How did you get conned so easily?

How did you let yourself be fooled by a simple strong-man personality? How did you let your hate for liberals cloud your vision so bad that you elected this corny, elitist sleazeball to the highest office in our country? Did you know who he was before the campaign? Have you ever seen "The Apprentice?" How could you trust a billionaire slumlord? Did you really think he would fight for the little guy instead of appoint 3 billionaires to his cabinet? Why didn't you want more policy and plans from a candidate? How could you NOT tell that he was going to say whatever line was most entertaining, whatever you wanted to hear most? Why did you just go along with it? Why do you only question liberals and not Trump? Can't you see that you elected him for his PERSONALITY and not his COMPETENCE?

Even I bought into the Hillary hate, so much that I voted lolbert. But this reality TV show faggot? He's been a clown for DECADES and you act like liberals started saying that during the election.

How could you forget that your vote is a responsibility, not a touchdown celebration?

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go find some monkeys to befriend

gentle reminder that you are all retarded

Daily reminder pic related is still your reality and will be for a long, long time.

Daily reminder that the alternative was Hilary Clinton.

need to add russian bombers and destroyed cities
or -any- normal gop politician

Angry Goy. Kill Niggers and Jews. Featured on Jerusalem post. Download and play now.

Conned? He's quite literally doing everything he said he'd do you retard.

That's the exact opposite of "conning" someone.

>you were conned by Trump!
Please explain. How was I conned by Trump?

Nuclear codes, etc. etc,

>implying vote is real

thats where you went wrong

you elected someone who unironically used the excuse "I didn't read it before I signed it!!"

but you have your wall and failied muslim ban. and uh, coal subsidies? yeah right. There are actually a lot of little things that he's lied about like "make no cuts to medicaid" but every politician does this and I'm not sure what the base cares about the most. So what specific thing is he doing that you like? Golf more often than Bush? BTW, TPP was never going to get through parliament

B b but i hate niggers and women. Who should i voted for instead? For the first time i am the bully now!

>Even I bought into the Hillary hate

Obviusly not enough. There was only one way to stop Hillary from getting into the White House, and that was voting for whoever the Republican candidate was.

I respect your decision to vote third party but do not think for a second that would have prevented Trump or Hillary from getting into the Oval office. Anything else is wishful thinking at this stage in American Politics.

I'd vote for Trump again. And Again. And Again. I could see a video of him literally sucking Putin's dick, and I would still vote for him if he was the Republican Nominee and Hillary was the Democrat Nominee.

All the dems had to do was not run Hillary.

Thank you for being frank. Would you consider the idea that Trump is as or could be as corrupt as her? She has the Clinton Foundation, he has probably hundreds of businesses that already deal in other countries. It makes no sense not to apply similar logic, the only difference there was Trump hadn't been in politics yet. I am aware of Hillary's history

>all of Hillary's baggage proven wrong a bunch of times through many investigations
>people still believed it
>Trump's shit all proven right
>"oh, it doesn't matter, man. It's all about them e-mails"

Yeah I'm not reading that, shariablue. You know Brock will pay you regardless of whether or not you use walls of text right

>all of Hillary's baggage proven wrong a bunch of times

The pendulum swings one way, then the other.

That being said, there is a third angle nobody seems to notice: If you tell me Donald Trump will destroy the country and/or the world, what if I voted for him on that premise?

>what do you have?
So far, I have:
>TPP killed
>companies already returning to US
>wall construction
>ICE raids on illegal aliens
>sanctuary cities getting defunded
>a start to curbing legal immigration - the "Muslim ban" (which wasn't a ban, nor did it target Muslims) is perfectly legal and constitutional and I look forward to you getting BTFO by SCOTUS
>speaking of, excellent SCOTUS nominee
>a fucking ocean of liberal tears

I'm actually quite pleased with Trump so far. Good people are benefiting and wicked people are being punished. So I'm not sure how I've been conned.

>the pendulum argument
The pendulum is not a foregone conclusion. The pendulum effect occurred because both sides were screwing the American people. As soon as one party decides to actually champion the American people, expect to see the pendulum get stuck for a generation.

Nobody voted for Trump so that he could destroy the world, perhaps they wanted the political establishment to burn, but nobody who wants to see everything burn would even bother voting.

What Democrats are missing is that by painting him as "literally Hitler", they're going to lose alot of credibility once the people realize he's not going to gas all Muslims.

How'd you sell yourself out for 0.01 cents a post?

i know, it's more than you've ever read at once plus it probably hurts to have no arguments, so i get it man goodnight.

to boil it down: you have tighter immigration in a multitude of ways, a good SCOTUS pick, and most importantly, some kind of weird cultural victory over your own country. (TPP was never going anywhere with a republican legislative branch.)
All at the risk of an embarrassing reality star buffoon who is probably as corrupt as clinton.

