its looking more and more like Bannon/Miller will be fucked as a result of this.
Will trump even last a full year in office?
President Pence has a nice ring to it....
Dont care
>illegals going back
>child abusers being locked up
care, don't care: others with power and authority do,and that's what matters.
Heads will roll because of this: could even bring down the entire administration.
ok srs wtf is he doing?? this is not a tv show you dumb fuckign carrot
manafort... guy who was a consultant to some russian/Ukraine firm
this is old news
If you think Drumpf is 100% perfect, then you are 100% a shill and need to fuck right back off to r/The_Donald where you can jerk each other's tiny weiners off, and
out of sight of the adults here.
Ask yourselves:
Are you running for re-election?
Are you getting paid?
If you answered No to both of these questions, let me ask (You) now:
Why the mental gymnastics? Every time your God Emperor goes full retard, every deplorable fanboy crawls out of their echo chambers below to rush to his
The Election is over faggots. He is YOUR President now. If he fucks up, you need to hold him accountable. Stop voting against your best interests for the sake of
your own vanity. Stop trying to be above SJWs because you are literally no better.
You like having your swamp drained and then refilled with the same crocs?
You like having a President who believes the vaccines cause autism and that climate change is a Chinese conspiracy?
You like your country represented by an overtly sensitive pussy who furiously tweets with the vocabulary of a 5 year old anyone who dares criticize him?
You like having the Russians compromise your national security and manipulate your public servants for their own benefit?
He's yours now.
It was a pleasure knowing you autistic manchildren.
Toodle Fuckin' Oo.
we memed him into office, we didn't say we wouldn't meme him out of office.
>tfw Sup Forums just randomly decides to meme people in and out of office for the next 100 years
>tfw we will actually live to see kanye west be president and get impeached 12 days later after he's implicated in pizza gate
let's hurry up and impeach him so we can have some more happenings
i like that actualy
Why is talking to russians a big deal? Why should i give a shit?
Russia is our greatest ally. We need all states to return to nationalism and kick out the ZOG bankers. Enough is enough, pic related
CNN and NYT reporting there are FOUR names tied to this..... manfort likely one, wonder who the other three are....
keep pushing libs, you're basically installing trump as dictator. I don't expect you to understand but just wait, you'll see what happens.
>Multiple officials say
Who? The CIA?
How many threads about this are you shills going to make? Like God damn.
NYT is saying
>repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials
It's kind of a big deal if they were talking to russian spies. It's a big deal if they were coordinating strategy with russian spies.
>muh Russians
>muh dick
>muh popular vote
Did they also speak to kikes and spics?
Let me know when an actual news organization reports this.
>Against the deepstate
>Against the ZOG bankers
Why the fuck is Steve "Soros Money" (((Mnuchin))) Secretary of the Treasury??
All Sup Forums has been a Turump shill since day one.
The rats are scurrying back into the shadows because they know Trump will have their heads.
if each of us kill like 10 libtards and one globalist we could save the west
So what is real new saying
>that's not kikebart so it's fake
>If it's not something I agree with, it's fake
This is in the top ten single most damaging strategies to ever be employed in our nation's politics. Literally dealt a permanent blow to the basic level of intelligence employed by the average voter.
Now instead of doing research, they "know" what's true and will ignore any source that doesn't tell them what they want to hear.
I totally saw this same headline months ago.
So much russophobia I'm figuratively literally shaking.
Make no mistake about it, they're attempting a coup.
Fake news. Trump is literally Hitler and Hitler hated Russians.
Friends close, enemies closer. He's not on the list, You're bringing up red herrings. If Trump had gone full redpill desttucto, he'd have been suicided or heart attacked by now
I have always been saying Russia did you a favour by letting you know how corrupt Hillary and Clinton Foundation is.
But you democrats would rather not know, and be ignorant and pretend Hillary is the best.
>If you don't blindly suck the same cock as me, you're a liberal
Do you see what I'm fucking saying yet?
You have proof of Hillary sucking Saudi cock.
You have some indications of Trump teaming up with Russia to beat some muslims.
Which problem is the more concerning?
Liberals claim Russia is more concern, because they love their muslims.
What's your take on it?
>You have proof of Hillary sucking Saudi cock.
So prosecute her. I don't think anyone gives a fuck about Hillary anymore. She is not in power . There would be no public policy consequences.
>The officials interviewed in recent weeks said that, so far, they had seen no evidence of such cooperation.
from the article
Does your boss actually think that a bunch of Pakis in a warehouse reading some kike-written scripts are "blending in?"
But you can't prosecute her since you would rather have her as your president.
The problem as I see it, you choose to piss your pants because Trump is going to beat up some muslims with Putin.
Wrong, there has been a split between Trumpers (mostly redditors who came ~1 yr ago) and oldfags for months now. Most oldfags have got tired of the faggotry and relentless trump dickriding and left
good god the shills are coming out of the wood like termites over literally nothing....yet again.
Sup Forums is fucked, thanks to CTR last year with divide and conqueor strategies literally ANY post that is remotely critical of trump is shouted down as shill with no actual context or thought behind it.
This place is becoming reddit 2.0 with so many shills
Venezuela Kicks CNN Out Of Country For Creating Fake News
The Panama Post is reporting that Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has officially expelled CNN from the country after the news network once again was dishonest with it’s reporting.
From the Panama Post:
Maduro said Sunday he wants CNN “outside” Venezuela after he claimed the news channel manipulated information about a student’s complaint regarding the lack of food at school.
“Some media like CNN tried to manipulate information,” he said. “They can not manipulate information like that, it’s our affair, of Venezuelans. CNN does not need to put its nose in Venezuela … I want CNN well away from here.”
This is just the latest example of fake news coming from CNN and just the latest world leader to call them out for being downright dishonest.
President Donald Trump has repeatedly slammed CNN for it’s fake news reporting.
>The officials interviewed in recent weeks said that, so far, they had seen no evidence of such cooperation.
I agree, Obama started the shit too like a fucking idiot.
Both sides just spout fake news now and with the media being truly untrustworthy it's impossible for someone like me to do any research. I read one source and it conflicts with another source.
No shit retard im talking about in general
Exactly proved my point
>It's a big deal if they were coordinating strategy with russian spies.
you played the Russian card before and nobody gave a fuck, why would we care now? Russia is a huge country with lots of wealth, natural resources and freaky white women who want us to be balls deep in them, whats bad about being aligned with them exactly?
well when it's so fucking obvious when the retarded Aussie didn't READ THE FUCKING ARTICLE
yeah you can call him shill
you absolute fucking mongoloid
I dont fucking care anymore. Do it. Fucking impeach him. We will fight and we will die. Just pull the fucking trigger.
he's an obvious shill you fucking flaming faggot
who the fuck are the "Russians"
an unsourced boogyman
from the article itself
>The officials interviewed in recent weeks said that, so far, they had seen no evidence of such cooperation.
Yeah... sure burger, you are a total badass ready to fight.
Frijolero is going to get himself tied to a tin roof in the desert by Zetas with that attitude.
this, it's so blatant
wtf I hate Trump now