California secession even would be better for America than Trump presidency

Let this thing to happen.

>California and the End of White America
>The unprecedented racial transformation of California and its political consequences.

Believe me, this is something most Americans want

and no californians want it, not even king cuck newsom

America has more chances to survive without California, and at this point, California is a demographically case lost.

The best part about secession is that next time a crippling earthquake hits California, the US government won't be obligated to give a damn.


We always have the option of reconquering California and displacing its entire population to mexico

What do you mean? Yes they fucking do.

>hurr durr le commifornia is a shithole
>meanwhile it's the richest state with enormous gdp

what happened last time someone tried to sussed from the US? oh right a civil war

And one of the states with the lowest IQ. You can guess why.

As nice as it would be to rid ourselves of fascist California, you'll never get enough blue states to ratify the amendment making it possible and BTFO themselves forever

san diego naval base
vandenberg air force base
huge chunk of norad

off the top of my head, those are first reasons why california seccesionists will be fema'd before achieving referendum

It seems like Sweden, but on a larger scale. It's rich now, but it'll start going down. Not very fast of course, since it's so big and so rich, but it will.

Only illegals and shitskins want this

It can't happen because trump wouldn't be able to arrest the pedos if it does. Why do you think they want it to happen.

Idk about yall but they look pretty fucking white.

source? seems somewhat accurate, some discrepancies though

> pic related
> Being led by a bitch

DELET THIS fucking subliminal message

Wouldn't just Apple alone be richer than most countries, let alone all the silicon valley lads together?

The second girl from left and the last girl of the topmost row look white.

I'd only let it go if we turned around and took it back and installed a proper government. I've also considered the internal loyalist regions and figure that socal and really only the coastal region would break away. A naval blockade and cutting off out of state water would flip it back quick if China can convince the world not to recognize Taiwan then no one is going to recognize California


i've been there, there is a massive gap between the rich and poor, loads of nigger ghettos, i did rent a nice villa in palm springs with a pool though, and burned my fucking feet on the floor..
california is shit. (it was 20 years ago so it's probably even worse now)

My nigga

It's based upon the ratings of Dr McDaniel’s study.

Funny thing is we would get drafted to take it all back and make them essentially commonwealth status.. Not before we enjoy the spoils of course.

>All those useless midwestern states that only grow corn have high IQ
>California, the richest state in the country, has a low IQ

Explain that

Not one person in California wants this. Well except for your dumbass


Take this to normie world. Let it spread like wildfire

Not one person in California would stand for this bullshit.

>>California, the richest state in the country,

Not per capita.

This. And their dwindling fresh water supply.

Palm spring is alright, noting special. Massive gap? yes and no, we still all mingle together. Umm.."Nigger Ghettos" is a thing of the 90's (have you been on the streets lately?)

every single person in america wants white people to end. no one wants california to leave because california is objectively the best state.

Every single person? really?
You are the definition of naive

Not really. They are big on spouting memes about it, but when the discussion gets more serious most of them admit that they realize it would be a really fucking stupid idea.
All of Cali's wealth stems from the fact that they have easy access to the rest of the US.

>State becomes overrun with Mexicunts who kinda look like pudgy boots.
>It almost immediately reaches uninhabitable levels of drought.
Even the ground is telling your lot to fuck off.

including the white people

especially the white people

Holy shit, it's dumber than Alabama.

This would be good only in sence of "cut losses of bankrupt big-govt. state". But consider the price of land and warm sea.

What should be done is federal boycott of californian public stocks.
And it should be done trough ban on all big.govt. stocks.

It wasn't that they were trying to secede. It was the reasons they were trying to do so. They were in belief that Abraham Lincoln was a direct threat to slavery. They actually seceded but the first shots of the war were fired by the south at Fort Sumter because while it had been built before the states seceded the Union refused to vacate the Fort to the south. The Union in all honesty would have let the Confederacy exist with no issues until the Confederacy fired on Fort Sumter. So the war in it's entirety was the fault of the south and the southern states were more or less conquered by the winner of the war between two short lived but separate nations.

>even the ground
wtf are you babbling about?

i did say it was 20 years ago, we we did alot of driving and multiple times outside of LA we saw crappy looking areas filled with nothing but blacks, tried to ask directions once and could barely understand what they we're trying to say, had to get in the car and leave quickly because the family started panicking thinking we would get robbed or shot

This in turn would lead to ban on EU stocks and liberation of Russian stock exchange markets.

>Libtards and SJW's in Cali
We're going to leave the US

>Everyone else
Ok bye

We're serious we want to leave and we mean it this time

It's not a threat we want you to leave hahaha

lmao fuck NO.

America will never give up such valuable coast, ports, and tech industry.

I'm sorry, but you don't know what your talking about. Have you been out of the house lately?
You're part of the problem

Uhhh, it is quickly going down hill....
Many anons report regularly on the income discrepancies and every day things get more expensize and people earn less. California's economy is like one of its houses' built on a mud hill, and its been storming for days.

