Have you seen this other leafs?

Sweden-tier here we come I guess


Any thoughts on why the "refugees" say they have to run in danger of being caught? Like, if they are just peaceful migrants or refugees they shouldn't be in any danger from the authorities, right?

Other urls found in this thread:


Well, we are fucked

No one is talking about it either



>Comments disabled
rly makes u think

Most of our media is like that. No one seems to care. By and large, the future looks pretty bleak desu

Pretty bleak? This country is finished. I want the housing bubble to finally pop so this country is ended

Then what do we do?

The fucking National. My mom has it blasting so loud every night. It feels like I'm being indoctrinated.

What are the main parties in Canada and which are the best/worst?

Sorry Leaf bros, we are building a wall in the north too keep out moose jockeys snow niggers.

Sucks to be you guys


You are. Diversity is strength, etc

>unanimous like/dislike ratio
>comments disabled

Canada no.


Canada is finished

I'm planning to make aliyah to Europe before the bubble bursts.

When the economy is crashed we can have a mass redpilling and a revolution

We will rebuild from the ashes.

Arise, Canada, glorious frozen phoenix

ya know this is just great !
canada is welcoming any and all to join in their country . the us should stop deporting peoples back to their native countrys and instead send them to canada !

I feel bad for Canada because I'm very sure most Canadians don't actually want the change that's happening, they just haven't been warned....

I'm not really well versed in politics, so could someone please kindly explain how this shit keeps happening worldwide?

The populace clearly disdains them, yet they keep flooding en masse.

I believe Hitler had something to say about virtue signaling.

Soros et al. We are all just serfs

>The populace clearly disdains them
I don't know of any polls on this in Canada. Canadians seem pretty cucked. We're the source of a lot of what's wrong with the world. Anita Sarkisian is from Canada and was trained in feminism here.

Human compassion run amok. People are trying to be as altruistic as possible, not realizing that there are limited resources available and other problems to fix, or that the people they are helping WILL NOT integrate into their societies.

White people aren't allowed to feel pride in their culture or heritage so instead they go full retard and embrace multiculturalism and diversity without realizing that those beliefs are not inherently valuable.

We need to restore sanity and stop being obsessed with the nazis/holocaust. That shit happened like 80 years ago, it's time to move past it.

Liberalism is a mental illness.

these are the demographics INCLUDING the shithole capitals FFS

Canada is still extremely non-dark
so they live in oblivion

But it's literally a few dozen people. It's not like there's 150,000 in a long march from some hellhole coming into this land.

When I normally get a (you) from a canadian, it is almost always an ad hom or a logical fallacy.

I have a theory that most canadians don't advance beyond a 12 year old mental age. Hence, their rapid descent into namecalling and shit flinging.

It's not their fault though. They are subjected to ideological indoctrination and kept stupid by their government. They lack the thought processes we all take for granted.

>But it's literally a few dozen people.
*a day.

It will speed up during summer.

>be a generation with great lives and no hardship
>war was such a long time ago that it doesn't seem real, it's just "history" to these people
>they decide they want to play jesus and help everyone
>they vote en masse people who live in similar delusion to lead their country
>multiculturalism starts because "muh one race human race"
>barbarians start ruining the western countries
>the delusion deepens and they blame themselves

In short, victory has defeated west. Too many soft generations in a row

>The populace clearly disdains them, yet they keep flooding en masse.
the easiest way to explain it is imagine living in a country where people who disagree with you politically will comb your social media for any non-pc statement and use it to inflict economic and social reprecussions on you (loss of job. community etc.), all because enforcing restrictions on public language and thought reassures them that their empty lives will mean something when they stare into the empty abyss of death, and the only conservative party in the nation is filled with dumb protestants who are larping as margaret thatcher 30 years after her policies made any sense who are willing to support open immigration and gay marriage to stave off their growing irrelevance to people who hate them for being white christians anyway, then stop imagining and realize i'm talking about the country i fucking live in and went to school in.


$0.10 has been deposited into your account

>dahnald you may have the delegates and the presidency but can i have your permission to annex Canada, my home country

I'm glad the refugees got the help they need and become a fully productive member of society. I'm glad to live in a progressive country where canadians are willing to help the poor and the stricken of the other worlds instead of ignoring them and throwing away the canadian life, or worse, abandoning them unlike America.

