lose along the way.
Kek is a Christian
and this reply confirms it
Kek is the reincarnation of Jesus.
Thats all there is to it.
Digits are his way of speaking to us
This is true.
Found the jew among us... Nice try Schlomo, but Jesus was not a jew you fucking retard.
I officially acknowledge that kek blesses us with dubbas when we are sure in our statements, and also that ayy,lmaos will someday become known to all mankind.
Adolph admired Islam too. I guess Schlomo forgot to include that quote in the photo
t. Ahteist
Speaking of kek, remember the song shadilay by pepe?? Well Pepe is not just an acronym, its also the artist's last name.
Keep in mind his first name has 7 letters and his full name has 11 letters.
Also that for all of you who are musicians, the song is made up of 7 different chords.
THIS is how you get digits, midgets.
nobody cares that you're an atheist sweden
>Catholic pedo rings
Agree with everything except this, That is a jewish lie just like muslims did 911..
Funny how jews molest kids and they did 911, but never get blamed by the (((media))) because jews are such wonderful people.
Apparently not
So what if he did jackass? What does that prove? He hated kikes, and Jesus was not a jew. You proved nothing retard.
Muslims didn't do 911, jews did.. Your hatred of Muslims has been (((misdirected)))
Should I record a subtly right-wing, English version of this song?
I am an accomplished guitarist.
Yes user you most certainly should!
Probably not
kek please spare me from this weeks cleansing when the orville dam fails.
I don't know OP, why don't you go ask your church pastor and find out?
Islam is just as sinful as Judaism. Replace the greed from Judaism with violence and you will have the same. Watch how you type. You use insults because you are scared about the reality is crumbling before you and God is about to judge you. God is on my side and you can't fight him. If I were you, always follow the light from now.
Do it.
Satan has trips.