Germany JA

Germany JA

>ALI COLA celebrates diversity with a soda that comes in six different 'skin' colors

That can't end well


One day they're going to ban Fanta because "the Nazis made it".

Truly bizarre.

Maybe this a cue for us to start making a Sup Forums branded green 'kek kola'?


Finish the job, anglo...
Don't you crave ARYAN BLOOD?!

First time, I ever hear about this mudslime infiltration on the market

Dafuk, what is that transparent one made to represent? I know they are going for "Very white", but if they are tryign to do that faggotry, they better do it right.

>Wtf is Ali Cola?
Thats some weird publicity stunt

>Let's celebrate how close we are by dividing what we drink by our skin colour

>tmw you realize that only white is glorious and the Rest is piss & shit tier

Notice the hands, the black one is obviously male whereas white one looks like it's from a white woman. Sublte race mixing add.

Did you notice that the white and the yellow are both entirely unrealistic skin colours and also unappealing.

They're trying to get whites and asians to buy the darker colas too, it's racemixing propaganda to the extreme.

Drinking anything other than Crystal Pepsi is literal cuckolding.

>Crystal Pepsi
Thats when i realize how easily our senses can be deceived. It always tasted like Sprite to me

i dont think youve had sprite before

just don't ban the purple drank

How can we explain this one ?

>that hair on the "females" arm
literally what the fuck
probably some sort of trans shit

>Turk racemixing with a glorious Ethiopian Caucasian goddess.

Even our blacks aren't safe, that's what.

It's so progressive it even TASTES like shit.

Nigga i stay with Fritz Cola