>brexit won
>trump won
>life still feels shitty
anyone else feel this way?
>brexit won
>trump won
>life still feels shitty
anyone else feel this way?
wow it's like no matter who you vote for, the jews still control everything...
Look at it this way. If Trump can win the Presidency and Britain can leave the EU, then you can do whatever you put your mind to as well! You can lose your virginity this year; it's the current year!
We're all gonna make it.
>Take that, lib'rels. I guess...
Yeah....it is like you have to take control of your own life and fix your own problems if you want things to actually improve for you, instead of living vicariously through politics.
Fuck that gay shit. I'd rather be miserable.
Are you 12? Rich will be rich, poor will be poor. For low-test anons like you, it is a lose-lose case no matter what.
And you are a fucking leaf. If you really think that Trump or Brexit would improve your life quality in your frozen shithole, you are pretty much a retarded fuck.
Plus, we're still having to take abuse from liberals, every day.
It's early days, though. We need to get more active. We need to consolidate our power and shut the radical left up for good. I don't mind centrists and it's understandable that some people will never like Trump. That's fine. But the insane, slobbering, raging hatred out there is sickening. It's always been hard to put up with, but they are in full flip-out mode and it just makes me despise them so much. The far-lefties right now are just like fat, foul-mouthed, dirty-minded toddlers, shrieking and flinging their feces everywhere. It's hard to put up with it.
I remember that dance moms clip. Fucked up shit to happen at that age.
I wonder how that kid is doing.
i propose for there to be an official white-only state where all the white nationalists can move and have their utopia
>Plus, we're still having to take abuse from liberals, every day.
I was always laughing at liberal retardation, but now I get to call them losers.
>relying on the government to make you happy
haven't you learned anything since coming here?
That's because you're still in Canada user. It's only getting worse for us.
I like you
We're on the road to recovery leaf. the enemy within and the enemy abroad are still yet to be totally annihilated, but the steps are happening. 3 weeks of Christmas and the edge of eternity.
Our gets will be remembered as prophecies My leaf
We are still early in the year, we haven't even passed the first 100 days. Do not falter, we will win. Our enemies actively destroy themselves every time they reach out to strike us. Endure, master Wayne.
Trump has been in office for a month, brexit hasn't happened yet. Give it time.
There is no political cure for the treacheries of modernity. Left and right are wings of the same shitty bird. No degree of populism or economic nationalism will rid you of your own spiritual rot. Not even ethnonationalism can.
Neither of these things change the fact that whites are being bred to extinction, we made have made a few liberals salty but victory is nowhere in sight.
Wow OP so brilliant it's almost like political decisions thousands of miles away don't actually change your life and you'll probably just have an average, uneventful life like everyone else. Sucks, but, you know, not everyone can be significant.
>pls kill me now.
lol fpbp
>Plus, we're still having to take abuse from liberals, every day.
The worst part for me is the cognitive dissonance of it all. The liberal ideology is blatantly cancerous and extremely damaging, yet they still shill it as the altruistic side.
Our ultimate victory is coming, be patient.
>brexit hasn't happened yet
>trump still hasn't done anything notable yet a part from his immigration ban which was weak as fuck and got blocked after a few days
This is probably why people feel like this. We expected glory too early, big wins on a daily basis ect... instead we got the usual shit and we feel completely underwhelmed as a result.
If your still a neet than technically nothing has changed. Those who expect happiness to be delivered upon them are no better than niggers on welfare.
Go read a book and stop being a pussy op, don't blame others for your problems.
Sort yourself. Only you are capable of controlling your happiness and your life
there is a lot of money and power in the system. fighting the system is hard.
The left is resisting us all they can.
If Trump can be president
And Britain can leave the Eu
There will come a day my friends
When we beat the dirty Jew.
I can't believe I used to be a transhumanist and wanted to become immortal in this world. The red pill magic is waking me up; we may be in hell or at least the first life in a cycle of reincarnations is completely random and most worlds are shit. I am afraid of offing myself because if there are godlike aliens judging us they may not take kindly to that sort of behavior, so I want to die in a glorious fight against China, Saudi Arabia or the Muslims in Europe instead. I am pretty serious about my hypotheses and unorthodox beliefs, that is partially why I hate this world so much, because people don't even like when people like me are so into metaphysics. The 80 IQ shitskins are gonna outbirth everyone and then it's over, sayonara Earth.
because those were all shitty things?
Underrated comment, please kill yourself and end your suffering
I can relate to this feel 100% tbhfampai
I started feeling it in the days after brexit won. I live in a 75%+ remain area. you'd think there'd have been chaos in the streets the next day with how they'd been acting over the months prior. but nothing changed. everyone was angry in the media and in westminster but my world stayed exactly the same. It's eerie. It just reminds us that we have to break the barriers we find ourselves in. improvements will never come from outside.
Life is fucking fantastic. I never want it to end
Chances are you've had many lives, but you can't remember them because that's against the rules.
Life feels miserable because we need to toil through the karma and work towards the coming ascension.
We will get all the great stuff that transhumanism promises except we'll do it naturally through spiritual progression, but we HAVE TO STAY THE COURSE.
We may be in the last generations of this cycle, it may be up to us to break that cycle.