Cannibal set free in Canada on February 11th

This was Tim McLean. He was murdered in 2008.

The man who did this to him was set free in Canada 3 days ago.

The Killer's name was Vincent Li. He changed his name to Will Lee Baker.

The victim was an innocent stranger unknown to Baker who was riding next to him on a Greyhound bus.

"According to witnesses, McLean was sleeping with his headphones on when the man sitting next to him suddenly produced a large knife and began stabbing McLean in the neck and chest. The bus driver pulled to the side of the road so that he and all the other passengers could exit the vehicle. The attacker then decapitated McLean and displayed his severed head to other passengers standing outside. The driver and two other men had attempted to rescue McLean but were chased away by Li, who slashed at them from behind the locked bus doors. Li then went back to McLean's body and began severing other parts and consuming some of his victim's flesh."

of course that happened on a greyhound bus

Canada is fucked bru

Leafs can also fuck animals legally, how are you surprised?

>can't even keep cannibals off the street

Remind me again why any sane person would ever visit Canada?

that shit on the left is not him, asswipe.

Can not understand that after doing that, he's free on the streets less then 10 years later

Explain yourself Canada

That bottom left pic makes me laugh incontrollably.

>BLBLBLBLBL did I taste good faggot?

Jesus fucking christ this is so fucked up. I get that you might think rehabilitation for criminals back into society is a good idea, but this absolute nutjob should be kept in a fucking container for the rest of his life. Get your shit together, leafs.

Prime example for all cultures of the west slowly but surely ending themselves

That's why I believe in death penalty.
Monsters like this should be hunted and put down, he will do it again, I guarantee it.

I know, literally this retarded chink should have been killed

>The bus driver pulled to the side of the road so that he and all the other passengers could exit the vehicle.

Not a SINGLE person tried to help at all?

The killer must have got that "Asian empathy gene"...

Reminder: don't breed with Asians.

Leafs are all inherently feminized and lack any fight whatsoever. If this happened in most US areas he would have been shot by another passenger as soon as he produced the knife

Wouldn't be the first time we've done this.

Would this guy have gotten death penalty in America?

>Pingping goes bonkers and starts stabbing/decapitating a fucking passenger
>lets intervene haha
Bear in mind the leafs dont have guns so they could only piss themselves

It really scares me knowing I could die like that, or someone I know could die like that.

I mean there are no cases here but it can happen so it's just scary.

If you're bored google "greyhound horror stories" for a good laugh.

They're basically a rolling skid row with more ex cons

he would have gotten the death penalty before the police arrived

>he changed his name to will Lee baker
>Willy baker
Oh boy. Dis goin be gud

Uh those photos are not him, his eyes and nose weren't found, presumably eaten

Anyone who can do this to a person cannot be rehabilitated, either kill him or keep him locked up until he dies.

Those pictures aren't real.

No it would depend on the state. Cops would have probably shot him there though.

Why was he released? Why didn't he get life/death penalty?

Why in the blue hell did no one help?

He will do it again within a year.
Sick fucking system.

Keep reading..

Pic on the left has afro hair. Guy on right has straight hair.

You mean, Canadians murmuring "Pls stop, this isn't proper, you might get into a spot of trouble if you keep doing that" wouldn't be effective?

SOMEONE had to have had a scalding hot cup of Tim Horton's coffee to throw in his face, damn it!

Tim McLean was an ICP fan. 'nuff said. chink did the world a favour.

What the fuck Canda.

He didn't even did proper time, he declared insanity, leftard judges fell for it, he was sent to a nuthouse

I am a bailiff working at the Court where this case was presented to a judge and everyone was talking about those pictures. I can tell you that's him.

Because he was a deranged man wielding a large knife, and because none of you cunts were packin' heat.


Despite all those PSAs about accepting the mentally I'll, THIS is the exact reason I give them a wide berth

Schizo, faggot, bipolar, whatever. I'll have nothing to do with freaks like that. Can't be trusted and not worth the effort. The fact that some freak can kill you in such a way, then be back on the street within years- why not dig up Tims body, put him in a dress and have people cum over his remains. That would actually be a more respectful way of treating him. I'm disgusted at you Canada.

Unless you walk in the streets with a fucking a gun or a shield and a morgenster you wouldn't have done shit too.
A crazy cannibal decapitating someone with his knife is not something you pick a fistfight with, especially if the victim has already its head separated from its body.

nah, man. people like this should be submitted as test subjects for scientific experimentation

>Why do Americans all drive cars
>why don't they just take public transit

His hairs were soaked in blood.

You have more chances to die in your stairs or drown at the pool than being brutally murdered by a cannibal user.

Like the ones that bring death.

