A comment under his last video was deleted within minutes, which spoke about his "Scare PewdiePie" contracts with Disney being discarded. This is now a known news story. His "Youtube red" cooperation was also ended by the Disney officials.
The reason were "7 videos with antisemitic messages."
Since the CEO of Disney is a jew and the directors board is also full of jews, we all know this is not a COINCIDENCE.

Time to redpill PewdiePies fanbase.

Other urls found in this thread:

So take it to the news board loser

I've started scaveging old childrens book and children television in hopes of my "child to come" not being exposed by the extreme waves of propaganda we're experiencing right now. It's sad because I fear the school mileu will just expose him instead. Moving to a simpler life is hardly possible either with my wife and all my family here. Meanwhile fucktard libertarians tells me to not have my nose up other peoples business. I fucking hate cultural nihilists.

Old Tintin comics were based af

>suddenly his entire audience of 12 year olds is made aware of the sensationalist, lying media


Funny how youtube doesn't give af about all the anti-white videos calling for the genocide of white people, but a video with jokes about jews is too much.

holly fuck.

Ol'Walt Disney actually hates jews.

Haha yeah. Actually bought Tintin in both French and danish.

I've set up a home server on which I put approved kids TV shows and books.

The wife has started talking about home schooling. I only mentioned I don't want to send my kids to English schools.

It's funny because PewDiePie is just a cuck trying to be edgy, but unintentionally redpilling his 10yo fans.

>Make vidya reactionary vids for YT acting like a retard
>YT gives you money
>Enter some contract with them
>Have enough money, can't cancel contract
>Decide to sabotage your own channel and retarded YT celeb status
>Get rid of your followers and YT and live out with your money
What else is there to see here?
Or is he going to talk 4chin based world politics with his 60 gorrillion subscribers?

pdp could solve a major problem for right leaning youtubers
you can't go against the jewgle agenda or they blacklist you
and none of the youtube competitors have access to jewgle's ad revenue network, so none of them are possible
but if pdp partnered with one of the competators like twitch, or even started his own pewtube website, he could help create the alternative to youtube that google has been systematically crushing the possibility of for years


So he's basically Hitler burning the Reichstag or 9/11 as a false flag operation to start a new YT platform that will cater to ze NatSoc Pewdiepiejugend?

i liek it

"disney drops youtube star over anti-semitism" kek

Smart. My wife and I agreed to send them to private school. It's still taking a chance though.
But the home server is a smart idea.

i think i liek dewdiepie now.

The media hates him because he has a larger out reach and doesn't tow the PC line.

Home schooling works as long as you have a... well.

"Federation" of home schools, so to speak.

t. Oldest of three homeschooled kids, younger two fell to the poz after we no longer had the ability to socialize with the others.

Fake media, fake news.

You should know by now.
Leave PewDiePie alone

because disney is literally a jewish company in 2017

Post YFW notch and PDP team up to create a new site with like half a billion capital.

Walt Disney is fucking dead


Fake news

Guy is a multi millionaire from gaming the system

I can't imagine why any gigantic corporations would be wary of associating themselves with a guy that makes offensive videos, a Jewish conspiracy is the only explanation

google is so doom'd. their entire business model can be nullified with an adblock plugin. also disney - like every movie studio is eventually gonna be decimated by file sharing. get rekt old media.

pewds should buy twitch and become the biggest media company in teh world

>“To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

Amazon bought it several years back. They won't be letting go of it anytime soon. Even if someone offered more than it was worth.

Not gonna lie, former Pewdiepie fan here. This is fucking hilarious watching Pewdiepie crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get subscribers.

you're not allowed to make insulting videos towards a whole lot more groups than just Jews

do his sponsors even realize that the 14 year olds watching him, who they are marketing to, find antisemitism funny? Fucking idiots.

my favorite part about these threads is they all are filled with several word for word reposts. looks like PDP already signed to a new network and they're doing the -hard- viral shill.

It is. In the past, it wasn't. Never heard of Michael Eisner?

Yeah, online streaming is so outdated now.

Newsflash, edgy dinguses: showing "Death to Jews" messages on Jewtube is a bad idea

too late - i just subscribed.

MTV doesn't deal with such problems even though they constantly disparage white people. The supposed privileged people. It must be just a coincidence goys.

ye he put iger and mosta the jews on the board in place. iger used to run espn also.

really makes me think.


Do not homeschool your kid unless you want an autist without any social skills.

Death to Jews

the only answer is to not have kids.

I wouldn't homeschool but the only homeschooled kids (up until highschool) I've ever met are normal successful people

i want pewdiepie to shove his enormous nazi cock into my non-nazi boypussay and conver me to hitlerism for the reichstag!!!

private schools in the uk are literally a ticket to success
state ones are a gamble, some are passable other are filled with gang violence and drugs

Feliz Knokknskaberg is crossing even Sup Forums lines.
Wtf, I love him.

if I was him, I'd have quit that retarded shit show he does in 2013 or 14.

pull a Ray William Johnson and right off into the proverbial sunset with a fuckload of money.

let down all the retarded fans and start over with a clean slate making your dreams come true.

too bad he has no dreams worth pursuing or maybe I'm wrong and he doesn't talk about it.

*ride off


he is only like 26 rite? he can still do alla dat.

>too bad he has no dreams worth pursuing or maybe I'm wrong and he doesn't talk about it.

He's dreaming of a white ethnostate

Thank God Disney stopped this Bigot from normalizing anti Semitism

Fellow burger, pls shut the hell up.

he's 27.

oy gevalt

Nope my friend.
If you are public person you can critiseze women, muslims and other snowflakes, you might get some heat from said group and people but its not illegal.
Most EU have LAW portecting JEWS from being critisized, once they label you as antisemite no one wants you near them.

But isn't he actually a closeted Nazi?

That's exactly what I want.

Autists without social skills are the least malleable, most susceptible to redpilling.

It's you socail butterflys who are the problem, because you determne truth by consensus, which leds to groupthink and bluepilling.

This is so obvious I'm surprised you don't see it. I guess your friends never told you?

Well, I guess that's one way to instantly redpill FIFTY FUCKING MILLION PEOPLE.

Based Pew"gas'em all"DiePie

>the Nazi meme

Same as it ever was
Same as it ever was
Same as it ever was

Funnily enough, the new office he rents used to belong to Disney.

And gay scat porn is also okay.

I wonder if this has anything to do with it...?

His fan-base seem to have a basic concept of what's truly going on.

haha are you roleplaying in 1984 wtf :--D what are real people anyway


i fucked up the meme fuck

His appeal for his audience just got 10 feet higher.

Who gives a fuck? They call people Nazis every four seconds.


This is literally what Turned Ben Garrison around

Lots of Belgian-french comics were.

It's a big deal because he's got a massive amount of normal faggot followers.

The eternal normie even sees how absurd this is. It's a chance for red pills.



Dutch as well.

>joke about every race of humans on the planet
>no problem

>joke about jews
>blacklisted from all media

really makes you think

Agent 327
Colin Colas
Achille Talon
Smith & Wesson
Ramtamtam & Kierikieli