The transistor was created by white people and is now used to spread white supremacy worldwide via the internet...

The transistor was created by white people and is now used to spread white supremacy worldwide via the internet, especially on sites like Sup Forums.

When will we finally have black computing and the black internet, free from slavery and oppression?

Other urls found in this thread:

why hasn't the computer industry been completely taken down by the SJWs for having female and male ports

surely that binary CIS sexuality terminology violates their safe space

I hear you my brother, boycott the white man's Internet!

>Nongendered fluid port connectors

>NFPCs can't establish connections to anything
>Aren't backwards compatible
>Emit a high pitched whine if used in conjunction with legacy ports

When blacks get their own bordered off piece of the states and live in peace free from whites to create all-black business and ranks of government. They have to border it off because white people be trying to steal black culture yo

True story the former DOE secretary of energy, Hazel O'Leary nigress, made an official complaint upon touring 1 of the laboratories and seeing computing hardware labeled "master" and "slave". That was the leadership contribution. Went does political correctness and bureaucracy seem to go hand in hand?

Best way to boycott a product in a freemarket is not to use it at all. You're part of the problem leaf.

nigger internet

As soon as we decolonize the science and let the Xhosa magic each other with lightning again.

I assume a internet for niggers would be a lot like Africa. Shit.

Internet 2.0,

now with 100% more African lightning magic.

I forgot to mention that this device serves as $cientology internet as well.

Professor William Shockley, 1910-1989, inventor of the transistor and winner of the 1956 Nobel prize for Physics: His views on race so incensed the so-called liberals that he had to be escorted by guards as he went to give lectures on campus.

‘Man is a mammal and subject to the same biological laws as other animals. All animals, including Man, have inheritable behavioural traits. The concept of complete environmental plasticity of human intelligence is a nonsensical wishful-thinking illusion.’



Who's we?

Of course Sup Forums would dislike transistor you homophobe fucks


>Install black internet
>it doesn't work
>just like blacks

I think you're onto something, we could have black scientific advancements like "Black Cloning" where all the clones don't have fathers.

Look fucker, trans isn't a real thing, it's either a malesistor or a femalesistor, anything else is just delusion.

Electricity a social construct you shitlord, your cisnormative +/- bullshit is coming to an end I tell you !

Not bad.