(((Study))): Depression more prevalent among young white girls


>Between 2005 and 2014, the scientists found, rates of depression went up significantly — if extrapolated to all U.S. teens it would work out to about a half million more depressed teens. What's more, three-fourths of those depressed teens in the study were girls.

>The findings are just the latest in a steady stream of research showing that women of all ages experience higher rates of depression compared to men, says psychologist and author Catherine Steiner-Adair. And no wonder, she says — despite gains in employment, education and salary, women and girls are still "continually bombarded by media messages, dominant culture, humor and even political figures about how they look — no matter how smart, gifted, or passionate they are."

They should spend less time looking at their phones.

>And no wonder, she says — despite gains in employment, education and salary, women and girls are still "continually bombarded by media messages, dominant culture, humor and even political figures about how they look

>despite gains

You mean that they're on par with men, have all the rights men have, they have a higher rate of study completion, literally quotas to hire them.. but poor put upon women. So depressing to be favoured by society.

While women are getting depressed by their grades and jobs, unemployed men put a gun in their mouth and end it. But who the fuck cares, because they're replaceable with a billion Ahmeds from the third world.

Damn homonormativecisgenderedpatriarchy

>Catherine (((Steiner-Adair)))

But no one cares about ugly guys though, really makes you think.

Who cares. Teenagers are fucking retarded.

I have no doubt that birth control has had a large impact in terms of causing hormonal issues. Not only that, it also causes peoples drives / motivation to change.

This as well as the general perpetuated rhetoric pushed by education and modern society, to shun the gender roles that have provided our foundations since we first evolved.

These things are ignored as we kick the can down the road. We are given medication that alters the wiring of our brains and told that it's the fix.

Women should be happier than ever, or so they have been told. They can get a job, sleep around, do pretty much whatever they like, yet all the studies indicate happiness continues to drop.

All the while the suicide rate of WHITE MALES is ignored as it grows and outpaces women by a large fraction.

(((all part of the plan)))

I've been going through a depression episode for the past couple months now partially due to seasonal and rl shit.

Most guys just hide the fact they are depressed cause no one really gives a shit.

Surely I'm not the only one who actually took the step of seeing a psych?

Maybe feminism and the prospect that they must become working women with shitty shallow relationships isn't that cool after all.


Jewish women hate taking goyim men's last name as their own.

psychology is a jewish invention shitlord why would i subject myself to that pseudo kikery

On a scale of 1 - 10, how depressed are you?
Teenage boy: "About 3?" He shrugs with a small smile, imagining pulling the trigger. The thought doesn't scare him anymore.
Teenage girl: "15, it has to be 15 out of 10." She screams hysterically, because her hair isn't as wavy as that other girl in her class.

>Study finds girls more likely to suffer from depression.

I have another study here, OP.

>teenage girl is slightly sad for a week
>omg get Sarah to a psychiatrist ASAP

>teenage boy depressed for a decade
>eventually pulls himself out of it and never get's noted

Wow teeange girls have such a rough time these days, look how many of them are depressed.

I've been a mess from 13 to ~20, hormonal balance is a serious matter.

Being weak is acceptable if youre a girl, not for males. So even if it were true it doesnt matter, its Expected

>young men are offing themselves in record numbers yet women complain about aburdly mundane shit

Thank god this whole hugbox will collapsein the near future, it´s time that people and especially women lean what actual hardships and suffering are.

The western world has reached peak degeneracy.

If society constantly rated them on their appearance would not the depression rate also stay constant?


Kind of ironic that the one thing that would cure depression for most men, getting laid regularly, is something that all women do yet it just makes their depression worse.

Im a wizard now, my brother killed himself about 10 years ago because he broke up with his long time gf and he couldn't meet anyone new and decided to just end it.

Women are such fucking casuals.

Women these days are told they're not any good if they can't hold down a career, family, while being pretty, and they can't take too long to get all three down because aging is coming.

There are more girls in post-secondary than guys. Girls have the most unnatural reproductive habits ever seen in recorded human history on average.

I'm sure Sup Forums will just got fuckwimminz but they are being betrayed by the current culture as much as men, while being told life has never been better for women. The culture needs more support for women that have families early instead of focusing on a career in particular.

There needs to be less bizarre shit like trying to affirmative action women into the workforce as birthrate is at like 1.6 in Canada. Flipside needs to be true for men, who need to be given more oppertunities to get into the workforce, and less support from the social structure, lets celebrate the idea men can succeed and fail harder. Treating both genders as exactly the same is causing these issues.

Have they considered that perhaps those gains in employment, education, and salary are directly contributing to their depression? Women are meant to work in the home and raise children not some high stress field which they are pushed into for muh equality.

Also don't forget all the hormones people consume drinking tap water because birth control piss.
Also look up the inventor of birth control, Sup Forums is always right.

>The western world has reached peak degeneracy.
Nah, let's keep going and see what happens

Honestly, i too believed (((Depression))) was a hoax. But now i think i got it too. I study economics and work as a Finacial Consultant for Investment and insurance as a sidejob. At the begin of this semester i wanted to take the next step to working independent, so i did a non-study education on the side(sorry i am not native speaker). It was basically a 12-24 month class + official exam, both oral and writing, that i power learned in three weeks.
Learned until 3Am and woke up at 7 for College.
Man, was i fucked after this. And now, i lost all my drive, my grades go down and i just lay in my bad all day, being a whiny faggot. i rarely go to the gym and i am constantly down and sad.
I think Depression is real, i guess it always hits the guys that are most arrogant about it

it's not depression, it's just being burned out, you just need to reduce your 'working hours' to managable level

t. ex student and a programmer