Why is reddit losing its mind over this?

Why is reddit losing its mind over this?

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CTR's last push

It's the closest thing to a win they've gotten in a long long time..

Don't mind reddit. Who cares what they think

Trying to delegitimize Pizzagate because of Flynn Jr's connection.

They lost their mind over pissgate, this pretty much confirms it to them.

Stop using reddit

How long can the normie mind go sensationalizing things? This isn't going to have deep ramifications, it's just an excuse to get noisy. They really need to take a step back and focus on making the democratic party not suck. This controversy would carry more weight if they hadn't already been obsessing over so many quick jabs.

It's a liberal website. For whatever reason, there is no such thing as a centrist or balanced internet discussion website. Everyone merely occupies their own niche. The best form of balance you can hope for is competing ideologies.

Grasping at straws.

reddit is part of the military industrial complex.

they're allied to the deep state.

You do understand what "treason" means, right?

Kind of serious.

And, Flynn is the beginning of it, not the end.

>For whatever reason, there is no such thing as a centrist or balanced internet discussion website.

it's because every site has moderators and administrators who pick a side. in most cases they choose the left side because they don't want their reputation destroyed from being "that guy who runs the forum where all the holocaust denying goes on"

so far Sup Forums is pretty much the only place i've found where the administration doesn't actively pick sides.

What treason was committed? An unauthorized phone call is a stupid thing to do, but not treason.

both reddit and Sup Forums are infested with shills

be advised stay frosty over

They keep doing it and normies will get desensitised to it. Then 4 years later when trump gets re-elected despite the massive smear campaign, they will ask what went wrong.

Its funny how these people dont realize that this is a victory for the neocons they claim to hate so much

The only thing they care about is stopping stupid evil drumpf

>The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. ยง 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that details the fine and/or imprisonment of unauthorized citizens who negotiate with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States.


It's a really bad look for Trump.

>Paul Manafort resigning as campaign manager due to connections to Ukraine/Russia

>Flynn resigning due to violating the Logan Act by communicating with Russia about lifting sanctions

>Meanwhile, reports coming out that US Intel is withholding info from the Situation Room in fear that FSB has an insider informant

>Trumps history of business dealings in Russia/praise of Putin

>US intel believe Russia influenced election by hacking/releasing information

not to mention

>former KGB spy mentioned in dossier found dead after news of possible Trump Kompromat breaks

Basically they have recordings of calls made to Russian embassy by Flynn before the election. If Trump knew, he is really majorly fucked. I wonder how much the CIA and FBI have.

whys that?

HQ wants us Oscar Mike

CTR/HillShills are trying to cover up Hillary tweeting at her former senior advisor talking about pizzagate and COMET ping pong...




Hillary that stupid bitch just exposed her 13 million followers to pizzagate.

I don't see how it's a victory for them. If anything it shows Trump is strong enough to not tolerate dishonesty even if it's from someone he heavily backed, and it crushes any suspicions that the administration has been compromised.

I see this event as comparable to the Manafort witch hunt and subsequent resignation, it was in the news for a few days and then everyone had forgotten about it, his resignation was strategically necessary.

it's the great cuckening

flynn was the embodiment of what people liked about trump, hoped he could be. flynn called out obama for supporting ISIS and got fired, flynn's kid tweeted about pizzagate. this was the red pill wing of the administration

now it is time for mainline GOP/neocon bullshit.

because the american media over hypes anything and everything that has to do with trump or the current administration

they've been establishing the image of trump & co being russian backed traitors since his campaign began, so when anything involving russia comes up, no matter how small or irrelevant, the media goes balls to the walls "herp derp see they're completely in team with evil russian - IMPEACHMENT WHEN"

They are very sad people

Get ready for some REAL consequences. This fucking cunt.

>so far Sup Forums is pretty much the only place i've found where the administration doesn't actively pick sides.

the Sup Forums administration are Left wingers.

they're just stuck with this userbase and no effective way to ban them all.


Flynn was pretty Sup Forums, so I guess they're happy he's out and maybe the new guy is more moderate/neo-con.

It's a sensory addiction.

Don't pretend like we don't get equally retarded over happenings.


Shutting down Sup Forums and purges are nothing new.

Hiroshima Nagasaki is the owner though and doesn't give two shits.

