Why have birthrates declined?

And how do we fix it?

Remove feminism.

women being fucking whores
lack of national identity
lack of understanding what an identity even is
lack of connection to heritage

but also very real economic problems, everything gets more expensive(most especially fixed living costs)
while wages go down
everyone has to leave the place they grew up because shitskins took over or theres no jobs

Jews push atheism. Unintelligent people fall for it and become degenerates, society crumbles.

It's fairly simple.


People now value money over blood

Ill take kids over cash any day. Family is more important.

>implying not 4 kids masterrace

>family is too much work
>no suitable partners available, only fellow degenerates
>work takes up too much time of the day and everyone feels like he doesn't have time for themselves
>kids are annoying
>stuck with these kids for 18+ years
>rapists roaming the streets
>living space is expensive

holy shit that's literally my family, except my great grandmother had 10 kids and my grandmother had 5. What the fuck.

society is over

So Sup Forums care to explain how your "God emperor" will save us?

kids are expensive
kids are annoying
kids are loud
kids are time consuming
kids are dirty
kids are smelly
bringing another human life into the current world is immoral

Fuck kids. I'm not ruining my life just so whites can keep pace with Juanita and her clown car vagina. Once I'm gone this shithole planet full of mud races will be someone else's problem.

>Jews push atheism
Atheism came before Jews though.
It was WASPs and the decadent bourgeoisie and aristocracy who pushed atheism, enabled by Protestantism.

seems like we did fix it, stop having kids.

Declining birth rates is due to women entering the workforce.

In any nation where the employment of women increases, there is a corresponding decrease in births.

oh for fucks sake

liberalism is not interchangeable with atheism

>atheists refuse to accept ideas without evidence
>"oh wow dude they're so unintelligent"

You got it backwards, Bong.

Increased wealth lowers birth rates user.
Why is it so hard for fuckwits to Google such simple questions

You're saying you're a theist?

porn, money, video games, anime, you name it.

actual reason: you not longer have to have 5 kids know 3 of them will probably die from (at the time) uncurable diseases

Wow he's done well, even if she has cucked him

>missing the point this hard


Ban abortion.

We did this in the sixties and we had a population boom

Nice roleplay son

Probably not by getting fucked in the ass by niggers.

every fucking country had a population boom in the 60s you mong

All bullshit.

I am really getting the feeling more and more that Sup Forums is in fact the degenrates they pretend to loath so much.


i know that feeling hans.

Ugh. Why would you want this?


>Grandma had 12 kids
>8 of them die
>grandma dies

>i have 2 kids
>they live to be 120

Because women turned into huge bitches who are not worth any effort.

Don't panic, it's the liberals whose birthrate is rapidly declining in Western countries
White conservative numbers are over replacement rate and the number of right-leaning 18-35s is ever-increasing
We've got the future sewn up - the Soros-financed panic has only just begun



Men should be allowed to sleep with women and get them pregnant without having to pay child support.

Because maybe the current birthrate (while not natural due to abortion) is also way more sustainable in the long run than pumping out twelve fucking kids without the means to take care of them.

Low white birthrate isn't the problem. High non-white birthrate is.


Oh fuck off. I cant believe in a god after seeing liberal degeneracy



Sin, which is called entropy, permeates humanity.

The end is nigh. Repent, fear God, and be obedient to his perfect law.

We fix declining birthrate by implementing military service for both men and women. The women dont want to die in wars, so they will instead become pregnant in order to avoid the military service. This is how we fix declining birthrates, prove me wrong.

But it's the degenerate r selected people that have the most kids. Religion has little to do with it.

I am not religious and never was, but i came to the conclusion that religion is vital necessity for any healthy society as it is most effective tool to keep low iq people and females civilized.

Me and my girlfriend want kids, but we worry that if we do we'll probably end up sexually abusing them.

>kids are annoying
kids are awesome.


>Great - Grandmother 12 Kids
1/4 of them died before age 5
Child labor laws were none existent or most lived on farms where children were a labor force
Most people never graduated from high school.
Most people still didn't graduate high school,
Most people still did unskilled work
Healthcare was cheap
Most mothers stayed at home.
Both parents started to work
Housing / healthcare / transportation costs go up. Child care costs go up.
College Costs
Well I have 3 kids actually.. But my wife and I make nearly $200K a year.

You're mathematically a lot more likely to have ancestors with lots of children than not.


what the fuck

Make abortion harder for white people and easier for black people. Make the cost go down for each child you already have, incentivize insurance companies to not cover it, tax clinics heavily so the burden shifts to those getting abortions

Then give the same clinics tax breaks for taking "low income" patients. It's gotta cost >$5k for this to work though. Making it illegal will mean premium under the radar services for exclusively white babies. That's just a holocaust of the white race

>be me
>will be 26 this year

Honestly I have no idea where the time went. I was 22 in 2014 going on 23 and then BOOM 25 going on 26 and no gf.

I don't have enough experience with dating to ever make a good choice for wife at this point, I'd like to thank my family (my mother in particular) for constantly being a bunch of crazy fucks that claimed I was too young for a girlfriend, complained at me when I didn't have enough friends and then complained about the friends I did have ensuring my social skills never developed in a non-retarded way.