So pretty much pic related?

I agree with the finn poster. At the time living is so easy, with that I mean there is really no threat of food shortage, heating shortage or water shortage in the first world. In most people this leads to more tolerance. This is not all though, it's also about people knowing each other less and less and therefore not having strong community ties. These weaknesses and this state is easily exploited by the leftists.

>to stave off their growing irrelevance to people who hate them for being white christians anyway

this is just it, the 'conservatives' here are extra fucking retarded

That was 2011. I'm guessing it's closer to 73% now. It goes down 3% every five years.

>so they live in oblivion
I live in GTA in a white enclave where whites are 50%. I can see into the future.

Shut the fuck up nigga it was $500

Kill yourself fgt

if im being totally honest the only huxley book i've ever bought was eyeless in gaza but given how this one is used in memes i'll go ahead and assume yes


watch the molyneux peterson interview, peterson explains

>women naturally have a maternal instict
>easiest way to upset them is to threaten their baby
>they see a baby as infallible, a baby can't be guilty of anything
>they attach this sympathy to migrants
>migrants can do nothing wrong
>blaming the migrant upsets them, makes you a racist or xenophobe
>this is the first time we're living in a matriarchy because of democracy

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE who the fuck is upvoting this video???

There is something seriously wrong with this country's mentality. Even the conservative provinces are still cucked by normal standards.

I have no fucking clue how shit got THIS bad, I honestly think it's because you guys are our neighbours, you do all the dirty work and we sit here virtue signaling the entire world about how great we are when in reality if America wasn't right fucking next to us we'd be completely fucking screwed as a nation.

We're like the coddled younger brother who's never stepped into the real world because the older brother was always watching out for him, it needs to fucking stop.

We are going to be sweden arent we?

>Liberalism is a mental illness.


check 'em, I thought it was hilarious

back off, cuck, Sweden is still number one

not quite

beyond healthcare canada doesn't have a generous social safety net
sweden does because it was much easier to centralize the economy
so these migrants wont be able to get gibs forever, they'll end up working or homeless

big problem is the only people other than certain immigrants that have a positive birth rate is natives, and they do get plenty of gibs

government is going to ether get swamped by this and the boomer healthcare, or they'll keep letting in hundreds of thousands of asians a year to try and avoid it

The main political parties in Canada are

Conservative Party ("socially progressive/ fiscally conservative" meme)

Liberal Party (current truderp globalist cancer)

Green Party (hippy commies)

Le Bloc Quebecois (quebec/french nationalist party)

New Democratic Party (commies)

They're all shit

don't you have food stamps or some program like this for those without job?

American Jews infected us, user. We had no chance, really, Amerifats make too much shiny shit to distract the proles, and once we started buying into that it was only a matter of time until the cultural subversion took root.

Thanks America!

It's very minimal but I wouldn't put it past our current government to make extra allowances of some sort for "refugees"

we don't have food stamps

we have employment insurance, but you need to have a job first
there's provincial welfare, vary by province but they're pretty low and you need a 'disability' to stay on long term

natives live on reserves which are like slightly nicer gypsy camps, except remote and subject to -40, we really aren't that charitable, syrians are already going from government settlement money to welfare

any advice for a fellow canuck on the disability ?

that's pretty based. In Germany we have the old employment insurance, but then there's the separate new welfare program. Of course all the leeches only use that new benefits program, the former is of no use to them. For the new benefits program, you don't need to have worked a day in your life. More like a basic income than insurance.

>syrians are already going from government settlement money to welfare
didn't understand this

How long before a group of people have enough and just start shooting these illegals?

>most Canadians don't actually want the change that's happening,

and yet, just like Germans, they won't punish the politicians in the elections.

at least AfD is winning some regional elections. (Waiting for the bundes elections.)

anti-muslim parties seem to be stuck at 20-25%.

for a long time the stability net in canada was
>free land
but no money or help, just a bunch of acres to settle

the federal government never has enough money to set up a big system like germany, and there's a big regional bias because eastern provinces are poorer than western ones

>didn't understand this
the federal government was paying $3600 per family, but that was only for 18 months, after the 18 months they have to get money elsewhere

it's not all better, they're bringing in a new cohort to pay

but now small towns and broke provinces that liked the free money from the feds might not like having to keep syrians around

They don't, because for one they don't feel the problem when the facts are CONSTANTLY suppressed and downplayed, and second, most people are afraid to stray away too much from the "accepted opinion" (which the establishment in government and media communicates), and that accepted opinion is totally leftist.

