50 Shades of Grey

My gf wants to see this new movie

It seems to me incredibly degenerate and I told her I dont want to go.

Did I do the right thing? I dont want these kikes to be giving her fucked up ideas.

It's degenerate af, Idk, when my ex told me she read the book, I lost a lot of respect for her. you could be wasting your time with her, like I did with my ex. In the end I asked her if she wanted a family and she began diverting too much. It's basically like a guy asking his gf to watch hardcore porn together.


Go see the movie, autismo.

Just don't let her go alone and you'll be safe.

My gf got a copy of the book given to her, and luckily for me, she thinks it's unbelievably degenerate.

Shes pretty reserved (27 and only 2 sexual partners wants a family etc), she said she got convinced to read the book but didnt finish it because she thought it sucked. I think her friends convinced her to want to see the movie.

I told her I wont see the movie but I lack a coherent argument as for why, aside from its degenerate and marxism is ruining civilization. But women dont understand these concepts. I need a way to describe it as if im telling a child why its bad.

why do women not into politics at all?
Drives me fucking crazy, desu.

Always be wary of the "I only watched it to see how bad it was" excuse. Check her underwear.

i really don't understand faggots like you. Of course it is degenerate, but in the best way possible. You now get to use and abuse your slut

pirate it and watch it, see how she reacts on it and proceed in life based on that

My gf read the books while dating another guy. I haven't asked but I know those books made girls horny af and they probably had crazy sex.

I might go to the movie with her just to see if I get anything. We never have sex anymore.

there will be women in their with fucking vibrators, cucumbers and dildos
the theater will stink to fucking high hell

don't fucking do it you nigger

It's an abusive relationship fantasy

She loves when I ravage her and pull her hair and slam her against the wall. This doesnt mean I need to pay some kikes to see some shit tier movie tht will have some underlying feminist and marxist ideas drilled into her head.
Maybe youre the faggot who does not care about the condition of the woman he wishes to be the mother of his children.

If it had a Swastika in it you'd probably be all for it faggot

It's about as revolutionary as Beauty and the Beast.

Suck it up and leave the house, walnut.

Dude just tell her that the relationships portrayed in the movie are unhealthy and the way that the movie portrays BDSM content is dangerous as it doesn't show how much consideration the partners have to take into account for each other and that the one who should be enjoying it the most is the Sub not the Dom as portrayed in the movie

Or just say your not comfortable with its content

It's twilight fanfic with bdsm instead of vampire shit.

For real. look it up.

Tell your gf she's fucking stupid.

You fucked up. It's only degenerate if you're exploring your sexuality alone or polyamousously. You're supposed to explore the boundaries of your woman's sexuality together because it helps her bond to you.

If you don't like it, fine, but now she has an "out" because this could be an excuse she uses to convince herself of your incapability with her. You should have at least attempted it.

I think saying it makes me uncomfortable would put me in a beta fagget position. Who cares if I am comfortable? I am the man. I dont want her to have to treat me like a child and worry about my comforts.

Don't do it it's the degenerate's version of shareblue

If this became an excuse to leave me then I fucking dodged a bullet as I would consider her an unfaithful whore at that point. No loss.

Women value sexual compatibility higher than men.

But you're not wrong, I'm just giving a warning. Disallowing her will make her want to do it more. Women are fickle like that.

If you don't want to see it yourself just say you find it boring and you'd fall asleep. I wouldn't bother trying to convince her not to see it, it's basically female porn. So long as she isn't a complete retard and understands the difference between fantasy and reality.

Fuck those (((movies))). Stick to your decision leaf.

who gives a fuck seriously why do you need retardo safespace board validation to watch A FUCKING MOVIE kys

There's infinitely more in life to experience and renew relationships then just sex.

Why not? Almost guaranteed sex after. If you don't care about that get her to see something else, movies supposed to be just dogshit.

I am just asking for a simple way to describe this sort of marxism and why degeneracy to her. I dont know how to get this across.
I dont need anyone to validate me, I dont give a shit if you think I made the wrong choice, describe why.

Tomorrow is Valentines day and many young women will be exposed to a new level of degeneracy, which is in my opinion one of the foundational pillars of society which is very quickly crumbling away.

I work at a cinema bar. The floor staff are practically fighting each other over who doesn't have to clean the 50 Shades screens.
Shit's fucking disgusting.

gross. wtf.

50 shades of skanks and of heteros

>browse pol every day
>can't explain why FSOG is degenerate
What's the point of being here then if you can't come up with reasonable arguments?