Reddit is full of the most sanctimonious people on the Internet where you'll get 10 gorillion down votes if you diverge from the group consensus. It's a cancerous circlejerk, in short.

he didnt quite over russian links he quit because he lied to pence who then lied to country as a result

>corruption uncovered within Trump administration
>corruption is swiftly addressed
>guilty party is fired
>other cabinet members and associated bureaucrats hear a loud clear message: don't fuck around in this administration
>Trump demonstrates, with decisive action, that he will not tolerate corruption

Trump really can't stop winning. Even when he's losing he finds a way to win bigly.

>It's the closest thing to a win they've gotten in a long long time..

Essentially this. It's also part of the brainwashing regarding President Trump being a "russian agent". It's extremely fucking stupid, honestly why can't liberals stop being such utter retards?

he didnt quit over russian links he quit because he lied/forgot to disclose everything about the conversations he had with russian ambassador to pence

Trump should have just let another news day pass, like he has for the past 20 months. Something else always breaks the narrative being built, so why would he do this? I can only think he didn't trust Flynn fully, but still that's hard to believe.

That's called damage control.

1. Reddit is super liberal outside of r/the_donald, r/theredpill, and a couple of small fringe subreddits. The userbase is mostly consists of college-age coastal city dwellers. Mention Occupy Wall Street and you'll inevitably get a guy commenting about how he participated.

2. It's the first actual black eye on Trump since he won the election. They've acted like he fucked up before, but it was always fake or twisted into something other than the truth. Flynn's resignation is exactly that: a resignation less than a month after taking the position.

However, I'm not sore about Flynn resigning. It just makes me realize how much more integrity Trump's nominees have compared to Obama's. Remember Rahm Emanuel? Or how Gov. Blagojevich got sent to jail shortly after Obama's 2008 victory for selling Obama's vacated Senate seat? And here we have a Trump nominee voluntarily stepping down upon the perception of wrongdoing.

>Trump fires person for misconduct
Haha Trump doesn't know what he's doing.
If he kept him it would have been worse, no way to win.
He could literally cure cancer and the would find a reason it was bad

>And, Flynn is the beginning of it, not the end.

lol no. And it's not treason. For it to be treason you have to be at war. We are not at war with Russia.

But let me guess: you've posted, at least once, somewhere on some website, that people who fly the Confederate Flag are traitors flying a traitor's flag. You strike me as that type of guy. Tell me if I'm wrong.

>/r/enoughtrumpspam consists of posts about... donald trump

having your national security adviser resign over russia links isn't a win. it's embarrassing, especially for a president that claims to have good judgment.

Because it feeds into the "Trump is a Russian puppet" narrative.

Reddit is lost

Bots assist voting.
Votes are weighted, some ip addresses can make more of an impact.
Mods are thought police.
Mods publicly share reports made against 'popular' comments to shame the reporters.
Subreddits have been acquired.
/all/ is filtered

The day the_donald gets banned there will be nothing left but a leftist echo chamber.

There's no even a fucking dispute. Fuck Obama.

Most politicians would cover this up, obfuscate in any way they can, blame the other party, basically do anything possible to avoid the appearance of wrongdoing. I have more respect for a leader who admits a problem and addresses it than one who denies that the problem exists.

FBI already investigated. Flynn resigned because he lied, not because he talked to russia.

>fbi investigates calls, clears flynn
>content of calls leaked to media weeks later
>flynn resigns

It's another attack. They keep losing so they double down. The truth will always win.

McFlynn lied and now he's out. There's still Bannon and the rest.

Because it's all they have to hold onto.

They are pathetic and weak.

you mean like when greg craig was forced to resign after obama disagreed with his actions? it wasn't a 'win' for the obama administration, and this isn't a 'win' for the trump administration. you need to look at politics objectively if you want your opinion to be taken seriously.


>Kind of serious.
>And, Flynn is the beginning of it, not the end.

lol fuck off

Jimmy Carter did far worse than Flynn and didn't break the Logan Act.

The only rreason Flynn is out, is because Pence is mad at him. Trump doesn't give a fuck about this.

Looks like most of that 13 million is just so they can bash her. Warms my heart.

Wait... is they admitting the Flynn thing is fake news? oO

Clinton's former senior advisor Philippe Reines tweeted at Flynn talking about pizzagate and COMET ping pong. Clinton then tweeted at Reines trying to explain why her former senior advisor is talking about pizzagate.

Hillary and the people close to her are very nervous and feel the pressure of pizzagate and what to lash out at Flynn because he and his son had made comments about pizzagate in the past.

