Got into it with my older brother because he insists on pointing out that somebody is white when he doesn't like them. I kept seeing "angry white guy" "white" this and that. WHITE president (Hates Trump).. so I called him out on it and asked him why he did it.. because he claims to stand against racism and to stand for peace and equality.

He chose to delete my question. So I asked again in a more blunt way. Then he decided to block me so I texted him that it was typical.

So he just calls me a troll and a psychopath etc.. before ignoring me there too.

I'm just sick of the hypocritical hate.. and I'm done ignoring what I can see and have a voice to speak out against.

Neither "side" are for the people. -.-


Other urls found in this thread:


Got this one guy that used to go to my highschool, I keep seeing him comment on facebook about typical leftist shit, and It annoyed me so much because I go there to chill.

Told him he better write it somewhere otherwise you might say something that makes you look like a dumbass

Somewhere else* my bad

Yeah the only problem was this is my brother.. and we've already been on edge about this bullshit.. he's very hardcore left and spews most of their propaganda..

I just couldn't help myself from making the glaringly obvious point of his hypocrisy.

I tried to be tactful at first I can't remember exactly how I wrote it.. but I basically said something like "you seem to call out peoples' whiteness a lot.. why is that?"

And instead of responding he chose to delete it.

So I said it's still hate even if you choose to ignore it.. and basically asked him again why he insisted on pointing out that people are white.

And he took it down from there..

..granted I did text him after he chose to block me.. but I didn't jump to any dire insults before he called me a troll and psychopath -.-

and we're both white..

if he's reached that point, he has been brainwashed. I taught my brother the kek ways. Never told him to moderate but he seems to have done it himself. No hard political views and jokes with pepe and trump a lot.

Proud of that little bastard, hearing your end sounds bad.

Should probably tell mine more often that since the final push of the meme wars he has made me proud. For being a brat most of the time, he deserves it. Good luck with your case, sounds like a real nutjob

I don't think anybody gets triggered harder than white people getting called white people. I guess it's because they aren't used to getting generalized by race being the majority and all but goddamn if it isn't the silliest thing.

Wait for him to not bring a homosex minority to thanksgiving dinner as a date and then call him out for hiprocrasy in front of your entire senpai

Because now, its to demonize. Call me a white boy 5 years ago and the only thing that would come up in my mind is "lol what? Yeah I am."

Yeah it wasn't that I got triggered by whites being called whites..

The insane levels of hypocrisy triggered me.

I don't like any senseless discrimination.

If anything, its the act of "stop racism, by starting racism on whites" its bringing us back to square one

Yeah he's pretty severely brainwashed it seems.. marched for the women's rights recently and everything..

Glad to hear your situation is better

>When white people chimp out



I'm taking that.

"white people" is the same as saying "nigger" in the current social climate

it's used exclusively as a derogatory word

and it's not even that the white racsim is just being started.. there's always been racism against whites.. against all races.

Now, they are just making whites join in with the racism against their own kind..

Not that I really believe in race anyway.. we are all mutts, no matter what our prominent genes display.

Jeez fuckin hell. Remember that by being against him however, especially against an EXTREMIST like him, what you say, each word of it, will matter a lot. The only way to win is if he can't really counter your arguement.

I spend my time on the bus thinking and checking the latest news. As for research, know your scources and analyze their articles to check their legitimacy. I like to take 5 random articles and fact check them myself to know how they write, what they will and will not say.

What is it with Caucasians and their self hate? I don't understand it.

>When Churchill chimps out so you chimpout harder, and it takes the combined strength of 50 white nations to finally out chimp you after 6 years of outchimping them

Caucasian does not equal white, Arabs are caucasian as well.

White means European.


Okay. But still though.

Well that explains it.

I don't hate myself.. well I sort of do.. but it's not because I'm white..

Right which is why he chose to delete my comment/question instead of responding..

that's the thing.. if you have them in a moral or hypocritical quandary, they'll almost always just start flaming or running. He's my brother so he chose to run and then flame.. but still.. I did not bring any hate.

I asked him a simple question meant to entice him into observing his own hypocrisy.

I honestly didn't expect it would work but I had to try..

No, its done specifically to demonize straight white males. The left has been subtly doing it for years. The left loves white women though, they are they key to breeding out the white race all together. If you glorify interracial relationships enough, then they will latch on, and in a few decades white children will be the minority

so he is a r9k tier numale cuck?

His genes are weak OP, murder him and impregnate his gf. He doesnt deserve to pass on his cuck genes

>Right which is why he chose to delete my comment/question instead of responding..

They literally are unable to think for themselves. They simply ingest and regurgitate propaganda without any steps in between. It's basically the end product of an education system that encourages rote memorization above questioning and understanding.

Once confronted with it they blame you for their sudden feelings of cognitive dissonance.

This is mostly true..

..but I can understand how they can lull people that still do have some thought capacity.. I know my brother isn't stupid.. he is just too passionate.. and they lulled him with human rights propaganda.

They are VERY good at what they do and it has worked on MOST of the population for a long long time.. only recently has it really started crumbling.

I'm so sad but all 3 of my siblings are fairly brainwashed.

Incidentally my only full sibling is the least brainwashed.. but still there.

Majority? Europeans have the smallest population in the world.

White children are the minority.