This man is a...


>George was working for Britain all along.



And Clinton is a Saudi puppet. At this point what difference does it make

Yeah know even if it was proven he is I would still vote for because I love how much pain he brings to liberals.

Didn't trmp just sell over a billion worth of arms to the house of Saud?


To understand why rural and suburban retards hate Hillary so much, you have to first ask why people become rural and suburban retards in the first place.

I mean, there are fewer jobs and opportunities there, so what's the point? Why would someone become a rural and suburban retard? The answer is rape.

Imagine being in Manitoba or Wyoming, there are no humans in a thousand mile radius. No one, literally. So what are you going to do? Well rape, obviously. What are they going to do, call the police? Of course not, the police is there to rape too. Everyone is there to rape. That's the whole point.

There is no escape.

And you can't run to the city either because the city only accepts ultra high IQ super-evolved, super educated humans. And rural and suburban retards deliberately shit up the schools so that it is impossible for you to ever become smart and educated enough to leave for the city. That's why they teach you creationism and that kind of bullshit, so that if you ever go to the city, people will just laugh at you and send you back to where you came from.

You are stuck there to be raped forever.

So obviously when Hillary ran a campaign based on education and helping little girls succeed, rural and suburban retards knew perfectly well what that meant. It meant no more rape. Can you imagine being a rural and suburban retard and not being allowed to rape? That would be hell.

And people are often amazed by the fact that white rural and suburban women would vote against Hillary, but when you think about it, it makes perfect sense. If you had spent your entire life being raped, would you vote for someone who would stop the rape? No, you want other people to get raped too, otherwise it's not fair.

>tfw you get to see the entirety of the left become Alex Jones

Just a formality. Not to deflect, but Bush and Clinton sold far, far more. Obongo didn't want to put up with that shit but he has Carter-tier foreign policy.

Well Trump has only been in power for 3 weeks compared to 8 years for the others. He is just so efficient

Shit posting to hard clench those cheeks a bit if you want your shit post to be more believable leaf

What a shitty post, but
>The answer is rape
Caught me off gaurd and actually made me laugh so you get a 3/10.

Fucking hilarious senior leaf

I love you


He did not even done anything besides calming shit down to a reasonable level and that is enough to burger to say he is a puppet?
Are you fucking retarded?


Go fuck yourself, Ivan. You lies have no power here.

>why rural and suburban retards
That kind of attitude is what makes more and more people abandon left. This is why you fail.
In any country in the world leftists always despise their fellow citizens and say they are better than them.


You better watch your mouth or i'll hack your mother in her sleep.

I love this new take you've added to your pasta


>America first
Fuck trump and fuck white people

Did you just take a satirical post about rape seriously?


Nah i just read first two sentences. then looked at the flag.

>Just a formality
what did he mean by this

Trump is most certainly not a Russian puppet. In fact the founding fathers are rolling in their graves so fast they're going to kill everyone who says otherwise.


Lol he drank the kool-aid to the point where he believes the most ridiculous thing as truth.


I want to see a goof (lol sorry!) a GIF of you dancing. Go on, dance silly! Are you hesitant user? Why?

Hmmm trump 4 planetmaster

Nah, the left should stop lowering themselves to the speed of the slowest kid in class. Pandering to the right is what made Clinton and Obama such pathetic twats. Unapologetic leftism is a way better answer for votes than pandering to retards who believe Pizzagate is real but refuse to acknowledge the findings of scientists. There is nothing a liberal can do to get an antiscience retard to vote for them anyway, so may as well go full commie.

LOL how many times have Texas Republicans LITERALLY killed a retarded person because of the death penalty?

I'll give you a hint, more than twice!!