Bit of an odd question, but I don't remember ever seeing it asked here. out of your friend circle...

Bit of an odd question, but I don't remember ever seeing it asked here. out of your friend circle, are you the only one that browses Sup Forums? I just caught up with a mate I haven't seen for a while and it turns out he's always on here.

Only normies have friends.

I havent been able to talk to any irl friends in ages so I don't know, but my online circle does a fair bit despite having met through other means

you're right. guess you better fucking kill yourself then

Finally I understand this cucks tattoo

4 browse is regularly as i do, and are in the "know"

2 say the browse alot, but they occasionaly do, and are more or less reddit cross posters

2 know what it is but never go on there and only use insta, FB, tumblr, and reddit

the rest have no idea what it even is

2 out of that first 4 already know about the bog meme

I'm the only one but I'm 33 so it's expected.

2 of my current friends do.
I suspect others but I don't spout Sup Forums outside of Sup Forums.

You are from Finland, and you do not recognize sami witch drum symbolism?

I am deeply ashamed of you. What would Partajäbä even say if he'd find out?

I've never seen so many historicaly important symbols and objects displayed in such a fucking shit way

once i started browsing Sup Forums and garnered more conservative views i cut ties with the people that i would consider to be radical liberals. i've got 4 or 5 friends that voted for trump and 1 or 2 of them are borderline white nationalists

ive never seen so many digits

So you saying dem Norse stole Sami witch drum symbols and shit for their mystic calendar?

Bullshit, but I believe you.

to be real though, if we all cut ties with friends we don't agree with, most of us would have nobody (yes, I know most of you don't anyway). for me there are "friends" and then there are people I enjoy the company of, but would never engage in a political conversation with.

and then you had to ruin it.

>What is Jotunheim?

Learn your history. Not the one taught in "schools"

Every single person in my social circle goes to Sup Forums.

All one of them.

A few Jewish associates come on here to Spread disinformation. They think I'm on their side... lol

They think most goy are retarded. NY NY fag here

They like to push flat earth, moon landing was fake. Swastika worshiping threads. Anything to make whites looks bad.

Its a vegvísir, its so you can find your way home even in bad weather.

my friends fear the power of Sup Forums

they know the graps of the rabbithole

Three of my friends and my [spoiler]boyfriend[/spoiler] do

That's great and all but it makes my brain hurt that a Finn would tattoo it on his body.

Vikings only raided Finland, sometimes with some success. There was no settlements.
Finns have nothing to do with Norse.

The friend who introduced me to Sup Forums back in the days used to browse, I haven't talked to him in ages so I wouldn't know about right now

My housemate (or somebody with my ip) made an extremely jewy thread on 8/pol/ and got us a month ban last year. Now I'm suspicious of my housemate.

makes sense senpai

I hope that tattoo was only 50 USD

$600 Australian actually, fuck you if you don't like it

not sure why worldsbiggestfag is the filename when it should've been your post name

the only Sup Forumsack that i've knowingly met was a halfbreed nog in prison.

none of my friends/family that i speak to like niggers, but don't use Sup Forums.

I hope you get your money back.

lets make a deal? I'll ask for my shekels back when you learn how do an image search on google

I did the google search.

Go get your money.

Are you sure you're not a Jew trying to cause more anti-Semitism to further defame people who adhere to anti-Semitic principles?

how can you have gyno and such small nipples at the same time?

well then you might notice this exact image of that tattoo is fucking everywhere. so why would I make a post with my own tattoo in it, on an indian toilet catalog board?

Tell me how many eyes you have, then why you need to know.

general curiosity, tonight I got to experience the glory of pol in an actual conversation. I just wanted to know how common that is. is that okay?

What's with northern folks and crows