SAY IT WITH ME, Sup Forums!


in hell







White women who reproduce with negroes deserve to be beaten every day for the rest of their lives.




That's White Nigs, That's Right!

Bitch should have learned how to make a sandwhich!

>you sound like a nigger.
why don't you faggots just act like men instead of beta faggots and perhaps these women will run into your arms instead of some nigger who will use and abuse her.
obviously being a man does not require niggerish behaviour, you can still love and care for your girl, and treat her with the respect the love of your life (and possibly mother of your children) deserves.

the amount of white "men" out there today is pretty limited, not including beta fags that cry constantly and want to talk about their feelings. It's no wonder women are drawn to blacks when all the beta fag whites in America are too scared to even make eye contact with a nigger. you are basically telling girls "this nigger is more alpha than me"


Even if you are a man, American™ """Culture""" has taught us how much cooler and exciting black people are.

They also teach them rampant hedonism and how to live without any responsibilities or repercussions for your actions

Its a great cocktail to give pur young ladies and teaches them love and diversity

>our culture tells us to like black men
do you go after the women you find attractive or do go after the women your friends say are hot? Do gay people fuck men because our society glorifies gays or do they just like sucking dick?

If you make yourself into an appealing individual then it's irrelevant what our culture says, girls will find you irresistible.

The guys on here sound like the fat girls who is crying and saying she doesn't understand why all the guys go for the fit pretty girls when all the pretty girls are bitches and she genuinely cares for the men. All the while eating another spoonful of ice-cream. Don't know bout you but I would pick the fit bitch over the fat caring girl any day



Ive had a girlfriend for 4 years, Im just saying that its no secret that the popular culture of today pushes a certain image of black people being uber masculine and cool, while representing white men as boring and racist

the jews