Why have birthrates declined?

Why have birthrates declined?

is it white genocide?

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Based jude fighting like a last samurai to save Western civilisation.

The biggest issue in the coming future is overpopulation.

Low birth rates isn't a problem, letting other people breed into your world is the problem.

It's because the cost of living has gone up but wages on average have not gone up to meet up with that cost of wages. So in that sense in a manner of speaking it's white genocide.

But, it's also that people are lot more materialistic now and the biggest reason a lot of white people are not having kids is they want to have the money to give their children 'the best' first. Private schools, a good neighborhood to live in, a nice big christmas tree, lots of good presents on their birthdays and christmas. So in another sense, it's also white suicide.


We need to stop helping any country whose population is increasing by a certain %. Helping them is only damaging the planet at this point and if they're too stupid to slow their population growth they don't deserve aid.

malthusian collapse and overpopulation has been claimed 100 years ago, when the human earth population was ~1 billion

overpopulation scare mongering did not stop china, india, and africa. they are now taking over

100yrs ago India, Russia, US, was each ~130million. entire Africa was less than that.

Now India, China, Africa is 1bill each, largely agrarian, subsistence farmers...

Russia is ~130 mill. the absence of the natural growth of population is the outcome of corporatist population control thru genocide, war etc..

natural growth would have resulted in 1 billion americans, 1 billion russians, and 1 billion europeans

the industrialists removed the billions of europeans and russians that would have existed under absence of corporatism ie China/Africa. and we can claim the billions of native American Indians in that too.

Yes overpopulation of subhumans. White birth rates need to increase big league

is Rockefeller's Jaffe Memo evidence of planned genocide of white nations?



Our board has been completely overrun with CTR shills and pedophile sympathizers.

Every one of our pizzagate threads is deleted by the complicit mods. The same posts are made every time by the opposition, and they're lazy with proxies (usually Thailand & Argentina) 'PIZZAGATE IS MADE UP TO DISCREDIT THE RIGHT' and then POOF the threads disappear.


>Modfag is keeping it low-key right now (strictly just banning people who report leftist threads and stuff like that), but as leftism and cultural marxism start to take hold on 4/pol/, we're going to ramp it up.


whites realize the futility of the universe

>So in other words impregnating a teenagers is even more risky than impregnating a woman in her 40s.

impregnating at 40s? wait...

>checks flag

I see what you did there

>pedophile sympathizers.

get out of here fucking ROASTIE no alpha male wants to date you only young teen pussies.

I have heard so many people say that they "Cant afford" children. At the same time, poor beaners have 8 kids.
One problem is that the govt subsidizes the shitskin birthrate. The other problem is believing that kids cost as much as people believe. Children are an extra expense, but not as backbreaking as is commonly memed. I raised 3 and I'm still here.

>At the same time, poor beaners have 8 kids.

because they aren't ashamed of being shitty parents.

you will never hear a mexican, indian, african complaining about overpopulation or worrying about affording a child... only those that have been indoctrinated to be sterile

Never forget the shoah of the billions who never lived

dont flips marry at 15?

the billions of non-existent whites that would have existed with natural sex behavior (ie: india, afria), thanks to planned genocide/population control by the industrialists. now you are being replaced by the breeders

In 1840 Ghanan population was 10k, today it is ~30 million
In 1890 Kenyan population was 900k, today it is ~45+ million
In 1890 Congan population was 3 million, today it is ~80+ million

In 1800 Mexican population was 5 million, today it is 160+ million (120m in Mexico, 40m in US)
In 1890 Pakistani population was 18 million, today it is 200+ million
In 1900 Nigerian population was 15 million, today it is 200+ million
In 1890 Ethiopian population was 7 million, today it is 90+ million
In 1900 Phillipine's population was 7 million, today is 100+ million
In 1900 Vietnam's population was 13 million, today is 100+ million

In 1700 German population was 17 million, today it is ~80 million
In 1600 Spainish population was 6-9 million, today it is ~40 million
In 1600 UK population was ~3 million, today it is ~60 million

In 1850 Estonian population was ~200k, today it is ~1 million
In 1850 Greek population was ~700k, today it is ~10 million
In 1800 Romania population was ~1 million, today it is ~23 million

>dont flips marry at 15?

they don't "marry" at 15, they get pregnant at 15. and actually only few of them. but those few of them are niggers who brings poor souls into this world without shame nor responsibility to the kids and literally just want to pump and dump.

girls who marry at 15 to a decent 25+ guy salaryman is unheard of here.

That's one sinister memo you got there. Its debatable whether 'fertility control agents in water supply' (that are turning the frogs gay) should be included too.

>is pedo sympathizer
Checks out

> because they aren't ashamed of being shitty parents.
We are all shitty parents in some way, most kids adapt around that if the external environment is not a total shitshow.
The worst way to raise kids is through the helicopter parenting that we see everywhere these days, it helps create Snowflakes. "Good" parenting is a balance.

because you jews decided to cut little boys up hours after they are born.


Based Israelis battling for beleaguered Bergers and Euros!! What the hell's going on!!??

Low fertility is not good for the economy and these jews have a one track mind. They didnt cause this. They are causing the refugee "crises" though. Thats the bandaid to low fertility.

