Rage thread?

Rage thread?

Rage thread.

[spoiler]taken from an article about caring more about emotion than evidence[/spoiler]

Other urls found in this thread:


The projection is real.

Btw you need to post more stuff to get the thread going.

>giving a shit about fake news

Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

I'll help a bit.

bumping with a post my old teacher made the other day. this election has really done a number on liberals...if they weren't such faggots I might actually feel kinda bad

More funny than rage but idc.


That's just sad. Why are liberals so shit at memes?


OP ur a shit



this is parody, recommend following that guy


Sorry, got sidetracked



I would cancel mine, but I am using my wife's boyfriends account.







Liberals, everyone.



>if you don't hate yourself RIGHT FUCKING NOW you are a DICKHEAD
I am SO sorry





Fuck, this one always gets me. You can taste the sense of entitlement in it.





What a fucking moron


>Carly Harris was a Mormon college student volunteering in November 2015 at a refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos. Soufiane El Yassami was a Muslim fast food worker fleeing Morocco in hopes of a better life.

"Fleeing" Morocco? Go fuck yourself.

How does this cunt not know she's being used? Fer Fuks Saks.

>having mulitple genders but understanding none of them
Wow, I'm gyragender!

>appeal to them at an animal level because that's the limit of their intelligence








>reducing your pet third worlders to being completely incapable of thought

Pic inadvertently related. Circled area is rage bait, but also uniquely applies to progressive retards' point of view of themselves versus their minority pets.

Woops, wrong one. That ones just plain sad and pathetic though.

Why do I suddenly smell toast?

I actually lol'd hard.

Full article is rage inducing


This resumes the list



Thats so sad.






Actually she's a liberal troll trying to get a reaction out of people. Still funny though.




Hindsight 20/20


Found this awhile back
Exactly this. I hear it all the time since I'm 29 and never been married, no kids, college degree, I'm unemployed now but my last job was more than the median household income.

I can't think of a worse perspective on it.

"don't worry, it changes and women will be all over you soon!" That's wonderful. I get to be the designated driver for the party I was explicitly not invited to. I get to enable a woman to party it up, get drunk, spend her twenties having a blast, and then be her exit ramp. I get to provide for her now that everyone else has had their fill. And when I get her, she will be at her worst and only headed downhill. Awesome. She spent her twenties having fun, I spent my twenties building myself up into something, and I'll finally have the privilege of just sharing it with someone who wants to team up at the eleventh hour.





This one makes me feel better. Liberals had already have a habit of pretending to have the high ground but on election night their egos broke orbit only to come crashing down in a blaze of hypocrisy


>mfw gaylord liberal arts professor asks us if we "fact-check memes"



Ignore the MGTOW symbol


love her






beat me to it

Fuck BLM
Fuck the Confederacy


>*HIIYA!!!* "take that!"

this is the saddest thing ever. I sincerely hope his mother dies from the most painful type of cancer there is. probably rectal cancer

She's so adorable.

>it's okay to vandalize historic landmarks for your stupid nigger movement


>even when they have a history of violence

Are they trying to imply a man guilty of domestic violence can buy a firearm after filling out a 4473? Because that's incredibly untrue.

If you ignore the words, the image is correct. Africa is fucking YUGE and the Mercator projection is not an accurate representation of landmass nor was it intended to be.
Neat interactive map: thetruesize.com

I'm so fucking triggered right now.


>tfw Trump is president