I'm certainly not getting married with divorce rates the way they are and with me being socially retarded and unable to pick out subtle negative traits that would reveal a chick to be an insane cunt, and I don't think I'm smooth enough to convince a longterm gf to be the mother of my kids without signing a marriage contract.

He won't. He doesn't care about social issues. However, lowering taxes on the working class will help a tiny bit

>don't have kids
>have more money to spend
>have kids
>spend a small fortune raising them, plus more shit to worry about
da joos am I rite

Women have been fed a lie by anti woman feminism, much like the weak males of our current society.

Military service wont do shit when the problem is entirely mental and societal.



finally a logical response

>How do we fix it?
Follow the example of these birthrate HEROINES!!

kill yourself and your girlfriend

by removing liberalism and femenism.
but for what purpose?

Less whore>more monogamy

I wouldn't have got an abortion if the girl was a decent candidate for a mother. Also need more money. No poor person wants to be even more poor

>great grandma
4 kids one died in the whoum
8 kids one adopted
1 kid
One anortion one miscarriage and I think a bastard somewhere.

nigger in the center bottom has a swag ass jacket.

Both my grandmothers had two kids each, and I have two other siblings.

you didn't even read the post did you?

Actually my great grandmother had 3 kids, my grandmother had 3 kids and my mother had 3 kids. I'll probably have 3 to 4 kids too.

Considering 9 out of your 10 kids were going to die to the common cold, nothing really has changed.

Not really. Before the sixties we had a stagnation and now that we've legalized abortion we're crashing with no survivors.

Ban abortion now

>Make abortion harder for white people
Because the world needs more poor white trash?


look, declining birthrates are good hmmm kay

we bitch cause the population of the earth can't feed itself. Well declining birthrates correct that shit doens't it/



let them die out

listen to some Jordan Peterson you massive Dawkinsfag


seriously. they have better clothes than I do, and they are all neat and intact, no dirt at all. am I supposed to believe they need to be taken in?

Yes, if we're really planning to bring back the working class and kill NAFTA

I wonder who is behind that magasin

>Perfect artificial uterus
>Children become assets to their fathers again, not an excuse for their mothers to leech off men
>Gas the sisterhood and their pet niggers


due too the fact that child death rate is basically nill and they dont need multiple children to replace the dead

Great grandparents spawned children like an incubator because it meant more hands on the field.


literally this

We are The Beautiful Ones

How can we fix low birthrates?

First and foremost there needs to be significant and sustained economic growth. Most people are refraining from having kids and starting families because it doesn't make sense economically. If you're barely surviving on your existing income, and you could lose your job at any time because you have zero job security in the modern economy, you would be incredibly irresponsible to have kids. Therefore responsible people defer starting families, and irresponsible welfare rats spam kids as fast as their birth canals can shit them out.

If couples could have stable, secure, well-paying careers (emphasis on STABLE) then you would see birthrates increase.

Second problem is socialism. We've had a concerted effort for decades to make men obsolete and replace their role with a combination of state welfare programs and feminists tricking women into taking on economic roles that they don't actually want. Responsible people only start families after marriage, and marriage is completely broken now. Marriage used to happen because men wanted a romantic partner and homemaker, and women wanted the economic security of a man while staying free to raise their family and take care of their home.

Now women don't need men to provide economic security as they can work themselves, and they have been told since birth that being a stay-at-home mom is the very definition of failure as a human being. Completely ignore the fact that women past the age of 25 are becoming more and more miserable as they realize they actually want to start families and have a stable home life, but can't simultaneously do that and have a full time professional career. Completely ignore the fact that women want to marry up and have elevated their own status to the point where there aren't enough high status men to marry them all. And those few that do end up finding suitable partners are given massive economic incentive by the state to divorce. And the men? They don't ever get a homemaker, and they don't have to marry to find a romantic partner. The socialist state and their feminist allies destroyed marriage, and with that they destroyed the birthrate of responsible citizens.

The economy has to boom.
Socialism has to be expunged.
Feminism must be discredited.
Femininity must be restored.

Maybe if you have no self interests

>let them die out

that's exactly what needs to happen in every white country while the borders are closed.

some of the white population have the behavioral traits to have kids (in the current situation), others do not.

we need to weed out the /r/childfree and make room for the natalists etc, AND NOT let in the brown wave.

>great--grandmother: no rights, not allowed to vote
>grandmother: some feminism, allowed to vote and send your grandfather off to war against his will
>mother: moderate amounts of feminism, has more rights than men now and can use the legal system to fuck over men and taxpayers who are mostly male
>my generation: feminism is rampant, no one can name a single right that women don't have. Men have no rights when a woman is involved.


>atheists will respond to this implying that the perfect correlation between the rise of atheism and the replacement of whites is just a coincidence

ix marriage by fixing the family court system and eliminating no fault divorce. The current system encourages married couples to see each other as adversaries instead of teammates. It makes marriage into a game of Russian Roulette except with more bullets in the gun.

that's shill typing style if I ever seen it

kys podesta

Get a job.
Spare the rod spoil the child
Spare the rod spoil the child
>time consuming
Good, your legacy is what you're supposed to dedicate time to
clean it
clean it

White people are like panda bears. Too stupid to fuck and destined for zoos. I'm ashamed to be one of you.

>>work takes up too much time of the day and everyone feels like he doesn't have time for themselves

Holy shit you fucking pussy