Libtards keep using this argument

how do I refute this Sup Forums?

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don't associate with liberals.

wrong nigger


Race is not a social construct, but our definition of race is, to some extent.

Just say


It's that fucking easy. Don't humor the argument, which is the equivalent of a five year old saying "timeout!" before you catch him in a game of tag. They know, in their core, that they are arguing a new concept that they have to prove. They usually do this by posturing and alienating verbiage meant to disorient and bamboozle. Just tell them fucking no. Forcefully. Like a woman who says she has a headache and doesn't want to fuck. "No. Tonight I am fucking you."

This is a "take the pussy" argument, user. Don't humor this obviously fake, deliberately confounding, reality denying, word salad bullshit. If you try and argue it all, you're legitimizing it better than they ever could. If you argue with these enemies, they win.

This right here

>how do I refute this
Niggers are black, whites are white. Society doesn't make me see different colors.

Ask them how criminal forensics and archaeology work.
>is skull shape and brain size a social construct?

Did bady actually say that? I though he could only say "fadda fucking fuck".

Species similarities between humans are much more similar than the differences in race to the point where it is questionable if it is even a need to have policies that discriminate in negative or positive ways.

"science" is a social construct

Any racial differences (like shown on these charts) also follow averages more than not. It is better to look at people as either other humans or individuals. To do anything else is to weaken the species as a whole.

Tell them that consent is also a social construct, then proceed to jam your dick into their asses.

Tell the kike that you are not one of the ordinary goy cattle and that you are aware of his schemes to destroy the European race.

Have fun.

This makes no sense. So everyone's definition of race is subjective (a social construct) but race itself isn't a social construct? What you're saying is that your definition of race is objective, but other people's definition of race is subjective

"Then how to forensic scientists routinely determine the race of violent crime suspects by genetically analyzing blood and semen samples from the crime scene?"

>Biology classes
>Talk about how all living organisms are different in every single way
>Professor starts talking about people
>"And yet, it's weird that humans aren't held to this same standard. Shame that we consider both a wolf and a dog part of the canine family, and yet we don't consider black people or white people different types of humans"
>Class goes dead silent
>Some people literally go "woo"
>Tumblrina clearly only here for a degree requirement storms out of class
>Professor throws up his hands and goes "I love being tenured"

I like my University

i agree. out with affirmative action

>Find thighbone in backyard.
>Call forensic anthropologist.
>Tells you age, sex, health, and race.
Skin color is the least of differences between the races.

Fake news.

"race" is a nonsense word at this point that has 3-4 completely different and correct meanings.

for most stuff that people use race for they should use "sub type or phenotype"

but those words are mean and not friendly enough.


What school is this?

>things that totally happened
I would love to hear audio

Yeah the whole argument of "X is a social construct" means absolutely shit. So what if it's a "social construct"? Social constructs are what differentiate us from the animals. Shitting in the toilet is a social construct, so why don't I just go take a shit in the middle of the floor right now?
If the other person is a feminist tell them that sexual consent is a social construct (animals don't have consent right?) so why don't I forcefully rape you right now? And watch them sperg.

>liberals love to deny science when it doesn't match their agenda
>see race, gender, and causes of global climate change

Check out the Alternative Hypothesis on YT, some good videos on this subject.


Racially I am incredibly similar to Europeans (Caucasian, Aryan) however I look nothing like them and that's because of the social construct part

fucking saved, thanks bro.

Oh really, nigger? The sources are listed. By all means, verify for yourself, but you won't. Why? because you're a nigger with Kangz mentality, and you'll abruptly plunge your nappy head into the sand at the first sight of information that contradicts your pathetic narrative born of racial insecurity. Eat elephant shit, you subhuman piece of human debris.

social constructs are a social construct. They have no scientific (or logical) basis.

Race is a taxonomy of genetic divergence that is overwhelmingly scientifically valid to the point that someone's DNA can be analyzed to tell what race they are. the fact that racial designations are arbitrary does exactly nothing to change the proven, scientific fact that your DNA tells us where your ancestors evolved.

Also, science proves that niggers are violent retarded. You want a race of violent retards? If yes, you are antisocial and must be killed. If no, then help us get rid of them.

if "that" is so....why celebrate diversity?

If race is a social construct, then why do black lives matter?

>evolution is real
>animals evolved by small changes into sub species
>there are tons of sub species in animals like dogs and cats
>but the idea of sub species of humans is absurd and race is just a social construct with no science, despite observable differences like blacks being more naturally stronger and whites less likely to get certain cancers

If you can see a difference there is a difference.
An example of a social construct is money, or contracts or law. Something that only exists because we create it.
Race exists without civilization (black people would be black even in 3000BCE, etc) so it is not a social construct.

I'd just say that the real biological phenomenon that we're trying to define is difficult to define. I liken race to musical genres written in the DNA. There are those who will say that this or that genre of music does not exist, or that it's similar in some ways to another genre, etc. There are those who like to mix genres, and those who want to keep them "pure". No two people will agree on a strict definition for what constitutse a musical genre, or how many genres exist, and yet there are thousands of PhD's who make a lifetime of studying and describing such categories, new examples of which may be discovered or created depending on the level of human consensus concerning such examples. Again, it is important to remember that, unlike actual musical genres, race is expressed from our biology.

But when they do that, aren't they just looking at percentages, like 23 and me? The lib is probably going to say, yes, there are identifiable differences between racial groups. You can say that African-Americans tend to have dark skin, but you can't classify them as a race, because so many of them have European DNA as a result of mixing.

The lib is going to argue (if they manage to form an argument) that there are no distinct racial lines. They basically debunk an idea of racial purity that no one actually holds, and then they say the observable and measurable differences between groups will eventually be bred out as a result of race mixing. That's the main argument I've heard from them.

You can find genetic differences between Italians and Germans as groups in the same way there are differences between Italians and Chinese. But that doesn't refute anything because obviously there are varying degrees of difference.

I want to understand the lib position on race, but I'm honestly not hearing much of anything from them other than bad arguments and violence.

Rofl Homo sapiens that every race has its origins in came from Africa. How is 96-97 of whites not come from Africa? That link is fucking dead.

Hjernevask - "Race"


>Attempting to refute something not based in scientific understanding.

It's as if you enjoy diving into a conversation about the infallible truths of existentialism. Tell them if they cannot prove it in the scientific model, then their OPINION isn't based in scientific fact, and hence, a hypothesis itself.


Show them Abbos


The mere sight of an abo was enough to red-pill me on race realism.

It is better to look at Abbos and Sub-Saharan Africans as separate sub-species from Europeans and Asians (who are also sub-species from each other but much closer related than they are to these primitive sub-species). Because that's what we do with all other animal species.

We classify humans differently. Either by race which can be problematic when race is used in place of nationalist or ethnicity as it often is. Or we have social anthropologists, mostly of ashkenazi jewish descent, telling us all the races are one single race which is beyond fucking retarded. The jew who came up with this even claimed you could take an Abbo to the US and his phenotype would change completely due to the environment. This is the father of "we all da same" pseudo-scientific judeo-bullshit.

I also think it's dumb when races are compared to dog breeds. Dogs are domesticated, we classify all domesticated animals by breed. These are human creations. Technically those hideous mentally ill race mixed monstrosities are human creations too if you consider jews human. I don't though because it makes it much easier to convince others to exterminate them