What's funny is a moderate, respectable president could have done all of that without the cultural divide of America - but then he wouldn't have won.

This. Its just one month and hes getting lot of stuff done.

Blame the political establishment that you are so eager to suck off. He is the only moderate, respectable candidate to run since Reagan (with the exception of Ron Paul)

I would have voted for any other republican besides this orange piece of shit. He's a Hollywood New Yorker who supported dems almost his entire life. I'm all for small government, privacy rights and the second amendment but trump was never going to be the guy to get it done. You really fucked up /pol. I'm calling it now, Russia is going to use some dirt they have on Trump to blow this blackmail scandal wide open. It's going to start with his advisors and then trickle up to him, all of his cabinet members are going to get chopped off one by one.

Josh Dolin

Adrienne Watson

Amanda Karpay

Elizabeth Shapell

Matt McClure

Rebecca Charen

Benjamin Fischbein

Burns Strider

Ellie Cohen

Elizabeth Price

Johan Newman

Benjamin Williams

Caryn Lenhoff

Daniel Wessel

Karla Towle

Kathleen Kennedy

>I'm all for privacy rights, small government, and the second amendment
>I would have voted for any other Republican

Nice try, Shareblue.

>if you don't love trump you love hillary
reminder i did not vote for either as stated in op
you consider anyone with any possible competency (i.e. political experience) to be 'establishment' and therefore useless. the cabinet billionaires are just a new fucking establishment and you are having delusions about how things are going in there.

he is the most bold faced liar i have ever laid eyes on and is probably less conservative than Hillary.

What happened, what happened. If only Buckley could see this today.


Hi Share Blue

How is it, being a paid nerdvirgin?
Is your life fulfilling?

I do this for free between managing my personal business and fuckin my white wife.

good concise summary


>How did you get conned so easily?

easily, i am retarded

Kasich should have been our guy. But you retards grew up on reality TV and put this faggot in office. Now go suck that orange dick.

No, the establishment is the political-media-finance group that has been in power since the early 1990s. It's the neocon hacks on the right, and the identity politics faggotry on the left. The entire establishment has ignored the needs of the people in order to advocate for their niche causes. Cry all you want about "muh true conservative" but there isn't a single Republican other than Ron Paul who would have been willing to take on the establishment head on.


Wonderful, another career neocon. I'm sure he really would have fought for the American people....

>Obama was part of a conspiracy to support her!!
it's called being partisan...
you guys think everything is a conspiracy and that Sup Forums matters so much, i must be using jew mind control tricks else how dare i question dearest leader. not sure if just stupidity or the infowars effect.

quit beating off about grand conspiracies and pick someone who can form full sentences. you picked Trump to change your party, therefore you went party over country like a good goy anyways.

You faggots keep bringing up the "establishment" "draining the swap" "power back to the people". You faggots really do believe in all sweet kool aide fairy tales. Signing executive orders aren't getting real shit done. Looks good in the short term, but whats the point if it's going to be challenged every step of the way. We actually needed a real carreer politician who knows how to get shit done in Washington. Not this fucking carrot who thinks he can sign pretend papers. Executive orders are like toilet paper for presidents, only good for wiping up shit. Come talk to me when congress makes his bills into law.

>grand conspiracies

You aren't seriously questioning the power of the establishment?

>hurr durr party over country

No, for once we picked someone who isn't beholden to the establishment and it shows. Turn on the TV. The (((establishment))) is throwing a literal hissy fit that they didn't get their way.

It's been 3 weeks. Republicans, with the exception of neocons like McCain, know that Trump is in charge. It will come.

>we needed a career politician

The last decent career Republican politician was Nixon, and he received similar vitriol from the kike establishment.

A career politician can move things through Congress, but what good is that when they're advocating for (((foreign intervention))) and amnesty?

He is hiding his balding. I knew it.

I love it when CTR 2.0 shit on trump and then proceed to put no substance behind it. You guys are onoy good at demoralizing "issue" voters and you are all too stupid to even substantiated any of the negativity that spews out of your mouth.

i'll be sure to get the establishment's hot take every day from here on out, as you say..
they just want to identify with the controversy. that's it. no real political reasons. no guarantee of what will happen. just an expression of self via political 'sports fandom.'
i love it when poe's law hits so hard that people ACTUALLY believe without memeing that there is an HIDF force being paid to post to 20 other IP's at 4 in the morning

Yeah, what a ridiculous idea that Brock would send you here..

I hope Brock's paying you more than minimum wage, shitlib.