All this concern trolling

>all this concern trolling
sorry shills, outrage fatigue is real. nobody cares about all these 'scandals' like doing your job and doing what you said you would.

looks like you faggots better settle in for 12 years of the god emperor. lmaoing at your life right now.

is that a dude?

You'd like that wouldn't you

does it matter?


>it's not a dude


People don't understand the concept of crying wolf anymore.

That's some top tier man ass OP

nice ass
good thread
true things said

Need sauce with those thighs.

Like calling faggot goys Nazis and everyone is racist but them. Heard it all so many fucking times no one cares

Sara Wicked Weasel

2/10, Drongo.


ooo that one was really wet tee hee~~

Short dyke haircuts on chicks can ruin anything.

I wish

I've seen so many porn stars fucking up against that exact tree.

thanks man

That's a nice ass for a guy.

yup based australia bro. trust me americans are tired of this shit.

if russia tampering equals a wall with mexico, no muslim, and kicking the israeli traitors out in exchange for shit we care dick for in Europe i say go for it.

I get fighting China over Australia but honestly the rest of these countries are suicidal at this point.

No, there is no bulge from the looks of it

I way give each eastern european nation a nuke and to ensure their autonomy. Then we shut down all the bases so russia cant use that as a defense.

Is that a turd turtle heading out of her ass?

based roo

Thanks for the great question. You see, that brings up the more complex issue of Islamic immigration into the united states. Islamic people subscribe to a religion that is inherently different than the beliefs of the people of the united states. It's not necessarily bad, but it is different. Because of the nature of democracy in the United States those people will have an equal voice in the way the country is run. That can fundamentally change the beliefs of the people of the United States. Because of that I am against Islamic immigration. Not because they are necessarily bad, but because we are necessarily good. And we don't need to change something that is good.


top kek


Well spoken Straya, but he can't be at the helm for 12 years. It's 8 at best.

doubt numerical ouija at your peril