Let us detach ourselves from emotional and religious feelings to debate the following question:

Let us detach ourselves from emotional and religious feelings to debate the following question:

Is Hebephilia (fancying girls 11-14) and Ephebophilia (fancying girls 15-19 a mental illness, or a purely natural male method of species continuance?

"Age of consent" is a relatively new idea, and even when it was first introduced, was set for 10 years old. You can see the logic in this, in that familiies wanted to protect their per-pubescent children from pedophile predators.

As time went on that age just kept getting higher, until modern burgerland came along and raised it to 18.

I look forward to the debate.

Other urls found in this thread:


Neck yourself to fucking pedophile freak

cool story bro


Not even a real thing, it's just socially constructed words to put someone into some category of sexual preference

>fucking degenerate (((leaf))) every time

Have you ever talked to a 16 year old? I'm 21 and can't even comfortably talk to like... 17-18 year olds. It's a world of difference, you should not engage with anyone at that age sexually, sorry you missed out buddy.

Commit sudoku.


I think wanting to fuck anything pubescent is fine from a physical/biological standpoint. It's only "weird" because teenagers of that age are often stupid and make horrible decisions. I was barely self-aware until I was 18 or so.

pedophilia is a social construct

joke aside, I don't see why a little girl (not too young) shouldn't have sex if she wish.....like with me :>>>>>>)

it's completely natural
for age of consent, I don't believe that sex outside of marriage should be a thing, so I don't believe in an "age of consent"

Ok lets continue this here. You are calling in to question these terms. Does this mean you claim that it is natural for a man to find some 11-17 year old girls attractive?



Never missed out, buddy.

Tis true though what you say about the brain deadness. However I try to get young people to "think" when I talk with them. Thinking they are brain-dead and then talking to them in that way won't help them develop, only reinforce their stupidity.

1) Sexual attraction to secondary sexual characteristics is normal. Evolution doesn't give two shits about what we consider the proper "age of consent."

2) You don't have to act on that attraction.

3) Age of consent laws exist because we've collectively agreed that it's best not to act on that attraction if the person is below an arbitrary age threshold.

4) 18 is when US citizens are considered adults for most purposes (except alcohol, but that has its own history).

ITT People virtue signalling about how they are attracted to a certain age.
You'd more than likely bang pic related.

She's 13 btw.

I don't really care enough to join your meme debate but I don't think something being a "relatively new idea" holds any sort of merit in an argument. There are lots of "relatively newer ideas" than some shitty age of consent laws that I'm sure you'll never be able to argue against.

You might as well just say what year it is you fucking leaf.

>pictured: 3 year-old Brits

British "people" age like wet iron.

If they're developed, it's fine to want to fuck them. But you're not supposed to fuck them, that's the whole point of civilization, is not relying on your dick for everything.

In the modern age there are some bizzare cases where 13 year olds look like 20 year olds, same thing applies, but you should feel more shame for it.

15-16 was the norm, outside of political marrying and poor families selling off mouths.

16-17 is also the most common age of consent in US states.
The 18 year old thing has more to do with the person being a minor legally than ready for sexual relations.

11-14 is wrong if they look younger than 18. 15-19 is wrong is they look younger than 18. both are acceptable but not allowable if they look over 18.
Here is your point of reference.

No, it's a modern invention to control the population. It's just been around for over 100 years now so no-one questions it or looks into the history.

Ask yourself if you are rational enough to calm down and listen....why did the kikes fund a feminist (josaphine butler) to implement these laws?

Why would jews care so much? Why would feminists care?

The real answer is they wanted to destroy the family unit, you have to look at the agenda behind it to understand and not take it at face value.

pic related, they've been implementing various things to ruin the family unit. Age of consent being 18 instead of what it should be (after a girl bleeds) was the first.

Hell, you're most likely so brainwashed you'll call me a pedo for just pointing out HISTORICAL FACTS.

Question who and why.

>Does this mean you claim that it is natural for a man to find some 11-17 year old girls attractive?
Yes of course it's normal, most guys won't admit to it because the term "Paedophile" is degrading to a mans status, it doesn't matter if the guy was attracted to 14yo girls, people will just scream "pedo" at him so the conversation is avoided or rarely ever bought up

>Is Hebephilia (fancying girls 11-14)
> Ephebophilia (fancying girls 15-19 a mental illness
15 is just few years shy from being a fully grown woman, that being said adultery should be illegal.