>meanwhile in Poland

>anti-muslim parties seem to be stuck at 20-25%.
I imagine that is by design, how much are these new migrants offsetting the old voting stats? I'm afraid of what our next election will look like

From what ive experienced most people would be supportive of helping these "refugees". Public opinion is in favor of cucking the country, make no mistake.

CBC and CTV are in full propaganda mode at the moment ever since Trump was elected and especially after the Quebec shooting.

this gif is most excellent

Enjoy your new friends. some of them are big eaters. :^DD

>they're leaving Minneapolis

ty leafs

media in this country needs to start receiving all black faxes and getting pizzas delivered

They give these people apartments when actual canadians have to sleep in bed bug infested shelters? Fuck this country

Winnipeg...les negres vont améliorer la ville...

You should totally get cucked by Ahmed. I wish you well ameribro

rename this photo "token"

Most canadians are too stupid too pay attention to whats going on or they go to college and they love this shit

>or they go to college and they love this shit
its true

Why are you calling me ameribro when I have the canadian flag?


> you do all the dirty work and we sit here virtue signaling the entire world about how great we are

this. And then American liberals constantly point to Canada as an example of what America could or should be.

I think the problem you guys have is that it seems like a significant percentage of Canadians basically define their politics as "not being like those backwards American conservatives". So when America has a populist nationalism movement the instinct of Canadians is to do the opposite. Now you have a situation where your PM declares Canada the worlds first post national country and the floodgates open up. Your countrys "identity" is literally "we dont have an identity". At this rate Trumps going to have to build a second wall.

your flag is US

Thats because people are stupid and they think we can help the world and still have nice things. And like Yuri Bezmenov said these liberals will only realize the error in their ways when a boot comes down on their heads.

candians are muppets. I always own them and give myself a good laugh about it.

cunts bring up canada, i say wow u so smart must make money big Iq.

leaf shrugs ya well...

i interrupt, how about that guy you elected that did crack openly, cool your PRESIDENT (really stings them when u call trudy a prez they will correct you, coninue to do it) studied dance, Nice GDP, howd that fire work...did yall put it out or just let it burn all the shit down? Pipeline or pay to ship oil on trains?

Canada, Greatest victory, literally a handshake with a lifelong allie.

> most people are afraid to stray away too much from the "accepted opinion"

Nobody looks at your hands when you vote. Just lie to the bad people. They deserve it.



I'm sorry for all the recent and past cancer ameribro, please just annex us already


Appologize to my dog

He'll surely be a productive member of his new society :^)


fucking this

all the fucking leafs swarm down every holiday for shopping and shit, it's maddening. Now it's going to be with africans too? NO.

the wall is necessary, and the leafs will pay for it with their plastic money

Is leaf money really plastic?

CanAdidA. The china of north America.
49th parallel BTFO

Didnt the mainstream Canadian media completely ignore the mass molestation in Edmonton and the ones going on in high schools by muslims pretending to be teenagers?

They seem to have completely ignored it, yes.

>Comments are disabled for this video.

Yeah no surprise there CBC you faggots.
Can no one shoot these fucking obvios criminals crossing the border illegally? Why am I paying for these useless niggers?

65% of refugee children in germany turned out to be adults.

85% of ME refugees in America are on cash welfare.

Seeing a parallel makes you islamisitisitist.

>Why am I paying for these useless niggers?
"..on the right side of history..."

Immigration raids? Are the immigrants stealing stuff and the gov. and media are reporting it as normal?

This is ridiculous... I can't even comprehend the amount of stupidity.

Trouble makers not a solutioneirs

>if they are just peaceful migrants or refugees they shouldn't be in any danger from the authorities, right?
Al Jazeera and other Sunni echo chamber propaganda sources have all Sunnis convinced that Assad and the Iraqi government will mercilessly murder any Sunni they get their hands on. It's like all the retarded liberals who were convinced by Shillary's smear campaign they'd have to flee the country if Trump won.

u guys are all racist