Why liberals hate science so much?

Why liberals hate science so much?

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Unlike the science-focused altrighters that are ending the EPA and call man-made climate change a religion while worshipping the oil and coal industry.

Yeah, youre a retard.

Wow, they're crazier than we are...


We will argue all of those points - which by the way is the foundation of good science. They will not when it pertains to them. Instead they shut it down.

Oy Vey lying isn't working the goyim are waking up

Try turbo-lying!

Oil and coal are safer than (((nuclear power))) and we have an endless supply of both.

Fact, emotions, whatever. All of it's merely a subset of the one true reality: memes.

Post the original OP

There's nothing to argue. Global warming is FAKE NEWS. Trump will find a better use for the money that Obama funneled into that shit show EPA.

subtle :D


thats all libs say

and they always mean foreign children

Libs are scum. It's good to know that they will never run the US again.

Anybody want to give me a quick rundown on what the article says?

>nuclear energy isn't safe
When will this meme die? You don't have to build nuclear power plants on fault lines or where tsunamis will fuck your shit up. You can build them in places that won't get fucked and then they produce massive energy for cheap. And the waste created can be used in smaller/new reactors.

>He fell for the nuclear power is bad meme

(((Renewable energy))) is highly impractical and the materials used for manufacturing it are very bad for the environment. It is only being pushed so heavily so that people are forced to move into megacities near areas where renewable energy is practical so that populations are easier to manage.

>Oil and coal are safer than (((nuclear power))) and we have an endless supply of both.
All the available data says otherwise.

>Nuclear energy is bad
>oil and coal are endless
Neck yourself.

They like to claim reality has a liberal bias, but the facts don't back that up.

They might as well be telling people to be stupid.
This society is a fucking joke.

>we need to get emotional!

Yet that's what has lost them support this entire time. Also, youtube EXTREMELY related.


When we get rid of the liberals.

Oh quit being so blackpilled, Renewables are probably the route for off the grid living possible.

Haven't read the article but is it possible they mean that stating facts alone won't change another person's view?
Its stupid either way but slightly less if they mean to call out that one paradox where the more evidence thats presented, the more the person refuses to change their mind.

Because Liberalism is form of mental disorder.
Liberals don't think they feel.


Feels have never beat facts before. Every time the left used feels to keep a Republican president from getting elected or reelected they lost. If only they'd put down their Harry Potter books and pick up a history book.

(((rejewable))) energy is practical for off grid solutions that require minimal energy. it´s much easier than scaling down a nuclear reactor to household size, and much more economical than bringing fuel to a location that is remote.

Because liberals are tyrants, they are authoritarians who want control over others.

They don't care about science unless it gives them a tool to use as control over others.

They don't care if we go back into the stone age with niggers grazing fields.

It's not about progress, it's not about humanitarian efforts or betterment of life for human beings, it's all about them being lazy nigger kings among masses of servants who provide them with everything they desire.

Kill them all. reveal them with Truth, Kill them with Assault rifles.

Yeah, I don't know why we don't invest in breeder reactors.


>literally feels > reals
Strange timeline we have


Nuclear power is safe. There are also lesser forms of nuclear reactors which are safe but not as powerful.

The main issue with energy we are having right now is the mass of liberals who think strapping a nigger in chains to pick cotton is a viable energy source.

They haven't figured out yet that the sun, wind, water and nuclear fission is more than enough.

For whatever reason, liberals want to go back to the old days, I'm guessing it has to do with authority because they realize they can lie to people but can't lie to a nuclear reactor.

That's not a breeder reactor.

You are literally not qualified to be having this discussion.

So... we don't put the breeders on fault lines. Think before posting again.

you against a caricature of your opponents, carefully incubated within your favorite social circles to represent everything that you hate but not necessarily the objective reality.

So this newspaper straight up admits that we should go back to the intellectual dark ages? You know the era right after the fall of Rome?

>"It's time to give up on facts"


Is that a fact?

That picture is LITERALLY a projection of wave height from the tsunami, and has nothing to do with radiation.

it's why the key is in centimeters.

>nuclear isnt the safest and cleanest source
literal fucking retard alert


Have you seen the mutated animals in Japan?

Nobody ever got cancer from coal or oil.

If the world was endlessly held back by you retarded monkeys we'd be building modern safer reactors.

Instead we're stuck with seventy year old design that you then bitch about it when they have a problem.

Must be nice having your cake and eating it too. Personally, I hope you fucking choke on it.

>natural disaster causes problems
wow congrats on posting 1 of 3 nuclear disasters, only 2 of which were harmful

>that are ending the EPA
good try retard.

>and call man-made climate change a religion
city people that voted hillary actually pollute the most so good try again.

>while worshipping the oil and coal industry.
meanwhile solar and natural gas are doing just fine.

fuck yourself retard.

>literal fucking retard alert
There is no form of power that is better or worse than another.....Just that the side effects of failure can be various.

We know about coal and coal byproducts (fly ash specifically)

What about spent waste from a nuke? How do you expect a human to store something that is dangerous for up to 10000 years? Name one thing that humans could create that will safely survive 10k years?

Nukes do produce waste, and I do not consider them "green" in any sense. The term "green" is warped and used by various people to mean different things.

Nukes are in no way "clean". They do not produce greenhouse gasses....which there is no proof that humans can stop global warming, or even if they are part of the problem of it.

But using Chernobyl and Fukishima as examples....You can prove that humans are responsible for that. You can prove that it will kill you quickly if you don't respect it.

>modern reactors last insanely long now
>the waste can be buried, essentially unlimited space for the waste due to the (relatively) small volume
>only 3 major disasters in nuclear powers history, 2 of which were caused by human error, only 2 were actually harmful

Oh no. They think of American children. Getting crushed up and vacuumed out of the uterus.

Fun fact: Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant was built in the 50's and used blueprints considered terrifyingly outdated at the time

this is where nuclear waste goes for 10k years


>It's not about progress, it's not about humanitarian efforts or betterment of life for human beings, it's all about them being lazy nigger kings among masses of servants who provide them with everything they desire.
This certainly is one aspect of it.


>what are fusion reactors
Soon nuclear waste will just be helium. Then maybe we can have a Sup Forums Zeppelin

>Implying that fission power would be cleaner magically if it had ben built everywhere

Not an argument.

It's not magic. It's science and technology.

You're little monkey brain wouldn't understand.

>endless supply of both
When you burn things they don't come back. Conservation of matter and anyone who's not a total retard says they will run out

Someone explain why there's pizza on the right there?



Emotion is science.

Top Kek

You are a fucking retard, we could have free plentiful energy right now but NO. Fucking bubba here thinks nuclear power is a jewish conspiracy. You are no different than brainwashed leftists if you assume just because Trump said so it must be true.

Fucking this.

I have faith this day will come.