Capitalism itself is causing low fertility. We are a victim of our own success.

after the defeat of nazi germany, eugenics was rebranded

American Eugenics Society became "Society for Biodemography and Social Biology"

British Eugenics Society became "Galton Institute"

they switched from hard genocide of the past to more sophisticated soft genocide of modern times
there's alot more undisclosed genocide policies, but the result of this is apparent in the western world
>Jaffe Memo
Soft Genocide Measures Promoted by American Eugenics & Planned Parenthood to reduce US population in 1969.

anti-fertility chemicals in the water, air, food

Modify tax policies
Postpone or avoid marriage (via master degree job requirements, economic crisis)

Encourage increased homosexuality
Educate for family limitation
Fertility control agents in water supply
Encourage women to work
Reduce/eliminate paid maternity leave
Reduce/eliminate social benefits

Chronic Depression (via crime rates, economic crisis, social isolation)
Require women to work and provide few child care facilities
Limit/eliminate publicly-financed medical care, scholarships, housing, loans and subsidies to families with more than N children.
Encourage increased homosexuality
Compulsory education of children

>he likes old hags
>having shit taste

you're too old for the internet gramps

>We are all shitty parents in some way

not to those who has some sort of DECENCY and DELICACY in their behavior.

It IS in the actual memo. What actions were intentionally performed, if any, are debatable. What we do see are declining Western birthrates and a few key points becoming reality, some of which are extremely sinister.

wasting time in intellectual debate is also a reason for declining birth rates

not to mention that cancer rates increased from 10% in 1970 to >50% in 2005, all since nixon declared war on cancer

I know it isnt in the memo but its not outlined. Perhaps it needs to be. Agreed its very sinister, particularly in combination with mass immigration, which politicians are determined to go through with no matter the cost or complaints from the natives.

If you wanted to turn western countries into Globalist entities:
1) turn off the 'flow' of natives via reducing birthrates
2) turn up the flow of immigrants via deleting the borders

It's exactly what has happened and the whole thing stinks to high heaven. There should be at least a massive public inquiry into this in all western countries.

That's pretty suspicious. Reminds of the war on drugs.

Why are these Israeli posters helping us? I'm confused.

and a genocide tribunal

Cultural marxism

The table in the memo is an embarrassment to Planned Parenthood and other groups. There are many versions of the document availible that have been modified to fit various narratives as well as flat-out denials that it even exists.
Fredrich Jaffe was the first President of The Guttmacher Institute, which maintains the original memo on its website. They removed/moved the links leading to the docs recently, but fortunately the faq page was archived last year.

Get the genuine memo here:
> archive.is/aaV8w
Find the link in (pic related)

Direct link no longer directly accessible from main page:
> guttmacher.org/guttmacher-institute-faq#6

>wasting time in intellectual debate is also a reason for declining birth rates
True. Less talk, more fucking!

>Less talk, more fucking!

if only I can actually tell this to my parents that have fallen to the "you must finish your education first" meme.

but alas, when I turned 18 all the girls my age looked dry, wrinkly, droopy eyes and shit. college just meant I need to secure myself financially and my hormones died before I realized it.

my fault? hardly.

ranting here. it's actually worse when parents ask you to "pay back what I paid for your tuition" once you actually got work/career.

>memo is an embarrassment
tbf, they shouldnt really feel embarassed about genocide, cuz its more like a crime...but sociopaths dont know what that is and answer to nobody and love to manipulate facts

the result of "debatable policies" are obvious. controlled decline of birth rates and controlled population replacement = genocide

anyway, best to resolve all this in genocide tribunal

Some Jews realize that if whites go, they're next

It would eliminate a big part of the decline if we could find a way to turn off the tap on the Feminist factories. Women have been spiritually poisoned with the idea that sex is casual fun with no-consequences.
Young Men have had their heads fucked up too. Much of the decline is the result of a changing world, and our inability to find our balance in the face of technology that pushes social change at an insane pace.
Then there's the question of how much is being forced on us by powerful forces from within the shadows.

Like South Africa

>Then there's the question of how much is being forced on us by powerful forces from within the shadows.

just consider the simple fact that the only thing you learn in 12 years of schooling is:
>the world is overpopulated
>you should explore gay sex
>you are useless w/o a phd in lesbian psychology

meanwhile in africa...kids are indoctrinated at a young age to fuck their brains out and have no idea about overpopulation

keep in mind that the west has been overly obsessed and scare mongering with overpopulation for 200 years while the rest of the free world has been fucking and replacing the west
today these eugenicists/genociders mastered feminism, identity politics, global warming, social engineering, economic collapse, and population replacement

>best to resolve all this in genocide tribunal
The real architects of this are all dead and gone. The majority of the people that continue the program are an army of useful idiots that drank the Kool-aid (although I'm in favor neutralizing them with prejudice).
If there is an active hand today it's the untouchable globalist elites guiding it through the IMF. Who knows if we can tear these people down and bring them to justice?

So what can we do? Shall we create petitions on repealing no-fault divorcr, e-mail them to pastors to get lots of signatures, and then send them to our state governors?

Planned Parenthood, IMF, UN, think tanks, policy makers, NGOs, industrialists, corporations etc

you have a limited window before they install full genocide measures after Trump

with Trump/Brexit now is the perfect time to bring the genociders to justice, before they seek their revenge upon you

I want to say it's a mix of "social justice" and r/K selection theory

organize to push for a genocide tribunal

time is limited once they try to get their genocidal maniacs back into power

so Israel kun, how do we fight back against your globalist Jew elite?

>repealing no-fault divorce
sounds like a good start

the west is plagued with myriad of laws and policies to discourage you from breeding

ie: false accusation rape favoring the women

alot of population control laws to repeal