Why didn't you guys vote for the one man who was actually going to save America?

Why didn't you guys vote for the one man who was actually going to save America?

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No refunds Bernout


Because - he is a Socialist you fucking retard. And, Socialism hasn't worked anywhere ever. Looks good on paper, but in the long run it ends in misery and a wrecked economy.

You fucking dumbass.

Something about the game being rigged from the start.

I did. When the DNC screwed him over, I switched over to Trump. There was LITERALLY a 0% chance I would ever consider voting for Clinton.

Why are you even here?

LMFAO Yea tax the shit out of all the productive people who provide value so the losers and subhumans have health insurance and food stamps.


Because I want to be?

>Sup Forums is right wing

There are lots of liberals here, why are you here?

> Save America
lol, America can't be peacefully saved at this point, it's beyond peaceful redemption.

Hillary should have won and high IQ people should have been put in charge, instead of this stormfags vs faggot snowflakes shitfest that we have now.


Couldn't even save himself from El Rato.

I did

>Save anything

The only thing the government should give these idiots for "free" is a helicopter ride


Because americans are racist and wont help out impoverished minorities.

Is that why minorities overwhelmingly voted against him in favor of Clinton?

You don't help people by stealing money from someone else

>be jewish
>run for president in a country where most people hate jews
>surprised when you get less than 35% of the vote

Because he'd already dropped out of the Republican primary by the time my state got to vote.

But, I did vote for him.

this isnt your safe space i think youre looking for r/the donald

Thats what taxes do. But Bernie is smart he will steal from the rich and give to the poor. Stop being a racist bigot and help them.


>Why didn't you guys vote for the swamp
no thanks. fuck these useless career politicians


The one man that's been an establishment politician for over 30 years, and done exactly fuck all. The one man, that got proper fucked by his own political party, then took a check and quietly bought a summer home for 600k. The one man that said he was against everything Clinton stood for (big business politics, etc) then campaigned for her/that. GTFO, clownshoes.

Nobody knew of Bernie like Hillarys Clinton thats why. I tell all about Bernie and free health and everyone agrees they made a mistake.

Stereotypical problems pertaining to the Socialist Kike

We did. And he won.



Sorry but the America I live in is the one Barney Sandals wants to destroy. Objectively. Period. He's a criminal and his teeth should be smashed out with a hammer before he is burned alive.

If I learn that people who work for me like Sanders, I fire them. I find an excuse and I throw them to the curb. No thief--and that is what every Leftist is--has any business working for me. I look at your facebooks, I look at your Pinterests, and I find an excuse to throw you out.



I did, and the DNC took him away from me.

Now I'm satisfied watching the democrats burn.


Why is anyone here, guy?

praise kek



I still voted for Stein but since it was in such a deep blue state it was more to get the third party votes bolstered.


Someone should give this commie helicopter ride.

>tl;dr generic Jew

Why are they still impoverished even in countries where they make up the majority?

>i dont know the difference between social democracy and socialism: the board

kek did not want him, just that simple

So what does he know about it?

Yes i like these.

Bernie knows how white treat hispanic or black. Its called profile and soon more whites will apologize by giving poor free health.

Nice. I lived in PA, though. You can see why I had to vote for the one of the two main candidates.

Social democracy is worse. It is literally mob rule on a national scale. Get gassed

everything is going to burn don't worry.
Islam will swallow the West
WW3 could happen before then given how volatile world diplomacy is rn
We're all fucked. Let's enjoy it.

I couldn't vote for him because my party was still Republican from 2012.

I'm mocking him, I don't agree with that socialist fuck.


Bernie can't even answer a simple question.


Because Hillary rigged the voting machines in the Democratic primaries.

... Tell me again of the deb? Under capitalist system how is the economy? Too big to crash?

i only see an old pussy

I know but I find it amusing. Self-hating white people acting like know-it-all about racial division, but then they claim we (as white people) can't understand it.


My bro in law supported him. absolute cuck, when he sold him out, he supported jill stein she even sold him out.

Capitalism has elevated the standard of living and pulled more people out of poverty more than any other economic system in the history of humanity

Socialism gives you Venezuela

>saving anything

like Hugo Chavez saved Venezuela

You say worse but minority together makes it better. America is democrat and we vote to help the less fortunate. Donald trump is not like this democracy.


Hmm? I say she makes it better at the end with no makeup. What do you mean by this?


because he doesn't have a clue what he's talking about. Want to talk about "alternative" facts? I have never heard such a professional fake fact generator in my life and all you libs just gobble that shit up because it confirms biases you already had...even though what he says is total horse shit...

she became a commie.

are you new here or something, guy?

>Why didn't you guys vote for the one man who was actually going to save America?
because burgers are inculcated nihilists


another example

Sophomore is still kind of cute.

Hehehe thats a good joke.

I almost miss this one. Maybe its because some other nation lack the democracy to help them. Its better more and more minority come to the USA to help make laws.

she's hot in all of them, even the last one in a soviet-queen kind of way


Don't you mean Spend?

I'll vote for a democrat when one is

>pro gun. Like full on /k/
>pro nuclear power
>anti war
>will deport illegals and support a new amendment to remove birthright citizenship

Bernie "Weekend at my new vacation house" Sanders? You probably aren't old enough to drink, or are retarded.

No thanks.

so true.

So id be supporting the faggot antifa fucks that destroy shit....... makes perfect sense while bernie gives riches to his jew bankers but says it will all be ok and ebverything is free.... ok... fuck off


Because he's a communist except when it comes to campaign donations. We're capitalists here. Now you have to go back. Go. Run along.


We already voted for Ron Paul in 2012 what are you talking about

So you align more with Clinton and especially Jill Stein but you still voted fucking Trump? How does that work

He supports private ownership.

>tfw socialism and communism doesn't work but cuba has a higher literacy rate than the US

>support a new amendment to remove birthright citizenship
what would determine citizenship? not criticizing, I'm genuinely interested.


What do you think matters more, trade deals or gay marriage?

Get yourself one of these m8

I'll give ya that one OP.
Imagine Justin Trudeau trying to Cuck Bernie Sanders with his Chin-gag.

I mean just looking at your image, I can tell that would never work on the Bern.

I know but its hard to tell a racist that but its true.

Fair enough.