My beta rational mind is like

>"Meh who cares"

My alpha emotional mind is like

>"I didn't get the chance to have teenage sex, and therefore I will make sure that nobody else will, and any Chad who has sex with a teenager will be locked up for a long time, despite all his whining. Keep whining and Chad will be castrated."

Basically no sex for anyone - unless we are all able to make love equally, and only in amounts equal with people of equal sexual attractiveness.

There is no way Ephebophilia is a thing lol

It's 16 here in most states. That seems reasonable to me.

It's natural. Men prefer young women, women prefer older men. It's always been that way.

To go even further as to "why" you need only look at why in my country people are considered children in a legal sense until 25 (youth allowance ring a bell anyone?)

They want to make everyone children for longer periods of time so they are reliant on the state as their new parent.

Any rational man can see that age of consent should always have been based on puberty, not the ever increasing number that goes higher and higher every 20-30 years like clockwork.

Laugh at me now, ignore the danger of what i'm saying and we'll see who's laughing when it gets raised even higher to 25, as the feminists and their puppet masters are planning right now.

Again, if you're a smart person you'll be questioning why kikes are so interested in pushing these laws and funding all sorts of groups related to them. Hint: It's not because they care about children, because these laws stopped being about real children YEARS ago.

Someone like you touched my 17 year old sister and it messed her up pretty bad. Fuck you fucking pedo scum.

>Implying she was not a slut or just plain dumb

It's a word he made up so he doesn't have to call it what it really is:


Thank's for that high level argument.

I would agree with that. Consent is a weird thing and in itself a construct of opinion made law. Someone thought 15 was too young, and made the law such. If a majority tomorrow thought 15 was not too young, which camp would be right, the latter or the former? Therein lies the dilemma.

I'll say this, when I was 10-15 I regularly "experimented" with my friends. Had an older woman (or man) approached me, I would have liked nothing more during those years than to engage in sexual activities. It was fun. Does that mean I want to force my viewpoint on others? No.

So then by that definition, men are demonized for attraction and feelings that are completely normal to our biology, yes? I see a LGBTQ+++ social justice group potential there.

Yes, it does seem absurd when stated as you did. Men are seen as aggressive and invasive, hence why a 50 year old man hooking up with a willing 18 year old is frowned upon. Society says the old man is using his experience to essentially manipulate and coerce the 18 year old who, society believes knows absolutely nothing about anything and it's allowed soley by the law.

Its interesting to note no such stigma exists if the genders were reversed in the example, in the contrary it is celeberated as empowering for the woman and "lucky" for the man.

It was the father of a friend of her. He had been texting her dirty things for over 2 years and she was very afraid.

I don't support the terms hebephilia or pedofilia, but I mainly only use it to differentiate myself from true pedophiles who prefer children. Since a 14 year old can healthily reproduce, biologically it is not a child.

I don't sympathize with cowards. Sounds like she had a missing father figure who didn't teach her proper values of self-respect.


Have a read. It goes very deep, josaphine butler's fucking husband was implementing jewish teachings into the curriculum, she came out in ferocious defense of jews in the UK during her feminist spree.

And this woman is why you have age of consent. Is it not fucking funny that Sup Forums will rabidly defend a feminist and jewish invention to the death, without ever questioning one iota of it?

Of course it's a good idea, but that's what kikes do. They take a decent idea and twist it to their own means, in this case by raising it far too fucking high (it should have remained at puberty.

Look at every single time the age got raised, or the media rabidly shills it. There will be a jew behind it and it's not because that jew cares.

It's because when combined with other factors, a high age of consent can destroy the family unit and thus destroy their enemies.

Don't say you were not warned.

Honestly 14 seems ok BUT not in our degenerate society. Attraction wise a 14 can look 18.

>She felt pity at Oscar Wilde's conviction (1896), was angered by the Dreyfus affair (1898), and supported British action in South Africa in 1899, desiring the British to release the colored peoples from Afrikaner bondage. She felt Great Britain would be judged by its treatment of the black peoples under its control, and wrote Native Races and the War, whose anti-Boer sentiments shocked and angered all sides. Less controversially, she attacked with wrath the pogroms in Czarist Russia, and sent all the money she could to assist in the settlement of Jewish refugees in London.

THIS IS NOW A Podesta thread

Not white enough.

Interesting insights. I too have wondered about some of the things you touch on. For example how 150+ years ago, by 14 you were considered a "young man" or "young woman" and were expected to be prepared for life by around there.

With the increase in life expectancy since then, that push to mature and be "ready for life" has gone. Now people are being referred to as children even into there 20s like you said. People regularly talk as if people 15-25 know absolutely nothing about life.