They falsely believe psychiatric science has reached maturity. When this caveman rips yet another person's head and face off they will learn how primitive their voodoo paradigms still are.

>Li was granted an ABSOLUTE discharge. There will be no legal obligations or restrictions pertaining to Li's independent living


i swear this only further reinforces my beliefs that reality is actually a "when will he chimp-out" simulator/test

In most States yes. But in California, Washington, Massachusetts and a few others? No

What a sick fuck, why didn't the cops just kill him on arrival and claim he came at them? Shit if I was Canadian I'd be doing anything I could to get out of there. Costa Rica or some place easy to move to would beat the hell out of that place.

>Why in the blue hell did no one help?

The best weapon you can legally carry around in Canada is a pocket knife or pepper spray, and even those will get you harassed by cops.

Without a gun or some large melee weapon there would be no fighting off him and his knife.

Declared insane?

I think a bullet to the head would solve this pretty quickly. Stop sympathizing and housing destructive, vicious and inhuman sociopaths that will never benefit society.

not necessarily. ones that could lead to death though


Damage control for the absolute pussy state of your society. Let a fucking chink kill one of your own in such a disgusting manner.

Stats aren't black and white. I can avoid drowning in a pool, can't really avoid being a statistic if I'm not carrying.

you realize that most of us have concealed carry licenses and all of the ones that don't have said license conceal carry a weapon anyway right?

Yet at the same time they arrest the guy for fucking a sexdoll cause it was like a child to them so he was guilty of pedorape.

Muricans, what would have happened if this guy tried to do the same on Texas?

If you ask me, that fucking piece of shit should have gotten the electric chair.

Doxing yourself...

>one of my own

lel. a wannabe nigger from Manitoba is not one of my own.

>fucking this
after riding public transit for any length of time in any major metropolitan city it is quite evident that either niggers, homeless weirdos, crazy people or all of the above will eventually put you into a situation where you have to deal with their bullshit. Fuck that!

Sorry Canada your dead.

around slants never sleep.

He'd only eat a lead buffet.

>he could easily come down here unencumbered by his history


A nuke would be better. Thanks in advance.

fuck off with your pathetic lies, need.

normal murderers should have capital punishment, let alone demonic freaks like this guy


Do you see the pictures? I would get as far from that demon as quickly as I could.

your average texan has around 10 inches of neck fat accumulated over the years from his sedentary lifestyle and twice daily consumption of fast food. this acts as a natural defense against knife attacks

I remember this

>The attacker then decapitated McLean...The driver and two other men had attempted to rescue McLean

I don't think any serious attempt at rescue was ever being made.

>A bus full of cucks are pussies in canada and can't take on one man with a little knife

Go figure

Either the cops would have done him in, or if he got out some vigilante or relative would track him down and put him down...depending on if they were from Austin or not.

Point of a story is to never sleep in bus with headphones on

yeah, they would be nice subjects for untested drugs on humans.

One passenger politely asked him to stop
And the other wrote him a sternly worded letter

According to the Wikipedia article, several people actually tried to overman him early him, but he chased them away by slashing violently with the knife. Then he locked himself inside the bus.

we got to keep our muslims happy

>t. sad #handsupdontshoot calicuck

>Willy Baker
come on.

When in a presence of an insane chink, run or pray for a swift death.
t. Confusious

I remember Mr. Potato Head

You are near Brazil. The chances of your fear are actually great.

He would have been shot by a civilian. Texas is the state that intentionally held a "Draw Muhammad" art exhibit to piss off Muslims then gunned down a couple sand niggers who were going to attack the event.

>I am not lying

>this much edge
>literally America's fedora

Or to never get on public transportation at all

he shouldn't even be set free, desu senpai

this isn't just some criminal who learned his lesson

explain bls

>not him
>same goatee
>same nose shape
>same bone structure

ok self proclaimed faggot

I see this a lot. Not advocating animal sex, but why does anyone care?

That's not what happened.

>Baker sat next to the 22-year-old McLean on the bus after the young man smiled at him and asked how he was doing. Baker said he heard the voice of God telling him to kill the young carnival worker or “die immediately”.

>He repeatedly stabbed McLean while the young man fought for his life. As passengers fled the bus Baker continued stabbing and mutilating the body before he was arrested. He severed McLean’s head, displaying it to some of the passengers outside the bus, witnesses said.

If the victim had been a member of my family, I would go after the judge and the chink, so that it never happened again. Both people are equally dangerous.

you shouldn't be typing on your phone will driving your mobile scooter

Based Texas

Who knows he could have been doing the guy a favor.mabey he needed to shit and the guy was sitting right next to the bathroom.

>not renaming to Will Lee Sushi

I survived a 3 day greyhound trip. I saw some shit.


>average canadians

Wtf I love propane now