Wonder if Sandusky's kid being arrested ties into any of this...


I'm detecting some insecurities.

>Implying he lifts

Hey Grandpa wake up, we're not fighting Russia anymore. The Cold War ended 20 years ago

>some guy who made a mistake resigned
shouldn't this be lauded?

> Reddit

Hillary sold state secrets to Saudi Arabia and armed ISIS and Boko Haram. Her assistant Huma Abedin is also a Saudi spy that sent 500k state dept emails to her private device in her home that she shares with a convicted sexual predator who targets children.

That's treason, you communist lamppost ornament.

Very good news. From the start I knew, that Flynn was a slimy bastard.

Is this real?

Holy shit...

>some guy got caught and didn't throw a shitfit
Yeah give 'em another medal and raise his retirement pension, holy shit

things like this happen daily but there are never consequences

if you want me to stomp around and pretend that I'm mad that some nigger in the government resigned after he comitted an offense then go fuck yourself


>be objective
>Greg Craig == Michael Flynn

pic related

Craig's resignation came after a whisper campaign against him that originated within the Obama administration. Craig was defying Obama's agenda, but Obama didn't want to fire him because that would reflect poorly on the administration. Instead of being a fucking man about it and taking responsibility for running Craig out of his job he sent his chief kike Rahm to spread negative rumors to the press about Craig. The Obama administration handled the situation the same way a clique of high school cheerleaders would have. Trump, in contrast, told the guy to get walking and announced it right away. You're just not accustomed to seeing transparency in politicians (none of us are), and the media is going to spin everything that Trump touches to be negative.




oh just fuck off


yet all Bilderberg attendees for the last 50+ years are all free or dead, including obama and hillary.

The KGB spy was found dead before the dossier, don't buy the paper jew's lies.

I hope Michael gets a job with McChrystal's group after this, he's taking quite the bullet for what basically amounts to lying, but was more likely just him being an Intelligence Officer and somewhat obfuscating the facts to protect the Administration.

Yellow journalism

Regardless of the circumstances, Trump's cabinet looks like a mess if you have people resigning not even a month into the presidency. It's not a good look, even if it is Trump "Rooting out corruption"

Given a choice between a corrupt government that looks good despite its corruption, or a corrupt government that transparently displays its flaws for public scrutiny, which would you prefer? We can all assume that corruption is rampant in most governments in the world. If anybody thinks the situation ever "look good" they are either retarded or a shill for some faction. Trump's promise to "drain the swamp" cannot be achieved without exposing the inner workings of the political sausage factory. I voted for him knowing that it would be ugly, but if we have to endure some uncomfortable moments to improve the overall situation than so be it.

>be chinese
>have a bunch of bots that post smarmy liberal bullshit all over reddit
>collect karma
>sell accounts in bulk on ebay
>china/cia/ctr/whoever buys them
this is what is happening on reddit literally all the time
reddit has an API that plugs that any idiot (such as myself) can write a python script and exploit, it's retarded

this. It's literally nothing, but the media is doing everything it can to undermine the administration


stop acting like it was a conspiracy master plan

Theyre just keeping T_D as some kind of trophy now and T_D is doing a pretty good job making a mockery out of themselves.

"Look we still have T_D, we are diverse" - Reddit

"Hur Durrrrr Trump is my daddy" - T_D

> Flynn is a democrat
> Democrats cheering he resigns

Liberal logic everyone.

>Reddit is lost

is it really, if there was nothing of value to lose? Anyone with half a brain knows that a voting/scoring system of ANY KIND will cause the purpose of the site to eventually shift to messing around with that system rather than discussion

everyone with this foresight knew reddit wasn't worth acknowledging

Hillary sells half of american uranium to Putin.
Liberals response:
>Nah bruh, I'm with her.

Trump secretary have a phone call with a dude

>why is reddit talking about the latest political happening


Not half, 20%.

Trump's over! He'll never recover from this!
CTR's over! They'll never recover from this!

Less awareness than a dead worm.

>choosing party over country

I should fucking hope so, fuck traitors.

There's no CTR/Crew/Shareblue here.
Just anons larping for (you)s
Sup Forums hears about these groups then starts trolling it's self and the gullible take the bait fueling it further.

Kinda pathetic really.

see you tomorrow ben

Does anyone know the real reason he quit?

They have been trying to do one thing to slow Trump down and Hillary admiting they have Pizza related map leading to Flynn pretty much nullified what they perceived as a win.