The unwritten "age of maturity" has definitely been blown way, way up and people being easier to control definitely I think plays a factor.

what the fuck, where is this from?

What the fuck are you talking about?

Girls of that age are still very much like kids mentally and quite literally CAN'T consent at that age. Pedos like you scare them and it usually results in them just "going along" with it when he tries to make advances, because they're afraid that if they don't do it they'll just beat the shit out of them in order to get what they want. This is what you faggots will never understand. I hear you pedos on here say "but I don't do anything without consent!", meaning you made advances and she only stumbles out a "y-yes".

Don't fucking touch underage girls you fucking scum.

You are a true pedophile.

I am sorry for what happened. It appears it was not consensual a.k.a rape. That guy deserves to be beaten and sent to jail.

True on that.

If were the old man, which I someday will be... maybe I'm just trying to makeup for the teenage sex I missed out on. But nobody would know that, or even care, they would just chop my balls off.

Of course realistically does that even happen anywhere in the world today? Information is everywhere. I don't think its possible for a much older man to hit on a girl and get away with it, without some friend or parent catching wind of it and going all apeshit. There no corner of the earth untouched by surveillance.

But we do KNOW from history that young women would be both willing and able to have sex with a much older guy, if it was on some rural farm somewhere, away from mass media.

It seems like the men who are satisfied, stay married to their wives, and the men who still crave more, go out and seek it, but there's less opportunities now with feminism, where only a few guys are at the top basically drown in pussy, wasting away the innocence and sweetness of girls... and there's high degree of frustration for the rest of the men who want to have any experience they can get their hands on, and only pretend that the have the luxury of "turning down" an offer, when in reality those come once every several years.. /rant


The SJWs are trying to normalize pedophilia. Is this an inception-pill?
Are the blue-pilled shills crossing the meridian? Has the cycle come full circle?
Explain why the social justice and LGBTQOWEITUSKNLMNOP crowd trying to normalize at least attraction to 11-17 year olds?
The Jew masters who control the media allowed Dr Phil to have a pedophile on his show, even if 95% of the population was "shocked" 5% started conversations they wouldn't have normally had.
It's not inconceivable that at least a small % of the population changed their minds about pedophilia because of that broadcast.

>normalizing pedophilia

I hate you for making me realize you're doing what the left always bitches about, but you are blaming a blameless victim.

It's a fucking underdeveloped female.

It has to go through time before fully maturing.

Old dudes hitting on underdeveloped females is not the natural order of living beings.

Planned parenthood in the 60's.
With that shit and the age of consent, the intent is to make it IMPOSSIBLE for a young person age 20 to marry and have kids in their early 20's.

When you have babies in the early 20's or late teens, you are most fertile and make the best possible genetic example.

Ask yourself cunts, why have birth defects been getting more common? Autism?
And why do kikes support this shit?

Because it's part of white genocide, it's just been going on so fucking long you think it's normal and they use pedophile as a smear word so you can't discuss it rationally.

Marrying a 16 year old girl is NOT PEDOPHILIA.
And teenagers are not fucking children and should not be reliant on the state.

You should be horrified because this is the hardest redpill to swallow. It challenges everything you've thought since birth, you have to think rationally.

nope. thats just wrong
i can see your point but its still wrong to actually fuck them.

what the fuck

delet this

>Hebephilia (fancying girls 11-14)
It's called Mohammedism. You're a leaf, just start going to your local mosque instead of dirtying up this board.

Because the kikes have lost control and they are trying to do anything to be progressive. They're just insane.

The kikes are pedophiles themselves, they just do it behind closed doors. The real reason is this Age of consent is to genetically dull our genes, its not about anything else. It's paired with other social measures.

As for the reason the kikes let these fags on their shows? Profit, it generates massive clickbait and thus profit for them, while it does no harm to their real agenda and might actually convince people THE OTHER WAY to raise age of consent because of crazy lefties.

They're very smart about what they're doing.

Why is it wrong to have sex with them?

>late teens, you are most fertile and make the best possible genetic example.

>late teens

You're right that people used to fuck a lot younger.

You know what else happened a fuckton more? Childbirth deaths.

Keep repeating yourself with no argument. Remember the OP? Leave your emotions at the door. Just because your sister couldn't say no and didn't tell your parents isn't my fault. Not victim blaming at all here but there must be more to your story. People don't just agree to be fucked up the ass to "go along to get along".

Are you muslim by any chance? That would explain the paralyzing fear.

