Should I stop using Netflix?

I just got Netflix and saw this.

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>strong female lead

She don't need no man to subscribe to Netflix.
Cancel it!

>Le strong female face

I wouldn't pay for Netflix. That said, I trade HBO Now for literally anything I want. Since I'm up during 3rd shift ten out of fourteen days, and busy on my days off, I never have to worry about so many people watching anything that I can't access it.

Watch s1 of The Crown first because its decent then cancel

Seriously I quit it because the movies suck in general way before that race shit.

Reminder that it takes minutes to download a show after it airs with bittorrent.

Andy Griffith show's presence makes up for it.

It's okay, even Netflix still realises Strong Female Leads and Exciting Shows are two very different categories.

Whenever I try to do anything, I get a letter in the mail. ATT is a cunt.

I've been thinking of canceling it for a while now.
Long before they made the racist show "dear white people". I'm glad i waited. Now i can cancel it and tell them i'm doing because of their racism

whoa that spinjizzyu show looks pretty exciting give it a shot

netflix is pointless unless you're a normalfag
>low quality
>very limited catalog
>fag shit
>removes movies and shows from streaming for no reason

>oh and by the way you're paying money for all of the above

You gotta download the popular stuff within a day of being aired, before they start monitoring the torrent. Also don't seed if you're wary about a torrent and don't go straight for the most popular torrents because those are most likely to be monitored. What they do is stick a shill user in the swarm and record ips that connect to them, then report those ips to your ISP. Most of the time the letters are just a bluff, the ISP doesn't want to lose your patronage.

Netflix is in George Soros' pockets. Cancel subscriptions immediately.

Thanks for the advice, but everyone wants HBO Now, so I get pretty much anything I want in exchange, even though they know they might not be able to watch when they want to.

I've got Amazon Prime (including shipping, if I want to put my credit card info in their account), Netflix, Hulu Plus, Youtube Red, Crunchyroll Premium, and a bunch of cable channels like CNN, MTV, Comedy Central, Discovery Channel, Travel Channel, etc, etc. Even got Starz (I love me some Ash vs Evil Dead). Pretty much everything but Showtime.

Not bad for 20 bucks per month. The key is just having something that everyone wants.

predatory lawyers are a fucking bitch in the ass yeah
I caved in and went for a seedbox myself, not (just) because I go for popular low end shit but because I don't want to even think about another one of those fags sending me something, also saved a bit of electricity anyway

I watch youtube on my roku more than anything. Sad, considering all the channels I have.


My company has probably 10 netflix accounts spread across 20 facilities with at least a hundred clients and another hundred staff using it in the facilities and at home by "borrowing" the accounts and passwords, so I feel like we're getting over on netflix enough to warrant using it.

I really only use it to watch stand up specials and top gear anyway.

>western propaganda

pick one

No documentaries? But that's all that's worth watching.

Yes it has mostly just yankee kike shit anyway.

yes, just torrent the tv shows and don;t give any money to hollywood kikes

the 100 is actually pretty based.Acting is okay but If you havent seen it whatever, your loss.

yes. sorosflix has worse things on it than a strong womyn category

Are you afraid of women, faggot?

You don't login enough if that upsets you

it's 10 bucks for all you can watch

if you don't want to pay it or don't see the worth in it, don't subscribe but don't be a little bitch and ask for the opinion of Sup Forums because you're too weakwilled to take a step on your own, numale piece of shit

This, and Penny Dredful, and Narcos.

I honestly got more out of HBO Go than Netflix. That being said, Is never pay for either, and just torrent whatever I want.

Netflix is highly overrated, but it has plenty of stuff worth watching.

I tried really hard to like Narcos, but I just can't bring myself to give a shit about any of it.

>paying people who produce orange is the new black

Netflix made some good stuff. Not as high quality as HBO, but like taking concepts that have potential, and actually doing them justice, as opposed to lcd stuff, like AMC. I swear, the writers didn't even come to the office for the last season of TWD, they just emailed the material straight from their sheds.

>Ninja lego show

Netflix has an awesome doc about sex robots. I actually recognized a couple of people in it from my city.

I don't get why they insist on only showing 1 part of the group per episode. They could easily intertwine but now you have to spend weeks watching how different parts of the groups are acting, resulting in literally nothing happening and time, in that universe, standing still


because they don't intertwine them, it really feels sloppy and unedited

That's ok. They're kind of Jewing it out, when they should had It wrapped up in one season.

Just use it for downtown abbey then cancel it

I want more Knights of Sidonia. That was hands down my favorite Netflix Original.

My mom lets me use her account and I watch something on there every few months. It has absolute garbage content and I consider my taste pretty low brow.


Cancel Netflix

Install kodi + exodus

Just use utorrent and find good movies on wikipedia/rateyourmusic/Roger Ebert you retard.

Just get it elsewhere

You could pirate it but I would never endorse that.

What? Clarke from The 100 actually subverts this trope by design, she's acting tough for no reason and therefore making things worse all the time. This is literally her character. What can we do so this backfires at Netflix?

Don't watch it faggot

They seem to be willing to take losses anyways. That female comedian that has NEVER been funny keeps getting her show renewed, and I don't know a single person that watches it. The one that has the commercial eating chink food, because that's a reason to never get married.