Exactly this. Its perhaps the only realistic long term solution at this point.

All the illiterates from Mexico migrate there illegally.

this is pretty much what Ann Coulter has been saying for years

Sounds like you were paranoid. and they were trying to help. Maybe if you weren't racist, you would see differently, Just a thought

California needs to fall into the ocean

and you should follow right behind it

So fucking true!

California needs to start poisoning salsa with polonium 210 that's about as close to an ethnic bio weapon as it gets

and do the same to kool aid and swisher sweets

>I'm unable to interpret figurative language at a 3rd grade level.
pls go

I don't think you've ever been to California. Outside of the rich white gated communities there is absolutely nothing but minorities. Any white people who were unfortunate enough to be born outside of those sparse communities, are either wageslaves working away, living paycheck to paycheck waiting to die, or are picking through garbage looking for enough recycables to buy a beer and/or drugs.

t. Walmart employee who got displaced thanks to an incompetent state government

no ass

They are rich, because their debts is counted as their assets. They sell unsecured debts to cover previous debts since 2011 obamas debt ceiling circus.

Another big problem is - their real estate cost too much for startupers, due to tourism and luxury industry. This fact already has cost USA their monopoly on technology market.

Third problem - the whole state quickly turns into desert, due to structural abuse of water resources. And they fight the abuse solely by blaming everything on global warming. No research, no developments whatsoever. As usual science is doing dumb shit, waiting for someone other to find the solution. But when you will come up with one, they will rip you apart to claim their credit on it.

can confirm this. I just moved from the Bay Area to the glorious countryside of N.C. Broke up with my gf because she wanted to stay in Silicunt Valley

I'm white, I was born and raised here California. You don't slave away and pay taxes like everyone else? That's life

Oh I'm sorry, Maybe you should be held back a grade so you can catch up.

Even ignoring the illegals and niggers, my experience with California was being surrounded by complete airheads. Your typical stoner is an enlightened leader compared to most shallow vapid Californians. Try watching a Buzzfeed video sometime (or don't), you'll understand exactly what I mean. Like it's a different kind of stupidity compared to uneducated rural folk, who are just ignorant and parochial, it's a flat out inability to think for yourself.

This was the 90's mind, can't imagine it got any better.

>Gibbing commiefornians any clay
through civil war they shall bend the knee

You're cute, you window-licking troglodyte.
Hopefully you get deported, along with the rest of your barely literate, subhuman brothers.

Deport me? I was born here you fuck.


wow its 1860 all over again

Oof, that's not good. What can be done to people who need to go, but have nowhere to go to? Maybe we could send them to Madagascar? Well, there's the other solution, but it's not time for that yet.

1864, anglo. You had your chance.

dynamite come back there

>what can be done to people who need to go, but have no where to go.
What people are you speaking of?

Mega-wealthy people tend to like coastal cities and make businesses there. They skew average wealth upwards for those states, while everyone else living there is usually far worse off than they'd be in a poorer state. Same way minorities skew the average IQ down. That's the thing about averages.

>What people are you speaking of?
You're a genius! If we don't consider them people, it becomes so much easier to deal with them!

no 1860 was the election that triggered the civil war

yзнaй иcтopию пыня

try again

the trouble is OP, when you get out of the cities, specifically LA and San Fransisco, the people are just as conservative or middle of the road as the rest of America. Those people do not deserve to have to live in a shithole run by liberal children.

This. Don't want to give up those ports.

Ahhh yes. The reason why I rarely bother with this retarded board

I like your thought process.

"Useless states that grown corn"
Fucking contradiction in terms.

No, 1864 was the year, your allies definitely lost and now you bitch about it everywhere.

Get rekt, anglo.


Teach me your finn ways more.

No they dont you fucking idiot. Besides the souther coastline, CA is mostly red

> there still was minor military activity, but anglo has already lost
Exactly, imbecile.

I want it. Californian born and raised. As long as my fellow redpilled whites welcome me to true America then this commie shithole can fuck itself.

All those illegals in CA dropping the IQ

And dude weed bro

Your corn industry is subsidized as hell. It only serves to make """""""green"""""" fuel and HFCS.

Northern California is your friend, don't let the south take them with.

So California will get it?

I love BRAAAAP posters

what are you on about

Just admit you're wrong you dumb fucking cunt.

>The second world war ended in 1944 because fighting tapered off in 45.
>Fuck signing peace treaty's or officifical declarations of surrender. It's all about assigning indertiminate subjective points in combat when the war is still raging. Thats when it actually ends.

You Dumb fucking cunt.

He won't admit he's wrong so hes trying to make the shitty point that the war ended a year earlier than it actually did because... "reasons."

>You Dumb fucking cunt.
You're not going to get anyone concede a point if you insult them. They're just going to feel offended and entrench deeper in their position.