Like I said, I don't sympathize with cowards. If she couldn't stand up for herself, get help, and just say no, that is on her, and the failings of proper values that her family did not teach her. People like that are not naive, they just act dumb.

It's a fucking nipple not a turkey pop up timer.

Nice tits are nice tits, just gotta check their id now days before ya grab her by the pussy.

its not on a moral level i guess, but i wouldn't risk jail time and having my name slandered.

>People like that are not naive, they just act dumb.
>People like that
You mean kids?

I wouldn't risk it either, under the current legal system. That's kinda the point though, that the laws should be changed.

The age of consent used to be as low as 8 in America. Take the age of consent redpill.

I agree with you but this is Sup Forums.
The people here are mostly autistic screechers venting frustration about the state of their lives but they don't actually believe what they're saying. They're just lashing out because they have no control over their fucking lives.

I'd say maybe 5% of the people who post here aren't paranoid or autistic LARPers

Essentially Sup Forums is what would happen if Sup Forums and /x/ had a baby.
Pretend tinheads screeching about what the fuck ever.

No one here is going to take this seriously

It's not about them, it's about you-as a man.
You have a duty to protect and nurture the innocent, not use them as a carnal play thing.
Men are given incredible power - you can choose to abuse that power and watch it slowly twist you into a demented piece of shit. Or harness it and allow yourself and those that need you to protect them (young girls being the most vulnerable) grow into beings of amazing beauty and strength.

Physically women develop for peak breeding at around 16 years, so they will look their most appealing from then until they lose their peak breeding age at around 26

Mentally women never seem to develop until well into their 40s or even 50s, and any development they show is often just an acquiescence and imitation in order to curry as much as they can with their wilted SMV and still maintain some sense of control

Emotionally they are unstable, and freedom has only destabilized them further

Only degenerates and leafs are into 11-14 year old kids though.

I can hardly stand trying to converse with a 20-25 year old woman, and even then it hurts.

any guy who wouldnt fuck those two is either gay or they are lying

all men are attracted to hot teens, its just societal pressure stops them from admitting it

18 year old women hooking up with much older men is actually common. Many of them have this fantasy. My own sister was caught at age 14 naked in the shower with a 50 year old dude. Girls younger than 18 are hooking up with guys older than 18 all the time. I've personally known a few girls who admitted it and it does go on.

This girl in my apartment complex growing up (I was much older) later admitted she lost her virginity at 13 willingly to a 30 year old guy while vacationing with her parents in mexico. She said it was great, and that he was hot.

I'ts kind of a "hidden" society that goes on behind closed doors, but it does happen fairly often. Those who say it doesn't probably grew up pretty sheltered from the cool kids.

Because modern medicine was nowhere near as good, obviously.

Dont think im advocating birth at 10 or anything, i'm saying that the kikes and their 18+ shit is intentionally there to prevent young marriages for a reason.

Puberty should be the real age of consent.

I know, but i figure a few people will be curious and just hear me out for one second.

Look at the history of these laws, see who's behind them. That might change your mind.


Pick one. I could still be at home playing videa and not knowing how to cook or clean and let my parents provide for me, but that doesn't make me a kid, that makes me irresponsible.

She didn't get raped in the ass, but he touched her body everywhere when he thought she was sleeping. When he made advances through text messages, my sister thought he was joking. Also he had been secretly taking pictures of her for a long time.

16 year old girl vs 50-something year old guy, and you want her to "stand up for herself"? There is a possibility she wouldn't even have been here today if she said no!

Wait until they're 18 at least. It's the decent thing to do and there are plenty of ultra-hot college girls with nothing going on but classes and homework

What are the police? Where were her parents, family, or friends to help her? If she decided not to do anything about it, then that is on her.

There is literally nothing wrong with sex with children.

I don't care if someone is attracted to teens, it should never be acted on though.

Having sex with women who have an excuse for an under developed set of emotions and logic is wrong, morally and ethically. Impulses are somewhat degenerate....However at 18+ you are a-ok.

Leaf, GTFO with this bullshit. You can have whatever desire you want, but your 185kg fat ass has 0 chance to get laid.....If you can't see your dick, what makes you think a woman will want to?

It's a new idea. Even though girls as young as 13 were often married to 30 yr olds for thousands of years...must be a mental illness...

> 25 years

This makes sense biologically. That is when the prefrontal cortex finishes development. Before this age, a person is more subject to instinctual desires, and arguably isn't capable of making a rational decision under "hormonal duress". Sex should be reserved for consenting adults, not children with fragile, underdeveloped self-images.

