Anybody here serves or have served in the military or the like...

Anybody here serves or have served in the military or the like? I don't have really have anything going with my life and can't find a job, so it seems tempting.

The only downside is that I would be serving and putting my life on the line so that Somalis and other shits can enjoy the good life.

Pretty much what I thought of you, Sup Forums. Sit on your ass in front of the computer, fap to 2d porn and complain about something you don't even have the motivation to go and fix.

eeeh i wouldnt bother fighting for the eu. learn a skill or get a degree and live a comfy life
welfare is p good there too

its a good idea to jumpstart your life. you will enjoy it

>talking from experience

>you'll meet some good friends (perhaps better than your current ones)
>get trained
shoot guns
>maybe learn some survival
>get fit
>lean some combatives
>learn skills that'll help you in later life

>after-training is kinda miserable unless there's wifi
>officers are fggots, like total faggots

Don't they have conscription in Norway? It was a pretty good time, and I had to do it for free.

Does Norwegians even do any hot missions where you're actually at risk of dying? Anyways it's not like most people in the military experience battles, even if they are abroad. I think.

Was in the bong military for four years. Went in at 21, if you like the idea of waiting around for fuck all to happen then it's great.

>got three kills in Afghanistan
>shot two dogs from a helicopter
>beat the american's at tug of war
>lost to the danes
>operation find beer was our priority mission when on base
>took two weeks break in cyprus on a lads holiday from Afghanistan, was pretty surreal.

Got a managerial position after because I have the words, lieutenant and Army on my CV.

>>shot two dogs from a helicopter

If you can shoot a dog thats running while on a helicopter running their manoeuvres you can shoot a raghead on a bike.

If you are single, you have nothing to lose. Make a good wage, do unusual/interesting shit, make friends. Forces you to do something and gain skills. One of the only jobs where your goal is to kill your enemy. Get closer to nature when you have to sleep and shit in it. Builds character, most people will never serve in the military. If you are not single, break it off before you join. Do not a gf/bf ruin something that can be so great with separation anxiety/depression.

Only retarded faggots join the military.

There was a hilarious anti-military quote in the Godfather movies. Can't remember what it was exactly. I've been knocking back beer.

It was something about it being stupid to fight other people's battles.

You faggots are fucking repugnant shitheads who go to foreign countries and commit gross human rights violations. All you turds who joined the military, or plan to join the military, fuck YOU.

two star general here, AMA

>get shot on patrol one day
>kevlar hit so nothing but a bruise
>next day on patrol again
>carrying heavy arse ECM and on edge like fuck
>get to the top of a hill
>exhausted as fuck looking for a rest rock
>dog charges me
>instinctive fire.gif
>bap, bap, stop the dog
>7 year old kid standing near by looking at me like .... mate.. what're you doing? that was my dog
>felt bad man

>putting my life on the line
statistically you have just as much if not more chance of dying driving to an office job

at least in the army you'd get a heros burial, imagine dying for the Stevenson account or some bullshit

When is the last time you actually did any exercise?

I enjoy it.

Well we have conscription here but it's mostly a meme. I can't imagine a real army working like that.

all youll be doing is terrorizing goat farmers so that corporations can get rich on their opium and you can begin your job search anew a few years later

Nothing beats the pride.

You'll be hating your life most of your time in.

And when you get out you'll miss it every day.

>And when you get out you'll miss it every day.
thats the main reason i feel bad for the suckers, they might feel safe while theyre in it but 5 years later and theyre just another defenseless civilian working in an office or store

I did my Swedish conscription voluntarly. I regretted it two weeks in and spent the year bitching and moaning. It was sooo fucking boriiiingggggggg.

You mean meet the normiest of the normies that engage in pseudo-homosexual behavior due to lack of female contact, and be forced to spend A LOT of time with them for a year or more

Honestly i wanted to join the military forces when i was younger, but the redpill happened and now i can't even imagine to go to war for (((them))), i still want to fight for my beliefs so i'll just try to join a country i like and join their military (Poland or USA if Trump get the 2nd 4 years)

You d be surprised

You're Norwegian; if you're lost, go to sea. You'll be right at home.

For the countries that have conscription, do you at least get to pick the branch?

E-4 master race detected

When is the coup against the natcucks going to happen?

In Sweden you get to pick a preference, but you get placed according to testing. I'm a manlet computer nerd so I could only get guard duty or radio-man.

you arent born with rights you earn them
genetic trash has no rights
t. gso since 18

>the most pozzed branch in the US military

That's nothing to be proud of.

t.AF veteran

>chair force

>the only people he met in the army are homos
like pottery

>two star general here, AMA

have you solved the power problem yet?

if you are remotely intelligent, it will be a disillusionment of how the system views you as just another bullet in the gun they call the army. You've basically signed over your life in return for a meager quality of life. You are expendable. Another guy, who has done the exact same training as you, has exactly the same value as you. You are no longer an individual. This becomes the most apparent when you return home.

The wars you take part in are not your own. They have nothing to do with your country. You are a extremely poorly paid mercenary, not working for the security of your country, but to quell any resistance against the World Bank or International Monetary Fund.

If you somehow like that lifestyle, you're still extremely stupid to work for the army, and not just sign up to act as a mercenary and get paid real money.

is this b8

I hope what ever mental illness you have eventually pushes you to suicide. Kys

I mean... you don't have to be in COMBAT FUCKING ARMS.

You can be a god damn accountant or nurse.

You won't risk shit except mental illness from bullshit boredom.

>If you somehow like that lifestyle, you're still extremely stupid to work for the army, and not just sign up to act as a mercenary and get paid real money.

its not 2003 anymore lol

Pls kill yourself. This is coming from a leaf. Just mix the stuff that's under your sink with your beer. It'll be over soon sweet prince.

Joining the military here is fucking tedious, the process almost takes a year. It pays relatively well though.

E-4 lyfe mane

>not knowing about being full time ANG
It's fucking choice

>should I be cannon fodder for the zog army

>I'm aware Iwill be cannon fodder for the zog army

>g-g-guys, why aren't you answering

Being the shitty species we are, future wars would seem inevitable.
Power structures change, nation's hierarchies change.

When conscription comes back, would you rather get dreg positions, or volunteer before that stage came and get a selective roll and some rank when the shit starts to hit the fan?

Dunno how it is there, probably the same shit though. Look, if you are just going to spend the next few years of your life doing nothing and fingering your butthole, then you might as well get paid for it.

Join up but just don't go in as a grunt for the fucks sake.

enjoy getting shot for porky

That sounds ok tbqh

I've a theory that populations who have morality enforced on them through violence grow a lot of degeneracy, then at some point, the buildup cracks the damn and it surges out. Therefore Vikings who bogged gays -> Sven Cuckerson and Jews whose every move was monitored -> the SJW/degeneracy vanguard.

>cant handle lack of bumps
>thinks he can handle basic training

Then again, it's Norway. So you just might make it.