That should also be the age before which a person cannot assume any financial obligation (e.g. student loans), partake of recreational drugs that are known to cause brain damage (alcohol), or start a family (or, really, just have a child and just keep it around for welfare).

The argument is pretty clear.

Humans have a long development period. This is due to the fact that we have brains that take a significant amount of time to adapt to the world.

In order to allow our minds to fully develop, we've evolved to mature and reach puberty once our minds have hit that point. This is to allow us to make a somewhat sane decision about who/how we will reproduce.

You're in favor of fucking things that have not reached that evolutionary development yet. There's a fucking reason why it's there.

A significant amount of girls around 16-17 are not physically large enough to safely carry a kid and then push it out.

Clearly she's not mature enough to handle advances from a pedo like yourself.

Depends, if the parents are degenerate trash then I'd probably be a better father figure than they are. Decent parents, she has a better outcome if she sticks with them for a while. She'd likely become dependent on me and it'd set the standard for the kids as well, neither are good things in the long run.

If they're mature enough, sure. Runs similar risks to hebephilia but if they're of sound mind it could work.

So there is a lawsuit against him in a couple of months. Turns out he did this to a lot of young girls, but apparently he kept getting away with because girls that young are just TOO SCARED to do anything.

Why is it so bad to begin talking about it? That's the reason I created this thread. This is still one of those topics where if its brought up even slightly with a neutral outlook it's a topic the majority of people try and instantly shut down, as if the case is closed.

If the case is closed you should be able to rationally argue why that is the case.

Someone who shuts down discussion and often threatens violence is a drone.

Its almost like the girls were (dare i say it) not mature enough

Its more about age range at this point, would say the age range for anything 22 and below should be a max gap of 4 years, after that 18 is the cuttoff point.


This is the literal argument feminists are now preventing and hell, i honestly believe they'll go unopposed.

People get too triggered to see the danger in what you propose. Look at where western society is right now by men not telling women what's good for them. And it's only going to get worse.

Modern medicine has various ways of fixing that, also ideally they would still be dating at 16 and marrying around 18 (instead of starting at 18).

Females start developing at 12 and finish by 16-18. Males on the other hand start later and finish much later.

Before the 20th century fathers would marry off their 14 year old daughters to men 10-20 years older than them. Females in fact like older men.

Despite what older washed up roasties would have you believe, the age of consent laws right now are too high.

Nothing wrong about it. But marry them before having sexual relations. ((((certain)))) people are trying to prevent whites from marrying and procreating by telling us it is wrong to be with younger women, and that being with men or trannies is normal. Then (((they))) give these young women all the time and opportunity to whore out and become worthless.

Now I will wait for the kikes to call me a pedophile.

Yeah because I'm sure that completely stops you from involuntarily finding someone attractive.

They are children who have no idea what they are doing.
They have been brainwashed by modern society to dress themselves up as a toy. When at the same time they have the potential to be amazing uman beings.
Think of it like this: You are in a room with a girl who has been drugged. You can either watch over her, make sure she's breathing, etc.
Or you can be a slimey piece of shit and abuse her whilst she is not fully coherent.
Oh and by the way, the room also has a two way mirror and her entire family is waiting on the other side.
Modern society is drugging these girls and no matter what it says, it is fucking wrong.

Someone got the Worldcorp audio supposedly showing Podesta torturing a child?

tits are too big for 13

I'm already at my local mosque, how do u think I'm getting my free wifi?

Prudish normalfaggotry on Sup Forums has always been an interesting mix of funny and irritating.

>Modern medicine has various ways of fixing that
>fixing that

Is there something broken? Are you advocating some kind of fast-track brain development program?

As far as it looks like, the brain development period is fine, the point of contention is horny old guys that are incapable of sex with women in their own age bracket.

>17 year old
Faggot 16 is the age of consent in plenty of places. Your sister is just a dumb whore who regrets her decisions so makes out that it wasnt her fault.

>11yo more likely to be attractive than 29/30 yo
Roasties BTFO.

They want women to be independent and not married in the late teens and early twenties so they are easily influenced and led astray.

Women need a strong father figure in their life whether it's their father or husband. A strong husband to guide them when they are 18 years old will help eliminate a lot of the questionable behavior of unmarried females.

I am a lot more empathetic to this line of thinking. Marrying a 16 year old and starting a family is probably for the better. However, this comes with the parent's blessing. Promiscuous sex with teenage girls as an adult male is completely degenerate, and should be frowned upon.

Poor beta males settling for 30 yo roasties deluded thinking that's their prime.